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Cottonwood Pass

Category: Cruisy park, Cruisy parking lot and nearby woods
Hours: None.
Directions: From I-15 head about 10.5 miles west on Blue Diamond Road. There will be a gas station with a cell tower disguised as a pine tree. Keep heading east. In another 5.5 miles start looking to for the turn to Cottonwood Pass. It's an unpaved road with a restroom building at the far end of the lot. Pass that first lot on your right. In less than a mile you'll see another lot on your left that ends in a circle. That's the spot. (The map coordinates are approximate and directions adjusted based on your information and the map from BLM. Corrections and clarifications are welcome. ~ Editor)

Submitted: 09/23/15 (Edited 04/10/18)

2.83/5 based on 12 votes. The median rating is 3.
Reviews: 4 reviews (Print all reviews)

Address: Off and Around Blue Diamond Road
City: Blue Diamond
State: Nevada
ZIP/Postal Code:
Country: United States of America