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McKelligon Canyon

Category: Cruisy park, Cruisy parking lot , trails Directions: Off Alabama St. across from the Army Hospital is McKelligon Canyon Road. Also action near VFW.
Submitted: Jul 24 2016 (Edited 07/04/24)
Cruised here? Rate this place:
3.06/5 based on 16 votes. The median rating is 3.
Read & Write Reviews: 217 Reviews

Address: McKelligon Canyon Road
City: El Paso
State: Texas
ZIP/Postal Code: 79930
Country: United States of America

Possibly no longer cruisy, considering deletion

Previously reported AYOR due to photography and arrests.

The action was at the end of the road, tables, trails, or cars.

GPS Approximate Latitude & Longitude: 31.8435,-106.491
See larger zoomable map from Google

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Undocumented Cocksucker


Posted Feb 04 2025:
Heads Up!
ICE was at the Canyon this morning. Be careful girls.

Edited on 02/09/25
TDY Soildier


Posted Jan 22 2025:
Yesterday at noon there was a car parked at the water tank. Opened the door and was naked. I got inked Mexican. Not into kissing, not giving head, but let me fucked his round ass bareback in the back seat. Also did not let me JO his dick. Surprise no more than three inches with a long foreskin.

But I was in need to fuck.

Edited on 01/26/25


Posted Jul 02 2024:
Eliminen este sitio de la lista. Murio.

Remove this site from the list. Dead.

Edited on 07/04/24


Posted Apr 24 2024:
Not a single soul this past two weeks.

Edited on 04/26/24
To Diana


Posted Apr 06 2024:
To be honest I still go and suck dick usually between 10 am and 1 pm at the amphitheater.

I noticed you like old dick. You're like me. Last group done by me all between 50's and 70's.

Love that uncut foreskin and that takes time to make them hard.

Edited on 04/17/24
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Posted Jan 31 2024:
Good to know. It was probably a reaction to the recent arrest of the guy at the WalMart who was exposing himself. Police are out to "bust a nut" who tries it again.

Edited on 02/01/24


1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted Jan 26 2024:
Heads Up!
Did the cop offered his dick to you? Just a joke. More than once an undercover had conducted arrests at the Park but the horny bitches keep going and attracting more law enforcement officers to the scene. This morning the VA Police were there too.

Edited on 01/28/24


Posted Jan 24 2024:
Heads Up!
Ladies, be careful. This morning I was cruising around the VFW and an undercover came and asked me if I was OK. I told him yes. He told me people are complaining of "indecent exposure" around the pavilion. Told him never seen anything "unusual."

Edited on 01/25/24
To Visitor


Posted Dec 07 2023:
Agree with Luis. In summary McKelligon Canyon died after the military hospital closed. Ascarate is full of migrants and sheriffs are constanly patrolling the place. Blackie Chesher Park became a magnet for drug addicts and that's the reason for so much police presence. The cinemas are nursing homes. Fiesta died after COVID. Eros is a nursing home and the cinema in Sunland Park is risky. No idea what they do with your ID's.

Juarez offers bathhouses and cabinas. You pay like three bucks and you can have as much sex as you want.

Good luck.

Be careful with Grindr. I had few bad experiences including some crazy that used my pictures to attract men.

Edited on 12/08/23


Posted Dec 03 2023:
My guess is that guys either go on apps and meet at their houses or do car fun somewhere else. Also, I heard a lot go to Juarez now. A lot of action is over there. El Paso cruising places are pretty much dead.

Edited on 12/06/23


Posted Dec 02 2023:
Another empty place.

Boys, any idea what happened in El Paso? Where you guys go for fun?

Edited on 12/02/23
Xtra Large Body Here


Posted Aug 30 2023:
Heads Up!
Went by yesterday. Suspicious black jeep lurking around everywhere I went. Didn't know if it was a cop or what.

Decided to check VFW. From the spot I was parked could see lots of police action going up. Anyone know why?

The Canyon is a total cockblock.

Edited on 08/30/23


Posted Jun 22 2023:
Heads Up!
Hope guys understand this place is full of crazy bitches taking pictures of the car plates, undercover cops asking for driver's licenses like today in front of the VFW, and people sick and tired of the cocksuckers.

Edited on 06/23/23
Trucker from Midland


Posted Jun 14 2023:
This place is the oldest cruising spot in El Paso: Bi Guys, Bikers, Blue Collar, Bodybuilders, Businessmen, Bears, Chubbies, Daddies, Punks, Skater Dudes, Jocks, Skinheads, Sons, Straight Men, Truckers, Twinks, Younger, Older, Married Guys, Nerds. All used to go.

Reason, there was a nice military population when the base was open. After they closed the military hospital all that endless supply of cum is gone.

Action is gone.

Keep it as a memory of the old great times but it's not cruisy at all.

Edited on 06/14/23
Hung in Need of Head


Posted Jun 12 2023:
Heads Up!
It gets reported and reported that the Canyon is not safe anymore but guys keep ignoring it.

This morning there was a group of guys JO at the men's room close to the water tank and the cops arrested them.

It's about time a big AYOR risk is attached to the listing.

Agreed! I won't delete this page but I'm adding the AYOR to warn y'all. ~ Editor

Edited on 06/12/23
Army Bttm Faggot Slut


Posted Jun 11 2023:
He is worse than the guy with the black car in Ascarate. The worse enemy of a bottom faggot slut is another slut.

Seen him cruising the amphitheater around lunch time.

Edited on 06/12/23
La Jota Mtiche


Posted Jun 08 2023:
I've seen that bitch. He has long hair. One day he will suck all dicks, another day he takes pictures of the license plates. Classical El Paso bitch. His cock is uncut and real smelly and cheesy. Que asco.

Edited on 06/10/23


Posted Jun 06 2023:
Heads Up!
Message to all the cocksuckers:

Yesterday around 1 pm a guy in a gray jeep was taking pictures of license plates at the amphitheater, VFW Pavilion, and the water tank. Be careful.

Edited on 06/07/23
Gorgeous Ass


Posted Apr 30 2023:
Heads Up!
Too bad I did not see the alert on the lady taking pictures. I was getting a blowjob in front of the amphitheater by two college type guys when – surprise surprise – the lady interrupted us.

Enough time to get in my car and leave the park as fast as I could. Hope she did not take photographs of my license plates. She is for real boys. Careful.

Edited on 05/01/23


Posted Apr 21 2023:
Where's all the cock action now?

Edited on 04/27/23


Posted Apr 18 2023:
Heads Up!
Hey guys, a lady is taking pictures of cars here. She posted someone's car with the license plate on the El Paso Neighborhood Chat for Northeast. She said an old man was giving head to another guy while she was jogging. She wants police to patrol the area more since.

Edited on 04/25/23


Posted Apr 05 2023:
Been here before recently. Nothing happens. Don't recommend this place.

Edited on 04/06/23


Posted Mar 27 2023:
Good job Mr. Editor. The Canyon is in every cruising list I had checked and the reality is it's now a family place so I decided not to go anymore.

Edited on 03/27/23


Posted Mar 22 2023:
Surprised the Editor have not deleted this location. It's such a waste of gas and time to find nada.

It's on the list – that's why it says Possibly no longer cruisy... Usually places stay on the list 6 to 12 months before deletion. There's a backlog for deletions and updates for other places because I have a separate full-time job. Hoping to start catching up soon. ~ Editor

Edited on 03/22/23


Posted Feb 23 2023:
Mr. Editor consider deletion. With all due respect.

It's on my list. Currently there is a backlog of deletions while I am working at my day job. ~ Editor

Edited on 02/23/23


Posted Feb 13 2023:
No action. Period. Waste of gas/money.

Edited on 02/14/23


Posted Feb 04 2023:
Agree with La Golosa. Consider deletion. RIP.

Edited on 02/04/23
La Golotza


Posted Jan 13 2023:
Ready to go in the delete file. Waste of time and money. Between COVID and the closure of William Beaumont Hospital the place was totally destroyed.

The last action reported was just a few months back in October. I've put it on my list to come back to and consider deletion, depending on what I see here later on. ~ Editor

Edited on 01/14/23


Posted Jan 11 2023:
Moving the Army hospital destroyed the Canyon once and forever


Posted Dec 05 2022:
No action. Waste of time. Few old farts cruising. Tiny soft dicks. The good old days of Army dick are gone.

Edited on 12/05/22

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Joined: Feb 17, 2021

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Posted Oct 11 2022:
Sucked a cock at the amphitheater parking and someone came on over and fucked my ass while I sucked. Nice fat cock filling my ass was super hot. If anyone is down to plow my ass DM and let's hook up.

Edited on 10/12/22


Posted Sep 28 2022:
Probably going this week early morning with partner. Suggestions?

How are the afternoons or early evenings? Too late always a risk of cops.

Edited on 09/28/22


Posted Sep 18 2022:
No other places like this in El Paso I'm afraid, as they closed the military hospital the action stopped. The only option in city are Ascarate or Blackie and cross fingers for a decent dick, otherwise as said before you have nothing to look at Ascarate, shame!

Edited on 09/20/22


Posted Sep 13 2022:
Boi, it's hit or miss, mostly miss. The old crowd goes and parks at the VFW, the fats around the water tank and the masturbators at the amphitheater. No one has real knowledge on how to give good head but many are always hogged by someone waiting to get some. Sometimes just a few guys in there, sometimes none.

I would say evenings are best, maybe nights but not my type of cruising. Day time definitely is a waste of time and gas.

Edited on 09/13/22


Posted Sep 11 2022:
I've seen those senior citizens that park around the water tank. Surely sitting in your car and showing no interest is the best way of letting them know that you aren't interested, or is it that you can't read that signal? I always laugh to one that when I park makes the "universal signal of a blow job" with his hand. He is in his 70's.

Edited on 09/12/22


Posted Sep 10 2022:
This place is a complete waste of time unless you're into elderly men with small uncut dicks. Just check their cars, all have handicap stickers. Do not get misled by those around the water tank. Last week I visited every morning and very far from reality. Not a single decent candidate.

Edited on 09/10/22


Posted Sep 09 2022:
Thanks Old Fag. Great morning around the water tank.

Edited on 09/09/22
old fag


Posted Sep 08 2022:
Nice cock sucker around water tank. Early morning.

Edited on 09/08/22


Posted Aug 12 2022:
Hoping to be stroked off by that gentleman. Let me know where exactly I can get his helping hand.

Edited on 08/14/22


Posted Aug 10 2022:
I think he was giving hands today around the VFW Pavillion. You forgot to mention his dick is fat as a beer can!

Edited on 08/10/22
For the Early Risers


Posted Aug 09 2022:
There is a guy in his 60's. He only gives handjobs. Won't fuck you. Won't give you head. So far given me three nice ones around 8 am at the amphitheater stairs. Skilled hands. He has a nice fat dark uncut dick but if you try to suck he will unload in less than a minute.

Edited on 08/09/22

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Posted Aug 03 2022:
Never sister. McKelligon is no longer a cruising place.

Edited on 08/04/22


Posted Aug 02 2022:
Any cocksuckers? When's a good time please?

Edited on 08/02/22


Posted Jul 18 2022:
Anyone know if soldiers come by here at any time of the day? I'm horny to give military head.

Edited on 07/18/22


Posted Jul 15 2022:
The Canyon has no gay scene left to be honest. It's empty.

Edited on 07/15/22


Posted Jul 11 2022:
A few visits and just once had a quick jerk off session with a delivery guy that was enjoying his lunch at the area where the water tank is located. Small curved dick but exploded like a volcano. He wouldn't let me touch it.

Edited on 07/11/22


Posted Jul 10 2022:
Any younger guys there anymore? I guess no.

Edited on 07/11/22


Posted Jun 26 2022:
Change the name to McKelligon Cemetery.

Edited on 06/27/22


Posted May 17 2022:
No one?

Edited on 05/17/22


Posted May 16 2022:
I was there Saturday and Sunday at 10 pm in the amphitheater looking some BJ but the lot was empty. :( Hope I get good luck next time. What is the best time to go?

Edited on 05/16/22


Posted May 16 2022:
This place is a complete waste of time.

Edited on 05/16/22


Posted May 14 2022:
This place needs guys willing to fuck asses. I am proud to be a dick hunter. Some of the nicest cocks I ever had up my ass came from me getting out of my car and showing my ass until now.

Ascarate is totally dead as Blackie,, Sue Young, and Fiesta. Now the the Canyon. Not a single guy wants my ass or any ass.

I care about the cock, not the body/face. I have swallowed too much cum in my 40 years of being a whore so what I need is dick up my ass. Used to love this place but now it's absolutely a waste of your time.

Any tips where to go? Please!

Edited on 05/15/22


Posted May 10 2022:
El Eva cerro ahora es una tienda de refacciones de auto. El Trixx cambio de nombre y solo vende articulos de adultos. Que pena que cerraran.

Eva closed, it's now a car parts store. Trixx changed its name and only sells adult items. What a shame they closed.

Edited on 05/10/22


Posted May 08 2022:
Any info on Trixx and Eva? I remember they used to be the best for sex. I waited for months so this place would be open and not a single mouthful of delicious, gorgeous men had shown up.

Thank you in advance for any info about placed to find cocks.

Edited on 05/09/22
Victor Victoria 1965


Posted May 06 2022:
The Canyon is open again but nobody's there just a dusty parking lot near the amphitheater, a rocky path near the water tank, and a tire destroyer site at the VFW. I love HELL Paso. I used to find some horny dudes around but not anymore.

Edited on 05/07/22
La Golotza


Posted Apr 29 2022:
Most guys at the Canyon go to play games. The truth of the matter is the soldiers are gone!

Edited on 04/30/22


Posted Apr 29 2022:
Locoyo, yesterday I pulled down my pants, spread my ass, and no one even looked at me. That was at the water tank.

Edited on 04/29/22


Posted Apr 27 2022:
I miss a Filipino guy with no legs. He was an expert in the art of cocksucking. He was my mentor.

Edited on 04/28/22

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Joined: Jan 27, 2021

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Posted Apr 26 2022:
Hey guys I disagree with some of the comments about how dead it is. I get to the canyon once or twice a week for exercise and I see young and old cruising. Mostly midday and during the week. The problem is no one wants to make the first move.

Last week I walked up the stairs to the amphitheater in shorts hoping a guy in a car would follow. I waited at least fifteen minutes. As I was walking back down he was walking up and said nothing. As I was leaving he said hey come back... Come on stop with the games.

Edited on 04/28/22
Ernest SantaTeresa NM


Posted Apr 26 2022:
Remember most of the cocksuckers also died of COVID.

Edited on 04/26/22


Posted Apr 25 2022:
Agree with the previous comment. The main source of cock was the military hospital at the base of the Canyon. Once they moved the hospital they left us without meat. In my humble opinion the entire northeast is not a cruising area anymore.

Edited on 04/25/22


Posted Apr 24 2022:
West Side Cock 4 U: Girl we all hope for better days. I did not suck a nice cock for such a long time at the Canyon. Getting out of practice of long slow deep throating. After they closed the military hospital there are no dicks.

Edited on 04/24/22
West Side Cock 4 U


Posted Apr 22 2022:
Five days in a row. Guys cruise around your car but no action. Same old farts. They should close the gates again.

Edited on 04/22/22


Posted Apr 20 2022:
I was there for about thirty minutes, same three old trolls swoop down on any guy that park around. Not worth it. They don't suck just want to get fucked.

Edited on 04/20/22
Pedro El Mamador


Posted Apr 17 2022:
Open but dead as far of dicks available.

Edited on 04/19/22

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Posted Apr 17 2022:
Gates are open but no action. Just wasted four hours of my precious time. VFW dead. Behind the water tank two guys showing their ass looking for dick. At the amphitheater two guys also showing their ass and no dicks to fuck them.

A nice older Prican let me give him a hand at his truck but did not even let me swallow the cum.


Edited on 04/19/22

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mckelligon canyon.jpg
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Super Reviewer

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Posted Apr 17 2022:
I can also validate the gates were open because I was there yesterday, Saturday. I also noted EP squad car was heading down the canyon. Also EP Water personnel were parked near the water tank.

Edited on 04/19/22


Posted Apr 15 2022:
The gates are in fact open. I went there on Saturday for the past two weeks, and all cleared up.

Edited on 04/17/22
La Golotza


Posted Apr 13 2022:
I was just there. The gates were closed. Gas is too expensive to be going to the other side of the fucking city for nothing assholes.

Edited on 04/13/22


Posted Apr 12 2022:
Thanks joker. Gate is closed.

Edited on 04/12/22


Posted Apr 08 2022:
Gates are open.

Edited on 04/08/22


Posted Mar 01 2022:
The old farts can't walk to the amphitheater nor the water tank.

Edited on 03/01/22


Posted Feb 28 2022:
The gates are closed because of washouts on the road caused by flooding last summer and fall. They're working on it, but not very quickly. I've walked the road a couple of times, but haven't seen anyone in the usual spots inside the park.

Edited on 02/28/22


Posted Feb 26 2022:
Gates still closed. A few old farts JO at the VFW parking but none into cocksucking. So the place should be placed on the CPR list.

Edited on 02/26/22


Posted Feb 25 2022:
Anyone know why the gates are closed to traffic?

Edited on 02/26/22


Posted Feb 22 2022:
When are the canyon gates going to be open? Is the problem COVID?

Edited on 02/23/22


Posted Jan 27 2022:
Main gate closed. VFW was also dead.

Edited on 01/27/22
Pepe Vergon


Posted Jan 04 2022:
Agree with Golotza. El Paso is full of old men. If you want a nice piece of dick, mouth, or male ass cunt Juarez is the best alternative.

Edited on 01/05/22

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La Golotza


Posted Dec 30 2021:
DckBreath: Most of men here are old farts in their 60's-90's. I doubt they will be able to walk up the canyon unless they go with a tank of oxygen and an electric wheelchair. So for all technical purposes is closed.

As of the other parks I think you mean the other nursing homes: Civic Leader-Sue Young, Ascarate, Blackie, etc., etc., etc.

Happy New Year.

Edited on 12/31/21


Posted Dec 30 2021:
If want to fuck a bitch I go to Juarez: The cabinas. Banos Roma or Nogales. Avoid Estambul. Hope it helps you bitch.

Edited on 12/30/21


Posted Dec 29 2021:
No wonder my Grindr is so slow. I live very close to the Canyon. Any good tips to get laid nearby?

Edited on 12/30/21
Super Reviewer

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Posted Dec 29 2021:
The previous poster needs to disclose where he gets his information, for it is not correct. Parks are open in El Paso including but not limited to McKelligon Canyon (you can't drive up there, but you can walk, run, bike), Ascarate, Sue Young, Memorial, Franklin Mountain (State Park), Blackie Chesher, North East Regional, etc. We get our dick where we get them...

Edited on 12/30/21
Froma Bitch to Another Bitch


Posted Dec 28 2021:
Bitch use a dildo. COVID is killing our men so calm down or go to Juarez. That's the reason why Ascarate and the Canyon are locked.

Edited on 12/30/21


0 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted Dec 27 2021:
Due to COVID they closed the Canyon, Ascarate, and all parks so where you bitches are finding dick? It's important for me to know. Merry Christmas.

Edited on 12/28/21
Ddy cock


Posted Dec 25 2021:
Subject: Park closed
Been there couple of times to find the park closed. Only road to the right to park. Got some head at night.

Edited on 12/26/21


Posted Dec 11 2021:
I DOUBT IT, all those messages of endless sex are from sexually impotent men that go and fantasize.

The truth of the matter is that the Canyon was a fabulous place ten to fifteen years ago. Then they closed the trails and the downside began. Finally coronavirus destroyed the action. Most of the cocksuckers and guys used to go to get fucked have died.

Do you get the message?

Edited on 12/12/21


Posted Dec 09 2021:
I go to McKelligon on a daily basis just to get away from my bitchy wife and for last year or so no action. Zero. Nada.

Edited on 12/09/21


Posted Dec 08 2021:
Lucky you bitch. I go three or four times a week at lunch and the place is dead! I think you just exaggerate by far the cruel reality of the Canyon. It's dead!

Edited on 12/09/21
Peter quill


Posted Dec 08 2021:
Subject: Noon time lunch break
This place is very popular during noon. A lot of guys on lunch break!

I got to have a mini threesome. Saw a younger guy hop into the truck of a middle aged man, then as they were headed up the hill by VSW they nodded at me. Met them up there in my car. As I got down I started sucking both cocks and getting dry humped while making both of them cum.

Later on with the same guy he opened my car door on the side road started making out and I came so hard.

Edited on 12/08/21
Food King


Posted Nov 19 2021:
Seen that couple around the water tank. Guy gave me a hand job as he fucked her pussy once.

Edited on 11/20/21

From place description/comments:
Possibly no longer cruisy, considering deletion

Previously reported AYOR due to photography and arrests.

The action was at the end of the road, tables, trails, or cars.

Page: 1 2 3


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