CRUISING for SEX Listings The largest free database of sex listings in the world! Plus free message board, free chat, free personals, and free amateur photo galleries. If you're a man wanting to hook up with a man, this site is what you've been looking for! en-us Surprise Community Park I was told it's a good place but been there this times and no luck. Would love to find a nice clean cock to suck and take some warm cum. Sun, 05 Nov 2017 03:03:57 GMT Surprise Community Park Drove around about four times and finally saw a guy standing by restroom. I got out of my car and he rubbed his cock giving me the sign he was looking. I asked if he had a place and he said no, so we got in my car and drove toward Buckeye. I cum way too quick but he lasted about a half hour. Supposed to meet at same place Friday 4 pm, April 8. Join us! [hr][i]You missed the part on this page right above the [b]'Submit'[/b] button where it says [b][color=red]Reviews are edited and it takes at least a few days before they appear on this page.[/color][/b] As someone posting not as a CFS Member, you should also have seen a box with a big black border that says, among other things: [quote][b]This is page is for reviews of places and occasional general questions and comments such as "What time is best?" or "I usually go mid-day" and so on. It is not intended for personal ads.[/b] If you want to arrange a hookup instead of posting a review, please use our [b]Message Board[/b] for CFS Members where you may keep your contact info in your CFS Member Profile page. You can also use our [b]Personals[/b]. You are not required to register as a CFS Member to use the Personals and your post there will be published immediately.[/quote] It would be better to say that late afternoons [mdash] Is it Tuesdays? Fridays? You struck gold both days! [mdash] are a good time to hook up here, but [b]not[/b] be specific on this page. In any case, I hope you had a good time last Friday and that guys start cumming here regularly. ~ Editor[/i] Tue, 05 Apr 2016 20:25:44 GMT Surprise Community Park Was here around 6 am this morning. Saw a guy sitting in his car near the toilets, but by the time I pulled up he had left. :( Anyone around this afternoon? Wed, 20 Aug 2014 19:50:59 GMT Surprise Community Park Don't know why there is no one here. It's a great set up for some hot fun. Sat, 15 Jan 2011 15:55:56 GMT Surprise Community Park A white jock gave me a great blowjob around 3 pm. The restroom has a perfect setup for cruising. You have plenty of time to pullout when someone comes into the restroom. Also, avoid this place when the soccer fields are busy. Wed, 26 Sep 2007 05:00:00 GMT