CRUISING for SEX Listings The largest free database of sex listings in the world! Plus free message board, free chat, free personals, and free amateur photo galleries. If you're a man wanting to hook up with a man, this site is what you've been looking for! en-us River Rise Preserve State Park and O'Leno State Park Stopped by here today just to check the place out. Great looking location and there are a few guys stopping by to park but there was a creepy guy there dressed in camo standing next to the open cap of his pickup truck just watching everyone. Either a cop or a real creep, so I'd suggest using caution here. Maybe meet then head elsewhere! Mon, 02 Mar 2015 03:13:52 GMT River Rise Preserve State Park and O'Leno State Park Hopped on the cycle, rode the forty miles to get there, horny as hell. I got there and no cruising was goin&#39 on. Sat at the parking lot after scoping the place out (great place to grab some dick), a halfway decent local dude came over to me and said, &#39dunno whether you're looking around for anything but the highway cops have been arresting people like crazy the past couple of weeks round here...they get on the other side of the river with their binoculars 'n cameras 'n nab um quick...thought you'd like to be aware!&#39 Great guy. With my intuition and other things always up, I left. Whoever you were, I apprieciate the tip! This was on the 14th. Fri, 16 May 2008 05:00:00 GMT River Rise Preserve State Park and O'Leno State Park I was just there today but I don't know the best days and times to go. Mon, 28 Apr 2008 05:00:00 GMT River Rise Preserve State Park and O'Leno State Park Good action between the boat ramp and bridge. I got sucked three of the four times. I've gone on Friday afternoons. Thu, 18 Oct 2007 05:00:00 GMT River Rise Preserve State Park and O'Leno State Park Stopped by here yesterday afternoon on the way home from work. There was a young blonde guy sitting in a car. I walked into the woods. In a few minutes he followed me. I just knelt down and pretended to tie my shoe. As he got near me he groped himself. I just sort of licked my lips. He walked over to me and fed me a nice seven-inch cut dick. Only got to suck him for a minute though before he filled my mouth with two heavy blasts of sweet cum! Wed, 26 Oct 2005 05:00:00 GMT