Category: Adult store with no arcade, Theatre showing porn, Gloryhole, Younger crowd, Mostly straight/bi
Hours: Sun - Thu: 11 am - 1 am; Fri - Sat: 11 am - 1:30 am
Directions: From downtown: I-5 N to Lake City/WA-522 exit. North on Lake City Way about 2 miles. Located on right.
From north: I-5 to 145th exit. East on 145th then South on Lake City Way about 3 miles. Located on left.
12/31/14 (Edited 01/05/24)
3.38/5 based on 8 votes. The median rating is 4.
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Address: 10326 Lake City Way NE
City: Seattle
State: Washington
ZIP/Postal Code: 98125
Country: United States of America