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Soriana Insurgentes

Category: Cruisy toilet, Cruisy parking lot Hours / Entry Fee: 6 am - 11 pm Directions: Corner of Carretera Internacional and Insurgentes, Restroom is next to Soriana.
Submitted: Jun 20 2019 (Edited 06/21/19)
Cruised here? Rate this place:
3/5 based on 4 votes. The median rating is 1.
Read & Write Reviews: 39 Reviews

Address: at Avenida Insurgentes & Carretera Internacional Norte, 1198, Villa del Estero, 82157
City: Mazatlán
ZIP/Postal Code:
Country: Mexico

Cruisy toilet action all day long from 6 am - 11 am. Very busy around noon and between 7 pm - 9 pm.

GPS Approximate Latitude & Longitude: 23.2365,-106.421
See larger zoomable map from Google

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Posted Dec 19 2024:
All urinals are covered. Even with that drastic measure men go to give head. Very busy during holidays.

Last night I got a terrific blow job at 8 pm.

Edited on 12/24/24

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Pepe Mike


Posted May 08 2024:
Heads Up!
No importa las veces que el Editor alerta los putos siguen visitando y les vale madre. Esta manana arrestaron varios jotitos que stsban mamando como becerros.

No matter how many times the Editor warns, the whores keep visiting and they don't care. This morning they arrested several little fags who were sucking like calves.

Edited on 05/12/24


Posted Mar 13 2024:
Heads Up!
Bitches the janitors are really upset with all the cocksucking going on. This week they brought some extra security, not the old farts but big hunky guys.

Be careful. A Mexican jail is not worth a load or two.

Edited on 03/17/24
Lov Mazatlan


Posted Feb 15 2024:
Heads Up!
A Grindr pal told me yesterday the Municipal Police arrested all the cocksuckers. Today was dead. Not a soul for hours.

Edited on 02/18/24

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Posted Sep 13 2023:
Heads Up!
The Editor keeps warning of the minors and arrests and guys pay no attention.

Yesterday around 4 pm the police got in and a few got arrested. Most patrons are locals but if a foreigner gets arrested it's a fucking royal mess.

If looking for men to hire just take a seat at the outside benches. They are open to negotiate.

Avoid the john.

Edited on 09/13/23
Mature Cocksucker


Posted Mar 08 2023:
Heads Up!
Today around 2 pm the place was full of guys. I joined a group of guys that were jacking their dicks off. One pushed my head and made me give him head. Nasty, smelly uncut dick.

When he decided to pull his dick out of my mouth and asked me for 1,000 pesos. I told him no and the other two guys pulled a knife on me. Not only took my wallet but also my iPhone. Outside there was a group of thugs guarding the place.

Avoid that place. AYOR. Very dangerous.

Edited on 03/10/23


Posted Mar 07 2023:
Heads Up!
La Pepe Mike, keep alerting and the fags keep getting arrested. Big mess today. The janitors are calling security. So AYOR.

Edited on 03/07/23
La Pepe Mike


Posted Jan 22 2023:
Full of action. All day long. Too bad many of those men take full advantage of the minors.

Edited on 01/22/23


Posted Jan 03 2023:
If you're into young cocksuckers it's the place to go but please be aware most are minors.

Edited on 01/04/23


Posted Jan 01 2023:
Action from 7 am - 11 pm, just be patient. My blow job score is 100%. Just be careful with the minors, they are so pushy.

Edited on 01/02/23


Posted Oct 12 2022:
Heads Up!
Same issue and it's getting worse after the gym opened. I must admit it's addictive just to go and see the guys jacking off at the urinals but this last raid made me think twice if is it worse the temptation.

The cleaning ladies are the ones that tip the cops.

Edited on 10/13/22


Posted Oct 11 2022:
Heads Up!
Pinchis putos. Hoy seguridad se llevo a todos los que estaban mamando verga y jalando por debajo de los retretes. Dejen se enfrie el lugar demasiado puto mamando y la gente esta muy molesta.

You fucking pricks. Today security took all those who were sucking cock and playing under the toilets. Let the place cool down. Too much fucking and sucking and people are very upset.

Edited on 10/12/22


Posted Oct 06 2022:
Heads Up!
¿Hicieron algún ajuste en la Plaza? Ojo con los de seguridad. Si te cachan mamando vas al bote. Parece que lleva ya un putero de rato así. Que cuando fui recién habian arrestado un vato por estar jalandosela a otro vato en el unrinal.

Did they make any changes in the Plaza? Watch out for security. If they catch you sucking, you go to jail. Looks like it's been like this for a while now. When I went they had just arrested a guy for playing with another guy at the unrinal.

Edited on 10/07/22


Posted Sep 12 2021:
If you're into HS and college boys this is the place but be careful. The custodians and cleaning crew know of all the action and are calling security. So AYOR.

Edited on 09/12/21


Posted Sep 06 2021:
Quite busy. Best time 8 pm - 11 pm. The cleaning ladies know what is going on so be careful guys.

Edited on 09/06/21

Usergroup: Member
Joined: Jul 06, 2021

Total Listings: -1
Total Reviews: 1


Posted Aug 18 2021:
Subject: suck your cock
I will suck your cock. Contact me

Edited on 08/18/21


Posted Apr 19 2021:
A must. Busy all day long. From 6 am to midnight. Mostly hand jobs at urinals, a hot few blow jobs. All ages.

One day this nice tall hung guy in his 50's asked me to follow him. We went to the nearby cinema plaza and I fucked literally the shit out of him.

Noticed some will hook up there then go to the nearby gas station restroom or to have car fun.

Just be careful with the cleaning ladies. Don't worry about the security guards at the supermarket entrance. They don't give a shit. One day one got in and pulled his dick to JO.

Edited on 04/21/21
La Guardado


Posted Apr 02 2020:
Only place you can suck, fuck, and give hand without risk of being caught. With all the HS and college kids out of school action is from 6 am to midnight.

Edited on 04/06/20
jose angel


Posted Mar 06 2020:
At night, be very careful because you can find heteros, etc. and make mistakes. The truth is that I have seen a lot of movement, that there is, there are, at night and very much to my liking. I have looked from priests to politicians to go and give blow jobs. It's nice to find dick with urine smell and cum dry.

Edited on 03/06/20
La Guardado


Posted Feb 27 2020:
And you are so lucky they did not catch you. Municipal Police will take you to the prison in Colonia Juyarez and minimum ten thousand pesos to get you out. So pay 120 pesos and go to the Banos Sodomas. Oops sorry, I'm always the bitch.

Edited on 02/27/20


Posted Feb 25 2020:
Heads Up!
Excellent review, CulturaMZT. Yesterday I was robbed both my wallet and my iPhone.

Edited on 02/26/20


Posted Feb 22 2020:
Tips before you come here:
  • Do not use bright colors. Better to use black, gray, simple colors that do not attract attention especially from the cleaning ladies.

  • Get away from the urinals or the toilet booths near the entrance.

  • Bring a pal or someone to alert you when people are entering the restroom.

  • Try not to go alone or at least do not stay alone for a long time sitting and simulating yourself that you have a bowel movement. The real john users get mad. The worse enemies are the Mazatlecans fags.

  • Wear light and comfortable clothes where you can easily show your ass if you want to get fucked. Have your ass already lubed.

  • Leave your belongings at the Soriana storage area: cell phone, wallet, backpack, etc.

  • I been robbed more than once. Cell phones and wallets are wanted by the thugs/mayates.

  • Take 20 to 50 pesos in case you get robbed so you can take a bus back to your home. I've been robbed so many times.

  • There are thugs/mayates that charge you for sex, usually drug addicts. Even if you pay doesn't mean that you won't get robbed.

  • That 24/7 is all bullshit. The best hours to go there are before 9 am, lunch time to 2 pm and after 7:30 pm, although there are thugs that cruise all day long depending on how much money they need for drugs.

  • Remember sex is addictive and you won't care how many times you will be robbed, you will continue exposing your self to the risk of being robbed and getting an STD just because we are always horny.

Edited on 02/24/20


Posted Feb 21 2020:
Want to fuck a young ass go to this john.

Edited on 02/24/20


Posted Feb 16 2020:
Action is all day long.

Edited on 02/19/20


Posted Jan 09 2020:
Not sure if was pure coincidence or what. A nice Latino with a thick cut dick got the attention of all at the urinals. He got hand jobs from three guys and kept unloading his nuts. Not a good place to give head but the best to give hand, especially underneath stalls.

Edited on 01/09/20


Posted Jan 07 2020:
Way too many kids looking to suck. I think it's way too risky. There was no control, those boys would suck any dick!

Edited on 01/08/20


Posted Nov 19 2019:
I have no problem with sex in johns but too many kids are involved in sexual practices there. One of these days all those elderly pervs will get their punishment.

Edited on 11/19/19
La Guardado


Posted Oct 28 2019:
You can suck dick from 7 am - 11 pm.

Edited on 10/29/19


Posted Sep 27 2019:
Intense action today around lunch time. Be aware way too many minors go to give head or get fucked by the nasty old men that go to show their dicks.

Edited on 09/30/19
Bebi Pito Rico


Posted Sep 12 2019:
Heads Up!
Eventually the big raid happened at Soriana Insurgentes. Amen.

Edited on 09/12/19
la juliette


Posted Sep 10 2019:
Heads Up!
Nice raid tonight. Love it, all those married cocksuckers will spend the night at Colonia Juarez. Qué escándalo.

Edited on 09/11/19
Hector Alanis


Posted Sep 05 2019:
Heads Up!
Yes, that is the Cinemex and yes that is the Pemex.

Just a comment. Last night around 10 pm there was a group of guys giving and getting head. We were no less than ten guys. Personally I gave a hand job to three. A few were fucking ass. Saw condoms in the floors.

Today they have intense security at the hall including the area where the public phones are. I think it's becoming too obvious. Was told by a Soriana employee — a cocksucker — that there was so much action the cleaning ladies made a report not only to the Mall Security but to the Municipal Police.

Be very careful.

Edited on 09/06/19
Hector Alanis


Posted Sep 04 2019:
Lately I've seen many guys JO at the urinals but no action. If you really want to get fucked take your dick to the nearby cinema. The restrooms are a dream to get fucked or to the nearby Pemex. Fabulous.

Do you mean the Cinemex? It's a regular cinema, not a gay one, though the restrooms may well be cruisy. Also, is it this Pemex? ~ Editor

Edited on 09/05/19
I lov mx ass


Posted Aug 28 2019:
Heads Up!
Too busy for me and too many minors. Be careful.

Edited on 08/30/19

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Posted Aug 26 2019:
Around noon guys were doing JO, sucking dick, and fucking ass. The horniest are those old men that act as parking attendants.

Edited on 08/28/19
A pelo we


Posted Jul 03 2019:
Love this place. See the photos.

Edited on 07/04/19

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Bebi Pito Rico


Posted Jun 27 2019:
Around 10 pm managed to fuck a nice ass at last stall. Guys also go to give hand at the urinal and underneath the stalls. A few giving head also at the urinals. Would say way too busy after 8 pm.

Edited on 06/27/19


Posted Jun 21 2019:
Thanks for the tip. I met a nice guy with a terrific cock. He asked me in Spanish to follow him so I did. He moved to the movie theaters and we had a blast at the johns there.

I could not believe how thick his meat was.

Edited on 06/24/19


Posted Jun 20 2019:
This morning I gave a hand job underneath the stall to two guys and at the urinal I sucked a terrific cock.

Edited on 06/21/19

From place description/comments:
Cruisy toilet action all day long from 6 am - 11 am. Very busy around noon and between 7 pm - 9 pm.

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