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Heads Up Listing
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This section for alerts is the place where we help one another learn about current police operations and other forms of bashing.
When you submit a tip on any Sex Listing, you can indicate if it belongs in this section by selecting the 'Head's Up' option. Throughout our Sex Listings pages you may find this notation, 'Head's Up'. This indicates that we have reports of police action or bashing at that location.
CFS recognizes that there is an appropriate place for police to protect the public, including cruisers. However, we will report on enforcement of "victimless crimes" where cruisers are targeted by police.
To read legal opinion about the civil rights of cruisers, we suggest the resources of the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund and the American Civil Liberties Union.
Lambda Legal's undated 2000s version of their Little Black Book is excellent and deals directly with the rights of men who cruise, although there is a changing legal environment regarding cruising in some parts of the USA. The Lambda Legal link changed. It's also on Google (1993 version) at Little Black Book and the more recent version is in our archive. También en español..
The American Civil Liberties Union has a wallet-size guide, applicable to citizens of the USA, that deals with how you should respond whenever you encounter the police. This version is from 2010, and it applies with this 'Heads Up' page revision, October 2015: You can download a the 2010 version of the card from their Website. La ACLU también tiene esto sin la tarjeta en español. This link also changes, and you can find the English-language card in our archive.
Permission is hereby granted to reproduce and circulate these alerts. Please include the following notice: "Permission to reproduce given by Man Kind Endeavors, LLC. Originally appeared as part of the Website CRUISING for SEX."
When you submit a tip on any Sex Listing, you can indicate if it belongs in this section by selecting the 'Head's Up' option. Throughout our Sex Listings pages you may find this notation, 'Head's Up'. This indicates that we have reports of police action or bashing at that location.
CFS recognizes that there is an appropriate place for police to protect the public, including cruisers. However, we will report on enforcement of "victimless crimes" where cruisers are targeted by police.
Get the ACLU Mobile Justice App currently for 17 states and the District of Columbia. You have the right to record what happens with police.
To read legal opinion about the civil rights of cruisers, we suggest the resources of the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund and the American Civil Liberties Union.
Lambda Legal's undated 2000s version of their Little Black Book is excellent and deals directly with the rights of men who cruise, although there is a changing legal environment regarding cruising in some parts of the USA. The Lambda Legal link changed. It's also on Google (1993 version) at Little Black Book and the more recent version is in our archive. También en español..
The American Civil Liberties Union has a wallet-size guide, applicable to citizens of the USA, that deals with how you should respond whenever you encounter the police. This version is from 2010, and it applies with this 'Heads Up' page revision, October 2015: You can download a the 2010 version of the card from their Website. La ACLU también tiene esto sin la tarjeta en español. This link also changes, and you can find the English-language card in our archive.
Permission is hereby granted to reproduce and circulate these alerts. Please include the following notice: "Permission to reproduce given by Man Kind Endeavors, LLC. Originally appeared as part of the Website CRUISING for SEX."
Location | Comment Text | Created |
Delaware Georgetown Jester Tract |
This area had been closed since January 2017 because of "persistent crime there including drug use, prostitution and lewd behavior." It was recently re-opened but with "increased patrols, brighter lighting, and 24-hour video surveillance." This is not a place for cruising. Delaware Online, Jan 2017: Lewd behavior closes Delaware picnic area, June 2017: Police partnership key to reopening historic pavilion at Redden State Forest |
Jun 29 2018 |
Atlanta Metro Atlanta Atlanta Marriott Marquis |
Security has tightened up and is always checking restrooms. | Jun 22 2018 |
Honolulu Metro Kaneohe Ho'omaluhia Botanical Gardens |
Hit or miss here. Right now, cops are around. Plain clothes, undercover, taking video with cameras. Look out. | Jun 20 2018 |
El Paso Metro El Paso McKelligon Canyon |
Please be very careful. Thursday, the day before yesterday, I was parked having lunch. Park attendants, MP's, and El Paso PD were rounding the canyon. One of the EPPD car with two cops came to the area where I was parked and when saw me having my lunch moved on. They did stop and asked few questions to a guy was in a van close by. Noticed they asked for his ID or driver's license. |
Jun 16 2018 |
West Virginia Bluefield East River Mountain Scenic Overlook |
In recent years, they have torn down the abandoned building, renovated the snack stand, and even opened it back up during the summer. They've cleaned up the nearby woods too. Houses and cabins are being built on top of the mountain across the street. Because of all this, cruise at your own risk! Cops have been patrolling more frequently. One day I was up there, the residents of the house across the street came home, went out on their deck facing the park and coincidentally a patrol car arrived fifteen minutes later! Take it somewhere else. |
Jun 15 2018 |
New York City Metro Manhattan Equinox Columbus Circle |
Equinox is facing a lawsuit from one man and a class-action lawsuit about sexual activity in the steam room here. A man is suing after he complained that another man who was masturbating allegedly walked up to him and laid a hand on him. That incident came after a manager told him orgies were taking place in the steam room last October. Now a group of five men have come together in a new class-action lawsuit against Equinox over claims the gym ignores “the reprehensible conduct occurring in [its] steam rooms.” The 34-year-old marketing rep, identified as R.S. in the suit, says twice in three days he got more than expected when he went in for a steam at the Columbus Circle location. "The next thing I know I feel a hand on my thigh and I jump up and I say, ‘What the hell!’ and there’s one guy sitting there masturbating and the guy who touched me was masturbating as well," he told The Post. R.S. says he told a locker room attendant but says he saw the masturbating man working out the next day as if nothing happened. He then says he saw even more masturbating males during his next steam room experience. This caused R.S. to escalate his complaint and that is when a manager at the location made mention of the Thursday night orgies, where a clique took over the steam room. The Hollywood Unlocked, May 20 2018: Equinox Sued For Letting Men Have Orgies In Steam Room |
Jun 13 2018 |
New York Buffalo University at Buffalo North Campus - Alumni Arena Gym |
From Fall, 2017, a man was arrested for public lewdness in the sauna in front of a minor. His name, photo, and city of residence were published in local media. He was charged with three Class A misdemeanors. WKBW, Nov 2017: Man arrested for Public Lewdness in the sauna at U.B. Editor's Note: CFS does not approve or condone sex or sexual display with underage people. |
Jun 03 2018 |
Maine Kittery Amazing Intimate Essentials |
The store's "viewing booth license" was renewed following a November, 2017 booth-related ordinance violation. On Nov. 9, 2017, Police Chief James Soucy issued citations for indecent conduct to two males who occupied the same viewing booth at Amazing Intimate Essentials. At the time, Soucy reported the two men were "engaging in indecent conduct together." Under town ordinance, Amazing Intimate Essentials is permitted to operate booths in the shop, but "no more than one individual is allowed to occupy a viewing booth at any one time." SeacoastOnline, May 30: Kittery store gets OK for viewing booth license |
Jun 01 2018 |
Boston Metro Boston Fenway Victory Gardens |
This place is not a good idea to cruise anymore. Gone are the days where public parks was fun to meet and skeet. The patrols have continued to watch the area. People who stroll are in many cases dangerous and some have mental issues. Many homeless individuals lurk around and like to argue with others. You're better off finding another spot along the park than be here in this particular area. Find a new spot where no traffic is going or lurking. The park is big enough. I think it's time to find a new bush of weeds to be spontaneous. But not here, it's too hot as in everyone is on to that spot. You're more likely to get caught or get a summons being here. Be careful. |
May 30 2018 |
Connecticut Enfield Connecticut River |
Be wary of this place, there has been a lot of activity lately and I don’t mean the cruising kind. There have been some complaints so proceed with caution. I’m definitely taking this one off my list. | May 27 2018 |
Boston Metro Salem Dead Horse Beach |
Re: the previous post. The jogger may have been an employee from the nearby Plummer Home For Boys. Young stocky guy, black curly hair cut short in back, clean-shaven, jogs in the area often. They're known for calling the police when their residents sneak out and hook up at the Willows. We normally don't publish descriptions that are almost personally identifying information on these pages. Given the circumstances and the publicity about the man who was arrested, I'm leaving this exactly as you wrote it. ~ Editor |
May 15 2018 |
Florida Jacksonville Tillie K. Fowler Regional Park |
Police activity in restrooms last week. Be careful, an undercover cop will follow you inside, flirt with you, and then another one comes in. | May 08 2018 |
Turkey Istanbul Cihangir Sauna |
This place was raided back in November. And not a casual raid. These guys meant business. Here is a news report detailing the raid. I walked up there in February and there was a sign on the door that said "closed for refurbishment" I hope it isn't gone for good because it was a lot of fun. NTV (Turkish), Nov 2017: Cihangir'de uyuşturucu operasyonu (Sauna baskını) Google translation: "Drug operation in Cihangir (Sauna raid)" |
Apr 20 2018 |
South Carolina Greenwood Grace Street Park |
Because of some previous post when Craigslist was up for sex, police are aware of activity. | Apr 16 2018 |
South Carolina Greer Shelter Court Park |
Be careful. Police were there tonight on the pretense of stopping littering in the area. Killed the vibe going on between a straight guy and myself. Also be careful of the guy in the red pickup four-wheeling the area. He’s been known to harass guys parked in the area. |
Apr 12 2018 |
Orange County Metro Garden Grove Romantix Garden Grove |
I was at the arcade with the six booths and three cops came and and raided the arcade. They asked me to lift up my shirt. The cop asked if the semen on the floor was mine. I was able to leave without an arrest, but they detained another customer. | Apr 04 2018 |
Oklahoma Stillwater Oklahoma State University - Edmon Low Library |
A nineteen-year-old man "has admitted using his cell phone to view naked genitals in the men's restroom of the Edmon Low library at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater... ...In his guilty plea, he said he "used a cellphone camera to take a photo of a person under the stall divider in a public restroom on campus..." There is a "...plea agreement with the prosecution for a two-year deferred sentence with conditions including a psycho-sexual evaluation and follow-up, court records show." His name and hometown were publicized in local media., March, 2018: Teen Admits Using Cell Phone For Lewd Purpose At OSU Library Restroom |
Mar 29 2018 |
Austin Metro Austin Walnut Creek Metropolitan Park |
The stories of these arrests and the condom initiative in the park are from 2016. They illustrate the pattern of cruising and police action here over the years. KXAN, May 2016: Five arrested at park restroom 'popular' for public lewdness Austin American-Statesman, Dec 2016: Condoms-in-trees effort in Austin park takes officials by surprise |
Mar 28 2018 |
Fort Lauderdale Metro Deerfield Beach Adult Video Warehouse |
Be very careful. Police arrested two guys here in March 2018. I would not "play" here. This is real. | Mar 25 2018 |
El Paso Metro El Paso Ascarate Park |
Almost no action those days at the Ascarate Lake. Actually nada this past week. Agree, too many sheriffs patrolling and some even get into the johns to check them out. Too bad. Too bad. Too bad. Options are limited. |
Mar 24 2018 |
Los Angeles Metro Los Angeles University of California - Ackerman Union |
Related to the Review of January 6, 2018, here's a link to a news story. There was a report to campus police of an indecent exposure incident here at a third floor restroom in July 2017. This appears to have caused an increased police presence. Discretion and caution are advised. Daily Bruin: Incident involving indecent exposure in Ackerman Union reported |
Mar 14 2018 |
El Paso Metro El Paso Ascarate Park |
Today around 10 am a guy I been chatting through a sex dating app asked me to meet him in front of the rest room across the baseball field. A sheriff patrol was parked and randomly stopping the guys going to the john. Came back around 2 pm and two patrols were parked in front of that john as well as the johns in the front. One of the park attendants told me beside the new sheriff patrolling cameras are being installed. Another sex paradise going to waste. |
Mar 12 2018 |
New York Fayetteville East Area Family YMCA |
In November, 2017 a man was charged with misdemeanor public lewdness after allegedly exposing himself and masturbating in the open public shower by the pool. His name, age, street, hometown, and photo were published in local media. It appears to be an isolated incident and he had contact with no one else at the time. Man charged with public lewdness at Fayetteville YMCA Man charged for public lewdness at East area YMCA in Fayetteville |
Mar 06 2018 |
New York Lake George Rest area |
There was an arrest here Feb 21 2018 after 'complaints of "lewd" behavior,' leading to a man charged with misdemeanor public lewdness for exposing himself. His name, age, hometown, and photo were publicized in local media Post-Star: Man arrested after 'lewdness' at Northway rest area WRGB: State Police: Queensbury man arrested on public lewdness charge Daily Gazette: Man charged with public lewdness at Lake George rest area |
Mar 05 2018 |
Pennsylvania Lancaster Long's Park |
In mid-February 2018 three men were arrested by mounted officers of the Lancaster City Police. "The suspects arrested were observed engaging in the activity in public and open spaces within the park, police say. These activities would have been reasonably apparent to other park users, according to police." Names, ages, hometowns, and photos were published in local media. WPMT: 3 men charged with open lewdness at Long’s Park in Lancaster County LancasterOnline: 3 men charged with open lewdness after police conduct detail to target sexual offenses at Long's Park 3 men charged with open lewdness at Lancaster park |
Mar 05 2018 |
Dallas - Fort Worth Metro Fort Worth Gateway Park |
In January 2018 seven men were arrested in an undercover operation over several days targeting sexual activity at the park. Charges included indecent exposure, although individuals also had previous arrests for protitution or for public lewdness. Names, ages, and mugshot photos including "LKA" (last known address) were published in local media "Undercover police operations have been conducted at Gateway Park for years. Police have said the park has had a reputation for male sexual activity and public lewdness." January 2018: Star-Telegram Four accused of indecent exposure after undercover operation at Fort Worth park January 2018: Star-Telegram: Three more arrested in operation targeting sexual activity at Fort Worth park February 2018: Fort Worth Weekly: Cruising Gateway Park 2012: KTVT CBSDFW: Fort Worth Park Blocked Off After Lewd Conduct 1995: UPI: Ty Herndon charged in sex sting |
Mar 05 2018 |
Tampa Bay Metro Dover Sydney Dover Trails |
On February 19 two men were arrested here for lewd acts in separate incidents. Their names, ages, and photos were publicized in local media. According to a Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office spokesperson, "undercover detectives check for this type of behavior periodically at parks throughout the county. He says this kind of behavior is not uncommon. 'Not only in county parks, city parks but even in public restrooms in shopping malls, airports, bus stations... It's important for parents to monitor their children in places like a public restroom. Since September, 2017, deputies have responded to Sydney Dover Trails 4 times for sex related crimes." WFTS: 2 men arrested for lewd acts at Hillsborough County park |
Mar 05 2018 |
Washington Metro Washington P Street Beach - Rock Creek Park |
This place used to be so hot and full of BBC. I checked it out last fall around 9 pm. I was walking on the path into the trees behind the tennis courts. Two undercover cops came up with their flashlights. I was taken but released. Rather embarrassing. Had to come back to appear for court. It was dropped but a fucking hassle. Advice: be very careful. |
Feb 21 2018 |
Los Angeles Metro Van Nuys Woodley Park |
The LA city government has no soul. The LAPD is flying drones and helicopters trying to get video of some fool getting a hummer so they can ruin his life.Meanwhile the cruise area is all but gone due to the tent cities being built in it by the homeless. They ignore these poor people and spend millions a year trying to ruin people's lives. In the second bluest city in the bluest state, the swastikas still flies all too powerful. Fucking disgusting! | Feb 18 2018 |
Fort Lauderdale Metro Hollywood Pleasure Emporium |
Heads Up! Be careful. I Googled but couldn't find any arrests or incidents here. I'll publish the Heades Up, but can you provide more details? ~ Editor |
Feb 17 2018 |
Los Angeles Metro Los Angeles Elysian Park - Buena Vista Hill Area |
I went hiking here, amazing views of the city. But I don't know how anyone could hook up here. The whole park is full of homeless villages, developed to the point I don't think you can call them homeless anymore. The mentally ill high on meth and twenty-dollar rent boys are the vast majority of the guys here. And in the middle of this scene from Mad Max, two obvious vice cops tried to get me into the bushes. I had them made before they even saw me. Besides, I was only hiking. |
Feb 12 2018 |
Boston Metro Salem Dead Horse Beach |
I noticed it hasn't been mentioned here they busted a guy in the woods back in September. The guy was from Florida and staying with his mother in Beverly during Hurricane Irma. The Salem News reported police were called by a jogger who saw him sucking on a dildo. This was an unusual situation but you should keep this in mind if you're thinking of cruising during the day. The man, whose name and home city were published, was charged with lewdness, later reduced to indecent exposure in a plea bargain because the anonymous witness could not be called to testify. If the man "stays out of trouble and stays away from Salem Willows and the Cannon Hills, an adjacent wooded area once known as a 'cruising' spot, the charge will be dismissed in a year." Salem News, Sep 13 2017: Florida man, in Salem to avoid Irma, faces lewdness charge Salem News, Feb 7 2018: Florida man admits to exposure charge |
Feb 07 2018 |
Amsterdam Metro Amsterdam Westerpark |
Gay bashing incidents have been reported here on an ongoing basis as recently as Jan 2018: This Saturday morning, Jan. 13, between 2:00 and 3:00 a.m., a 48-year-old man was attacked in Amsterdam's Westerpark area. Police believe the attack was a gay bashing — one of, unfortunately, many incidents of late. But why are there so many Amsterdam gay bashing incidents? The man, who has not been named, was walking near the playground in Westerpark. He was approached by two men dressed in black who shouted at him, insulted him, and hit him in the face several times. They fled when a nearby couple shouted at them to stop, leaving the victim with multiple injuries. The article goes on to discuss a number of anti-LGBT attacks in Amsterdam and around the Netherlands, including the March 2017 murder of a gay man in Oosterpark. Amsterdam is rightly seen as a gay-friendly city, but as anywhere keep due caution in mind when cruising. Hornet: What’s With the Wave of Anti-LGBTQ Violence That Has Overtaken This Amsterdam Park? |
Jan 23 2018 |
Honolulu Metro Honolulu Crane Park |
I arranged to meet here to hookup via a social media app. There are now a lot of homeless. I didn't hook-up. I did suck a nice BBC in the bathroom. However, I won't meet here again. On my way back to my car, a Micronesian woman was standing in my path and asked for a dollar. I said no and kept walking. As I looked to my left, I saw a group of five young Micronesian teenagers with clubs and knives waiting to attack. Had I stopped and pulled out mystery wallet, it would have been ugly. Don't risk it at this once fun park. |
Jan 14 2018 |
Austin Metro Austin Walnut Creek Metropolitan Park |
Several guys were cruising the bathroom on Jan 8 and Jan 9 at lunchtime. Mostly older men but with nice big cocks. Heads Up: Austin Police were parked there for a half hour on Jan 8. I'll include the Heads Up alert you put in the checkbox. Hopefully the Police were simply parked there for some reason not related to cruising. There's been no serious Heads Up type incidents here in years. ~ Editor |
Jan 10 2018 |
Los Angeles Metro Los Angeles University of California - Ackerman Union |
Pretty good spot, but cops are more present since recent publicized indecent exposure complaint. Non-students should be careful here. | Jan 06 2018 |
Florida Lakeland Saddle Creek Park |
Repeated undercover police operations recur again and again in County Parks in Polk County, Florida. The Polk County Sheriff's Office Undercover Vice Unit arrested three men Dec 21, two here at Saddle Creek Park and one at Gator Creek Reserve. All three were charged with soliciting to commit a lewd act and two with indecent exposure. One of the three was charged with trespass, having previously been arrested in a similar operation in 2010 and banned from County Parks. Another was charged with battery because he allegedly "grabbed the detective against the detective's will." Names, photos, home towns or states, and marital status including number of years married were published. All three were banned from County Parks. WFTS: 3 arrested for committing lewd acts at local parks in Polk County |
Dec 22 2017 |
Florida Lakeland Gator Creek Reserve |
Repeated undercover police operations recur again and again in County Parks in Polk County, Florida. The Polk County Sheriff's Office Undercover Vice Unit arrested three men Dec 21, two at Saddle Creek Park and one here at Gator Creek Reserve. All three were charged with soliciting to commit a lewd act and two with indecent exposure. One of the three was charged with trespass, having previously been arrested in a similar operation in 2010 and banned from County Parks. Another was charged with battery because he allegedly "grabbed the detective against the detective's will." Names, photos, home towns or states, and marital status including number of years married were published. All three were banned from County Parks. WFTS: 3 arrested for committing lewd acts at local parks in Polk County |
Dec 22 2017 |
Queensland Mudjimba Beach Mudjimba Beach |
A section of the beach has become known for gay cruising and may receive a pushback from locals and authorities: There's a sleepy section of Mudjimba Beach known only to locals as a no-go zone. Rife with groups of men having sex in the dunes at any given time, the beach has transformed into a "uncomfortable" scene. One local who is in the know said the stretch of beach runs from the new boardwalk all the way to the Twin Waters life guard tower. They say it is only a matter of time for an innocent family to stumble upon the activities. "Basically what happens is, any given day, all day, there are guys hooking up. They'll walk along, have a signal and disappear into the dunes," the person, who chose to remain anonymous, said... has escalated into men masturbating on the beach in view of families. A number of lewd posts had been made on social media. "Knowing you're on a family beach and people are having sex behind you is just uncomfortable." Discretion is advised. Sunshine Coast Daily: The family hotspot that is 'rife' with sex Queerty: Locals are totally sick of gay men hooking up on this public beach "all day" |
Dec 12 2017 |
Mexico Mazatlán PepeClub |
Breaking News: A guy was totally naked at the darkroom getting fucked as he was giving head. They stole his clothes. Yes. The owner gave him a carton box and called him a cab. ppClub will always be the club par excellence. | Dec 10 2017 |
Durham - England Darlington Cruisy layby off A68 |
There is a renewed call to stop dogging — cruising for sex by both gays and straights — here. The layby, which is set back from the road, is known for being a dogging hotspot and features an area nicknamed 'The Tunnel of Love'. For years, it has attracted people all hours of the day and night. A woman who ran a burger van there until last week said the litter - including used condoms and tissues - discarded there had got out of hand, making it difficult for her to run her business there. Speaking to [Ron Hogg, Durham's Police, Crime and Victims Commissioner] at a Darlington Borough Council meeting, [Councillor Gerald Lee] said: "The layby on the A68 has been used for some most unsavoury goings-on. "They have been sending police cars so we can get a bit of a reduction in incidents and the council has helped by cutting back shrubs and bushes in the turn-off, but still it continues. "There are a lot of families who are going on holidays and day trips and such like, who pass by there. "It just concerns me what would happen if someone would walk past those various goings-on and particularly for children, it would be horrible to see. "We have got to stop this before it gets to be an even bigger problem." Sarah Hall, who had a mobile cafe on the site selling burgers and sausages, said: "None of them ever bothered us, they stayed well away from the van, but they did used to drive up and go in the bushes. It was all hours of the day. "The condoms and used tissues and stuff on the ground were really bad. The people there were in the majority men, and the occasional cross dresser, but they kept out of the way and used to go down this old track which had bushes around it - we used to call it the Tunnel of Love. "There was also a woman prostitute used to come up on a Tuesday looking for business but I think she was more there for the truckers. "The whole thing never really bothered me, I say each to their own, and they stayed well away from us. "But I think it might have put customers off, and the rubbish certainly did." The Northern Echo: 'The Tunnel of Love' - Call for crackdown on notorious 'dogging' layby near Darlington |
Dec 06 2017 |
Leicestershire - England Groby Groby Pool and Woods |
There is more publicity on efforts to stop dogging. Leicester Mercury: Council trims bushes at Groby Pool in attempt to stop dogging: It has a reputation as a favourite on dogging websites |
Dec 06 2017 |
Leicestershire - England Groby Groby Pool and Woods |
In May 2017 there were extra police patrols here and some work on the grounds to deter dogging and cruising. More recently: Bushes at a popular nature park have been chopped back in a bid to deter hedonists using them to indulge in daytime sex trysts. The move is part of ongoing action at picturesque Groby Pool, long plagued by individuals meeting up to engage in intimate acts. Officers from Hinckley and Bosworth's community safety partnership team and the green spaces department have worked on thinning out foliage and removing trees bordering walkways and around the car park. The Hinckley Times: Bushes trimmed to deter dogging at beauty spot |
Dec 01 2017 |
Florida Stuart Joe's River Park |
Arrests from the Sheriff's operation in county parks have risen to at least 46 with a man caught on camera in July who was recognized in an October traffic stop. Treasure Coast Palm News: Park sex acts investigation in Martin County lands Port St. Lucie man in jail |
Nov 28 2017 |
Boston Metro Stoneham Sheepfold Park - Middlesex Fells Reservation |
Squirt took down their page for Sheepfold so something has gone down in the past year. I haven't been there in a while but the last couple of times I was there, there was always a DCR truck in the lower lot and sometimes a state SUV would pull in and out. Just don't do it out in the open. I recall one incident where a yuppie couple on bicycles almost caught a couple guys who had been fooling around on the path going up to top of the center hill. One of them was wearing a camera on their helmet. A close call. |
Nov 27 2017 |
New York City Metro Manhattan The Shops at Columbus Circle |
A man was arrested and charged with attempted rape for an attempted sexual assault of a teen girl in a bathroom here. It is possible that patrols or surveillance may increase. New York Post: Man busted for attempted sex assault at Time Warner Center |
Nov 25 2017 |
Maine Kittery Amazing Intimate Essentials |
Two guys were arrested here November 9th. You can look it up on the Kittery Maine police log. Heads up. Thanks. I found it listed as "Suspicious Activity" and "Indecent Conduct." ~ Editor |
Nov 23 2017 |
Pennsylvania Lancaster Long's Park |
Lancaster police conducted an investigation in early November 2017 with a plainclothes officer and others from the mounted unit following "numerous complaints at Long's Park about adult men seeking others for sexual gratification." This resulted in the arrest of five men charged with "open lewdness, indecent exposure and related counts." Names, photos, ages, and cities of residence of the men were published in local media. PennLive: 5 men accused of exposing themselves, masturbating at Lancaster park: police |
Nov 15 2017 |
Palm Springs Metro Desert Hot Springs Cruisy vacant lot |
Was here this morning November 9 parked when a Sheriff and his sidekick came over to my car. Asked for ID and asked a few questions. Just a heads-up: they're back! | Nov 09 2017 |
New South Wales Byron Bay Tyagarah National Park - Tyagarah Nudist Beach |
Four men were arrested and fined, two for being nude outside the permitted area, two for sexual activity. New signs up: "Nude Bathing Permitted (clothes optional) from 200 metres south of Grays Lane for 800 metres. Nude bathing outside the declared area is an offence. Penalty not less than $110." The Northern Star: Creeps kicked off beach for 'lewd acts' EchoNETDAILY: Men charged with nudity and offensive conduct at Tyagarah Nature Reserve |
Nov 07 2017 |
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