Live near here, nothing happens. Don't know who put this location.
Edited by infopop on 06/26/14
Posted Apr 28 2010
A guy called the cops after he saw my head go down in a car in which I was sitting with a guy. He didn't actually see what I was doing though and he was parked several spaces away.
Edited by Keith on 05/02/10
Posted Apr 16 2009
Be very careful cruising here. The police are on the lookout for "improper behavior" and some people are reporting to the police things they see others doing in cars. I got a warning there today and was told not to come back.
Posted Nov 09 2008
Not much going on here unless you like older guys.
Posted Jan 18 2007
Mostly older guys sitting in their cars. I'm in my thirties, but I've not seen many other guys my age or younger here.
Posted Aug 08 2003
This is a great place and has been for years. There used to be a lot more couples, but plenty of men are still there. Police occasionally ride through, especially at night.