Category: Cruisy healthclub
Description: This place has potential. I saw some of the men getting interested and sucking dick in the sauna. It was very hot, but they weren't my type so I guarded the door while they sprayed their horny seeds. It sure was fun.
Hours: Mon - Thu: 5 am - 11 pm; Fri: 5 am - 10 pm; Sat - Sun: 8 am - 8 pm
Directions: From Superstition Fwy. (US Hwy. 60) take Exit 185 S. Greenfield Rd., immediately south of the interchange.
12/02/11 (Edited 10/16/17)
2.75/5 based on 12 votes. The median rating is 2.
2 reviews
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Address: 1731 South Greenfield Road
City: Mesa
State: Arizona
ZIP/Postal Code: 85206
Country: United States of America