CRUISING for SEX Listings The largest free database of sex listings in the world! Plus free message board, free chat, free personals, and free amateur photo galleries. If you're a man wanting to hook up with a man, this site is what you've been looking for! en-us Rotary Park Is it still working and a good spot to go? Sat, 27 Oct 2018 04:26:08 GMT Rotary Park Still one of the best places. I've sucked guys off there and been fucked there too. Great in the summer but restroom locked in the winter months so we meet and go down a trail and fuck or suck there.. The sheriff bus from the workhouse comes sometimes to clean the park; if they are there just leave and come back. I sucked off two guys there today, Soldiers from Fort Campbell, Ky, older guys and all. Just be careful. The restrooms are closed in the winter You must back your car in if you're looking out and back in so we know you there for M/M sex or looking for a blowjob. You can also walk up to a car if his window is open. You may see his cock and you just tell him what you want. In the upper parking area you just park on the end far from the gate and you flash your cock and walk dowwn the trail to your right. I've sucked 10 guys right there, it's all good. Mon, 16 Dec 2013 01:57:36 GMT