P. A. Nehring Forest Preserve

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Posted Feb 19 2017 By ckskr69 #1
I have visited this location, and there's not a lot of privacy. I followed the trail, and it did lead to a covered picnic table. However, it was easy to see the back yards of the houses in the neighboring subdivision, which means the residents can see into the forest preserve as well.

Having said that, I do notice cars parked in the lot. So I am thinking that people meet here and go elsewhere. I don't think I would recommend playing here due to the lack of adequate cover.

Edited by infopop on 02/28/17
Posted Jul 05 2009 #2
The sheriff is putting undercovers out in the forest preserve.
Posted Aug 05 2008 #3
Lots of roadwork going on near this place now so it's hard to get in and out of the park. Also, workers are parking their cars and equipment in the parking lot.
Posted Apr 28 2006 #4
I was eating lunch at the Nehring Forest Preserve in DeKalb today when I saw a 'new person' I'd never seen out there before. He had on a ball cap, a dark shirt, dark sunglasses, slim, good-looking, and had a nice bicycle with him. As I walked to a table to eat, he nodded and said hello. After a while, I noticed him and another older guy walking into the back together. About the same time, I noticed a uniformed Sheriff's officer walking around in the same general area -- as though the uniform was 'hovering' for a signal. When I left the area, I notice a marked Sheriff's car parked on a neighborhood street just south of the Preserve. I wasn't around long enough to see for sure what occurred, but I highly suspect that this 'new person' was a plainclothes, undercover officer. I think if I'd stuck around long enough, I'd have seen the older guy coming out in the company ('in custody') of either the plainclothes or the uniformed officer. Just be aware that the tactics may have changed around DeKalb County. We all know (or should) that having sex in public is illegal. A lot of us have done it from time to time. Just be very wary. It's much better perhaps to cruise the parks and preserves, but you'd be well advised to go elsewhere to actually do anything. I'll be watching the police/sheriff reports in the DeKalb paper to see if anything really went down. Be careful!
Posted Jun 27 2005 #5
Some interest and patrols by the county sheriff this summer. Be careful. No problems, yet. Please, be discreet.
Posted Feb 22 2005 #6
Increased presence and surveillance by the county sheriff lately. Nothing bad yet but worth being very careful out here!
Posted Dec 20 2004 #7
The DeKalb County Sheriff's office has started routinely noting the license plates of all men seen in the parking lot here. No direct harassment just yet, but obviously, they're cooking something up, so be careful. Fine to meet here but best to go elsewhere for fun.
Posted Jun 16 2004 #8
This is a great place with lots of cruising going on. I had a threeway with two hot daddy bears. Because of the heavy rains this spring, the park is thick with mosquitoes.
Posted Jul 16 2002 #9
Cruisy lot, toilet and many trails. Open sunrise to sunset. All ages.