CRUISING for SEX Listings The largest free database of sex listings in the world! Plus free message board, free chat, free personals, and free amateur photo galleries. If you're a man wanting to hook up with a man, this site is what you've been looking for! en-us Mendon Ponds County Park This used to be a perfect place to get whatever you needed. Trails and woods and bushes. I used to sit in my car reading until someone came along and wanted to play. Then I would go suck him off and return to my reading. Now the cruisers have attacked the place with their zipping around the park in their cars freaking everyone out. Now the park employees and cops are checking out all the parkers and single men sitting on the benches. Mon, 21 Jan 2013 01:57:59 GMT Mendon Ponds County Park It was a very nice place to hook up for fucking and sucking with lots of trails and bushy woods. Too many cruisers driving around now and cops patrol often. Park workers check out parked cars during the day time. Sun, 09 Oct 2005 05:00:00 GMT