Radio Lane Landing

This is a good place for outdoor action. Guys cruise the trails and parking lot. If they are not canoeing, they are probably cruising. Be careful cause cops have busted people here before.

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Posted Jul 29 2023 By buttpiratesc #1
I was there two days ago around 4 pm. I noticed six cars parked. Three parked headed in on the left, and three vehicles, two pickups and a black sports car parked in a group backed in. I thought this was strange, so I walked down to the boat ramp cautiously.

I noted two older men in the trucks. Both had white goatees, but were younger than they appeared. Both were wearing button-down shirts with square-cut tails. They reminded me of undercover cops.

I got to the end of the ramp and stood there for a moment. Then I saw a black guy dressed exactly like the other two guys get out of his sports car. He walked down the ramp and I just stood there. My Spidey senses were tingling and I knew there was a sting operation going on.

The black guy kept looking at me and texting someone. Normally when guys are on the cruise, they put their phones away and make contact with their cruise target. Not this guy. Something was important that he had to text. He didn't crotch rub, make eye contact, or walk down the path.

I walked back to my car. I found the two guys out of their trucks now talking as if they knew each other. They eye-balled me intently. I got back in my car and drove away slowly. As I turned down Garden Valley, a Sheriff's patrol car was headed toward me. As I passed, he slowed down, then pulled a quick u-turn. I turned onto Bush River and continued on my way home normally. They followed a few blocks and then turned off.

I was using a tracking app that shows where potential cruisers are. There was one cruiser there with a photo of a black cock. Of course there was one black guy whom I think was a cop. Cruising apps and sites follow where the cruisers go and the cops know this. Be careful out there!

Edited by infopop on 07/30/23
Posted Jul 19 2023 By buttpiratesc #2
I was there yesterday at 7:30 am. There was one other car parked there. I recognized it as belonging to a guy I had met there a couple of days ago.

I walked down the trail and waited. He was not far behind me. We both dropped our pants and he sucked me until I got hard. I was fingering his ass as he sucked. He pulled out some lube and greased his ass good. I got behind him and slid ever so easily into his ass! I swear, it felt like pussy.

We were fucking pretty good, but we were being eaten alive by mosquitoes and had to quit. I am hoping to hook up in our cars today. This time of year is bad because of the bugs, but the location is always busy.

Edited by infopop on 07/19/23
Posted Nov 24 2019 By Woody
Always a few cars here, often trolls who camp out forever. The guys who mean business head for the woods along the trails. Fucked a big muscle guy with a sweet ass as he held onto a tree, but he was probably in town for the Pride celebration.

Edited by infopop on 11/25/19
Posted Apr 20 2014 #4
Two were arrested April 17 for "indecent public sexual acts" following an undercover operation in response to citizen complaints. Names and photos were published in the newspaper. See

Edited by infopop on 04/25/14