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Hammam Bab El-Bahr

Category: Hamam with covert action, Mixed gay, straight, bi Submitted: Nov 15 2008 (Edited 11/07/23)
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3.83/5 based on 6 votes. The median rating is 4.
Read & Write Reviews: 18 Reviews

Address: 35 Bab El-Bahr
City: Cairo
ZIP/Postal Code:
Country: Egypt
Phone Number: +20 12 72199394

GPS Approximate Latitude & Longitude: 30.0589,31.2483
See larger zoomable map from Google

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Posted Jan 18 2025:
Jan 2025, it's still open! Very dirty, true. But also very sexy vibes. Opens daily 14:00 - 18:00.

Edited on 01/19/25
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Posted Nov 06 2023:
Good news: this place is still in operation despite the scandal in 2014, and it has not lost all pretext of being a "straight" place and is definitely 100% gay at this point.

Bad news: Since it's no longer a normal, functioning hammam for straight locals, it has essentially become a unkempt, filthy place for men to have sex. Men walk around nude and have sex out in the open. Crowd is surprisingly young, 20s to 40s, odd since these days the young guys tend to use hookup apps while older guys frequent cruising spots. I was disappointed by the lack of mature men.

I cannot stress how disgusting this place is. They virtually do not clean anything, not even the cloth they give you wear, and the entire hammam itself is littered with trash and murky water. Bring your own soap, towel, and disinfectant spray.

If you really want to find this place, it's on Bab el Bahr street and sits right next to a toy shop; it's on your left if coming from Ramses Square/Al Shohadaa Metro station. The entrance is still green yet has no sign anymore; it's just a plain green doorway. Walk down the rubbish-strewn steps into the hammam.

I had trouble finding the place at first and had to ask for directions from multiple people, which was a bit awkward. They seemed have an idea of what goes on there, but were too kind, I guess, to refuse to tell me where it was. I explained that I'm a tourist and interested in the historical value of the hammam.

Entrance fee is now just 100 pounds ($3 in 2023), a far cry from the $6 to $8 it apparently once charged, no doubt owing to the places now decrepit condition. You are also implored upon leaving to "donate" to the hammam; I gave them just 5 pounds, which satisfied them. Four men work there, God knows what they all do all day.

I asked one of my fellow "patrons" if he knew if the old Hammam el Marg was still in existence and he told me he never heard of it, although he did recommend I visit another hammam outside Cairo which is not listed on this website called Hammam Mitwali.

Re safety: if this place is allowed to exist after the 2014 scandal, I'm doubtful that the police even care about it at all anymore, so it very well may be the only truly "safe" cruising spot in Cairo. I'd recommend coming just to meet guys and then going someplace, anyplace else.

Edited on 11/07/23


Posted Nov 15 2015:
I heard it was reopened. Is this true?

Edited on 11/20/15


Posted Feb 24 2015:
The men arrested were acquitted although one attempted suicide. The journalist who organized the raid is now facing charges including defamation. Mona Iraqi, TV channel owner face court over 'bathhouse sting'

Edited on 11/20/15

Usergroup: Member
Joined: Dec 31, 2014

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Posted Dec 31 2014:
Yep correct. Over 30 people arrested and now closed down.

Edited on 11/20/15


Posted Dec 08 2014:
Heads Up!
Reports of a police raid December 7 at a hammam on Bab el-Bahr Street street in the Ramsis neighborhood probably refer to this location. Security forces are cracking down on gays in Egypt.

Edited on 12/12/14


Posted Dec 07 2012:
Guys, the place is cool. I want to have sex with foreigners. If you want to know the way and enjoy together, contact me.

Editor's Note: I removed your email address. Please use your CFS profile for your email address and other contract information.

Edited on 12/12/12


1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted Nov 17 2012:
Hi. I hate to sound stuck up but I am quite an attractive guy, I get hit on all the time here in Cairo. Is it safe to go to this Hammam or will I be constantly harassed by random strangers there. What type of men do you find there? Like jocks/bodybuilder types or skinny horny ones? What's the age group like? How do you negotiate sex there while being discreet. Please let me know.

Edited on 11/27/12


1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted Oct 20 2012:
Entrance should only be LE 35, not more than that. Please tip the guys (like LE 5), it makes your next visit easier.

And please guys: Don't be a bitch or a big queen, this hammam is more straight-acting. For serious bitching or playing a queen please go to Hammam el-Merg, please keep Baab el-Bahr relaxed and down to earth.

Edited on 10/26/12


0 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted Oct 20 2012:
This place is permanently closed.

Edited on 10/26/12


Posted Jun 11 2012:
This place is a little hard to find. It about two or three blocks once you get on the named street above. It is on left side. You have to go in a door and down two steps on the right. It is 50 Egyptian pounds ($8) and you must tip the two staff guys 5 each. This may be the dirtiest hamam I have ever been in, but the guys were hot, mostly 20s to 40s. There is plenty of sex in the side rooms. A couple guys wanted to have sex with me and asked for money, but I said no and they had sex with me anyway. Everyone was very nice and there was no attitude.

Edited on 06/14/12

Usergroup: Member
Joined: Feb 18, 2009

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Total Reviews: 4


Posted Mar 14 2011:
They charged me 50 Egyptian pounds and I had to give a tip of 5 Egyptian pounds each to the owner and his two assistants! It is open for men, I believe, after 8 pm. I also believe it is the only hamam in operation in Cairo now. Sex is possible here, too.

Edited on 03/24/11
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Joined: Sep 11, 2010

Total Listings: 3
Total Reviews: 9


Posted Sep 11 2010:
I have been to this place maybe 100 times. Action goes on here and nobody cares much. It is much cleaner than El Merg and closer to the center of the city, but the action isn't as good. I have been here at times when the police came in and took someone away. The police told me that in Cairo there is no sex between men. Then he had sex with me!

Edited on 09/14/10


Posted Apr 27 2010:
Heads Up!
I went there last night and the cops came is shortly after I got there and escorted two guys out of the sauna. Not sure why, but I stayed and it got busy.

Edited on 05/04/10


Posted Apr 05 2010:
I went to the Ramsis Hammam tonight and it was a terrific experience. I felt quite safe and the staff were certainly aware of the goings on in the steamroom and bathroom. If you are looking for a more modern and more obvious sauna, you might be in a bit of a shock when you first enter this 300 year old hamman. But it definitely has a very homoerotic vibe to it.

Edited on 04/07/10


Posted Mar 13 2009:
I found no hammam with the name 'Ramsis' in this area. I did find one with a green door called 'Behbel Bah' but it had gone out of business.


Posted Nov 25 2008:
I cannot find this hammam. I'm sure it's dirty and probably has limited facilities, but hammams interest me. More information is needed.


Posted Nov 15 2008:
You can ask for the hammaam when you're near. Be sure to say the word hammaam with double 'mm' and long 'a' or they will not understand you. It's an old hammam with possible action inside. Tourists pay more (about 30/50 Egyptian Pounds, about 5/8 Euros). Rundown place but lots of action though sometimes the administrator gets angry. Thursday is a very gay day with a lot of guys trying to get fucked.

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