Category: Nude sun bathing and cruisy woods
Directions: Located no more than twenty miles east of Fayetteville off Route 16E past Elkins and Durham. At the Washington/Madison county line, look for County Road 6578 and turn left (we don't know if this is paved or gravel). You'll come to the west side of the White River after about a half mile. When the water is down, cars can cross, but you can park on either side. From the east you can also approach on County Road 8 from the north or County Road 6431 from the east. Trails lead to the east about half a mile or so to the best spots for sunning. A map highlighting the area appears below.
04/04/01 (Edited 03/30/16)
3.4/5 based on 5 votes. The median rating is 4.
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Address: off Route 16 on the White River
City: Elkins
State: Arkansas
ZIP/Postal Code:
Country: United States of America