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Lock 12 at Susquehanna and Tidewater Canal

Category: Cruisy park, Cruisy park, toilet, Cruisy parking lot, Cruisy parking lot and nearby woods, Mixed gay, straight, bi Description: In the past some cruising was going on and there were lots of places to hook up! Loads of trails are here plus the woods. The trails are part of a system known as the Mason-Dixon Trail or the Conestoga Trail. Google either with Lock 12 to find trail maps.
Directions: Lock 12 is on the Susquehanna and Tidewater Canal between Route 372 and McCall's Ferry Road (River Road turns into McCall's Ferry Road). The map is set to a parking lot near Lock 12.
Submitted: 04/28/15 (Edited 05/12/15)

1.5/5 based on 2 votes. The median rating is 1.
Reviews: 1 reviews (Print all reviews)

Address: Along River Road
City: Holtwood
State: Pennsylvania
ZIP/Postal Code:
Country: United States of America