Is this place still a cruising spot? Visiting it middle October.
Edited by infopop on 08/20/21
Posted Jul 09 2017
By Josehot
This place is now Hyatt Regency, is it still cruisy? Would like to know before booking.
Thanks, I've updated the page. Looks like a great location and amenities from their web site; I hope it is still cruisy. Someone let us know. ~ Editor
Edited by infopop on 07/11/17
Posted Mar 27 2009
A great place to visit with hot men and a private steamroom to have fun in. The lunch crowd and after work crowd are great. Those are the best times to visit. I am anxious to go back soon!
Posted Apr 22 2006
I was there today and had no luck but it does have potential. The men must be at Club Orlando having fun.
Posted Feb 04 2006
There was no charge for steamroom and hot tub. I got a locker with hotel key. Met a hot guy in the steamroom and finished out my time uptairs in the hotel room. Awesome every time!
Posted Jul 02 2005
You should note the hotel charges guests to use the club, and charges non-guests even more.
Posted Jan 17 2005
After reading the comments here, I just walked in and got a blowjob in the steamroom. It was excellent.
Posted Sep 04 2004
I work out at the Peabody Athletic Club Monday through Thursday from 5 to 8 pm and I always find action there in the steamroom and showers. Keep it coming men!
Posted May 01 2004
They have installed individual shower stalls with doors and frosted glass partitions. I met a local there and he gave me a massage and licked me all over and sucked me.
Posted Dec 28 2003
There's a small steamroom and nice gang shower setup. It's ideal for quick sessions or take it upstairs. An eight-dollar day pass is a good afternoon investment.
Posted Oct 01 2002
I recently went back to the Peabody after not having visited it in a while. Anyone can pay a few bucks to use the healthclub for the day. It has a very cruisy steamroom and sauna. The staff doesn't pry too much, so the steamroom can be very private and a great place for some jacking off and sucking. I hooked up with a very hot and built young guy, both of us shooting our loads in the steamroom. I let one older guy (not my type) jackoff looking at me stroke in the showers. There is a lot of action from out of town business travelers.
Posted Aug 20 2001
I stay there about once a month on business and was shocked by all the hot guys hanging out in the steamroom. I had two guys in the steamroom and then went back to my room for an all-nighter. The place is amazing!
Posted Jul 21 2001
I have been there twice in the last week and had plenty of action both times. Straight guys who just like to beat off with others, they will even watch two guys going at it.