Category: Cruisy toilet, Younger crowd, Mixed gay, straight, bi
Description: Sometimes cruisy, traffic in and out. Young majority is Black and Latino young dudes 18-30. Do not use stalls to 'buddy booth,' no room to exit when bathroom gets crowded and you'll have no excuse for two people coming out. Best if you use the two stalls by the door, bad part is one is closest to the door entrance. No urinal privacy barriers so there's enough room for free play and looks. Need more privacy away from traffic? Head upstairs to the restroom by Chuck E Cheese 3rd floor on the Target side. Best hours are after 3 pm.
07/20/13 (Edited 07/25/13)
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Address: Hanson Place
City: Brooklyn
State: New York
ZIP/Postal Code: 11217
Country: United States of America