CRUISING for SEX Listings The largest free database of sex listings in the world! Plus free message board, free chat, free personals, and free amateur photo galleries. If you're a man wanting to hook up with a man, this site is what you've been looking for! en-us JCPenney Arrowhead Towne Center This is a toilet in the mall. There's great jerk-off action here. Who goes there: All types of guys. This is on the second floor next to the customer service desk. The door is a little hidden so you have some time in between someone walking in and seeing you. Hours/Best Time: Weekends and evenings are best. Cruising Info/Tips: Use the usual signals. Be warned during peak times (weekends) the bathroom is filled with non-cruisers. Be cautious. You can also find some guys messing around in the dressing rooms at times. The handicapped ones are great because you can hide your feet if someone was looking under them. Disabled Access/Info: Handicap stall Wed, 29 Mar 2023 17:40:14 GMT