CRUISING for SEX Listings The largest free database of sex listings in the world! Plus free message board, free chat, free personals, and free amateur photo galleries. If you're a man wanting to hook up with a man, this site is what you've been looking for! en-us Extra Space Storage Maybe got lucky. Stopped here on the way home from a work party, a little hammered so I don't remember exactly which one it was. Asked for the bathroom. Guy gave me the key and told me where it was. Was a one bathroom stall. Finished pissing and heard banging down the hall. Opened the door and the manager was there and asked if I needed help. Did I. Drained me in the bathroom. Ten minutes tops. Definitely going back, if I can find it. [hr][i]One of three possible locations in Brockton. Hope the cruiser will be able to update us with the address. ~ Editor[/i] Thu, 11 Aug 2022 21:29:59 GMT