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Heads Up Listing

4863 matching results for "Heads Up Listing, 1":

This section for alerts is the place where we help one another learn about current police operations and other forms of bashing.

When you submit a tip on any Sex Listing, you can indicate if it belongs in this section by selecting the 'Head's Up' option. Throughout our Sex Listings pages you may find this notation, 'Head's Up'. This indicates that we have reports of police action or bashing at that location.

CFS recognizes that there is an appropriate place for police to protect the public, including cruisers. However, we will report on enforcement of "victimless crimes" where cruisers are targeted by police.

Get the ACLU Mobile Justice App currently for 17 states and the District of Columbia. You have the right to record what happens with police.

To read legal opinion about the civil rights of cruisers, we suggest the resources of the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund and the American Civil Liberties Union.

Lambda Legal's undated 2000s version of their Little Black Book is excellent and deals directly with the rights of men who cruise, although there is a changing legal environment regarding cruising in some parts of the USA. The Lambda Legal link changed. It's also on Google (1993 version) at Little Black Book and the more recent version is in our archive. También en español..

The American Civil Liberties Union has a wallet-size guide, applicable to citizens of the USA, that deals with how you should respond whenever you encounter the police. This version is from 2010, and it applies with this 'Heads Up' page revision, October 2015: You can download a the 2010 version of the card from their Website. La ACLU también tiene esto sin la tarjeta en español. This link also changes, and you can find the English-language card in our archive.

Permission is hereby granted to reproduce and circulate these alerts. Please include the following notice: "Permission to reproduce given by Man Kind Endeavors, LLC. Originally appeared as part of the Website CRUISING for SEX."
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South Carolina
Hilton Head Island
Sea Pines Bike Paths
A friend was arrested here last week, do not take this chance. Lots of undercover cops in the area. Watch out. May 29 2021
New York City Metro
Central Park
Police are investigating a reported same-sex gang rape here:
The alleged victim told cops he was walking inside the park just before 1 a.m., at West 77th Street and West Drive, when he saw five men sitting on a park bench, police sources said.

The men then got up and followed the alleged victim, he told cops. He said he fell and was sexually assaulted by two of the men.

The alleged victim said the five male suspects, all about 30 years old, ran off after the incident.

Update 5/28/21: Additional reports say the victim was a 19 year old trans man.

WPIX, May 26 2021: Transgender teen raped in Central Park: NYPD

New York Post, May 26 2021: Cops investigate gang-rape claim in Central Park
May 27 2021
Greater Orlando Metro
F. Burton Smith Regional Park
Hung around very briefly and found some fun. They wanted to move outside the back restroom but there seemed to be a LEO watching so I left. Fun first time though. May 25 2021
Romantix - Lincoln NW
Here's the news report on the undercover sting operation from the earlier review:
During the operation, which ran March 25-26, police cited 25 people for indecent exposure, five for public indecency, two for inmate of disorderly house and two employees for maintaining a disorderly house...

KearneyHub, April 23 2021: Dozens cited in connection to undercover operation at Lincoln adult shop
May 13 2021
Saddle Creek Park
Another arrest here by the Polk County Sheriff's Office. The man's name, photo, age, and hometown were publicized in local media.

Patch, May 5 2021: 1 Man Exposes Genitals To Officer, Other Suspect Offers Sex: Cops
May 06 2021
Winter Haven
Lake Fannie Boat Ramp
Another arrest here by the Polk County Sheriff's Office. The man's name, photo, age, and hometown were publicized in local media.

Patch, May 5 2021: 1 Man Exposes Genitals To Officer, Other Suspect Offers Sex: Cops
May 06 2021
El Paso Metro
El Paso
Memorial Park Senior Citizen Center
Gentlemen, be careful if you see a short fat bald guy in a nice car. He is the same one who calls the cops at Ascarate and at Blackie.

Let the place cool off for a while. The Canyon is open and a short distance. Nice cocksuckers there. Senior gentlemen and great swallowers.
May 04 2021
El Paso Metro
El Paso
Memorial Park Senior Citizen Center
Hey be careful with this spot. Not sure if we have a snitch. I came to check it out today at 2 pm and a sheriff was parked in the parking lot. May 03 2021
New York City Metro
Forest Park
Cops have been reported here lately. Now that nice weather is here you can expect more undercover and raids after dark. Only the Ramble is dangerous than this place. Apr 24 2021
Jarun Lake
There are news reports of more gay bashings here and elsewhere in Croatia, not to mention the earlier attack with a Molotov cocktail at Maksimir Park.

Vice, April 15 2021: LGBTQ People Are Being Beaten Up and Set on Fire in This Corner of Europe
Apr 21 2021
Atlanta Metro
Southern Nights Video
This area, where the mass shooting at massage parlors happened last month, has been seeing continued incidents of harassment and occasional violence.
Two employees at Tokyo Valentino told BuzzFeed News about a recent occasion when they had called the police because someone was waving a gun around. About 30 minutes later, when no one had arrived, the employees called back only to discover that an officer had, in fact, been dispatched, but was across the street at a pizza parlor. "The police officer was across the street the whole time," said one of the employees, a janitor at the club who identified himself as J.O. "He just never came in."

There have been two other shootings in the area recently, one by a customer at Tokyo Valentino. [The manager] said he felt the police response in the neighborhood was "hit or miss," and that officers sometimes take hours and sometimes respond quickly. He said there had been more police in the area after last week's shootings.

BuzzFeedNews, March 24 2021: Atlanta Sex Industry Workers Say They're Used To Being Branded “Sinners” — And Fearing For Their Lives
Apr 06 2021
Romantix - Lincoln NW
FYI: Friday night March 26 around midnight the clerk was issued a citation with a court date for maintaining a house of disorderly conduct. The police stated that there was sex going on "back there," meaning in the theaters "all the time." (If only it really were "all the time", right?). They had pictures on their cell phone of the manager outside smoking. They asked the clerk if that was the manager and called her by name. More citations were expected Saturday March 27. The citations are given to the clerk in their names only, and not Romantix. They indicated that they had received a complaint that morning of sexual activity in the theaters. They also stated that it might be OK in other states but not in Nebraska. Finally, they complimented her on the fact that they were good at enforcing the mask policy. None of us really understand the purpose of that comment as it was a serious one and not sarcastic, unless it's one of those things they do to mix up your mind like they excel at.

I was in the theater while this occurred and did not witness the event. But that means I can tell you the police did not come into the theater area at all. Plenty of people on the sales floor and in the parking lot did see this go down. Folks in their cars in the lot had IDs checked and were "strongly advised" to leave. Knowing full well that was a meaningless statement given just for intimidation, they stayed and several of us supported the clerk and calmed her down while she notified management.

All of us there have a lot of questions as to why it was the late night clerk – and not the morning clerk – if that's when the complaint was received. Will the theaters stay open or will corporate close them? This location can operate very profitably without them.

I'll post updates as I know them. Feel free to do the same.
Mar 27 2021
Punta Gorda
Charlotte Flatwoods Environmental Park
Another sting operation here in February, 2021 led to the arrest of a cruiser. Local news reported the man's name, age, and hometown while also quoting a local attorney who raised the question of entrapment.

Port Charlotte Sun, February 26 2021: Undercover sex sting in park nets one arrest
Mar 25 2021
New Mexico
Las Cruces
Burn Lake
Careful with the new camera system monitoring the john. I was caught last night getting head and a citation was issued by an undercover cop with the charges of "aggravated indecent exposure" in lieu of an arrest. The guy was sucking my cock was also given a citation but just for indecent exposure.

According to the lawyer I had retained in New Mexico "indecent exposure" is a misdemeanor that carries a punishment of six months to one year in jail, fines, participation in mandatory counseling, or probation. Aggravated indecent exposure is exposing genitals in public with the intent to threaten and intimate someone. So not fun!
Mar 12 2021
New York City Metro
Kissena Park
Within the last few weeks, at least four robberies have occurred in the adjacent Kissena Corridor Park – three of them in broad daylight. As a result, there have been increased police patrols in the area. I would like to believe that this is the reason why cruising activity here is nil, and not just the cold, snowy weather.

Nearby Cunningham Park, parking area along Hollis Hills Terrace, appears to be more active than here despite some comments on another website of plainclothes officers randomly targeting cruisers there late last year.

WINS, January 24, 2021: Police search for trio of teens in violent robberies at Queens park
Feb 10 2021
Rome Metro
Villa Doria Pamphili
After complaints of both female and male prostitution as well as drug addicts present and vandalism, the area is monitored by drones.

Il Tempo, October 2018: Sesso tra gli alberi. A Villa Pamphili si prostituiva anche un seminarista

Il Giornale, December 2019: Villa Doria Pamphilij in balìa dei tossici e della prostituzione

Urloweb, April 2020: Villa Pamphili: atti vandalici contro due statue
Jan 30 2021
Seattle Metro
T107 Park
Port of Seattle officers and Sheriffs now patrol throughout the day. They are not making arrests but engage anyone present. Jan 23 2021
Cincinnati Metro
Mount Airy Forest
At least twenty-one men have been arested for "lewd behavior" or "sex crimes" at Cincinatti parks including this one since October, 2020. Police have set up barriers for cars, although pedestrians are allowed. They are using cameras.

WXIX, January 19 2021: More than 20 men arrested for crimes in recent months at Cincinnati parks, police say
Jan 22 2021
Palm Springs Metro
Desert Hot Springs
Cruisy vacant lot
Action has picked exponentially here at all hours since the start of the pandemic, which has been awesome. Essentially, it's become an outdoor sex club like the ones currently closed in nearby Palm Springs. But with more guys walking around naked too close to the road, and with as many as a couple dozen vehicles parked on the trails on both side of Worsley on warm afternoons and evenings – including on the west side of the street, where a large "No Trespassing" sign threatening fines and jail time is posted – it's no wonder the cops are monitoring the area.

While I personally witnessed the cops driving past shining spotlights into the brush on a couple of nights last summer, my luck nearly ran out on Friday, January 15, at about 1:30 am, when two police cars rolled into the east-side parking area with spotlights on, catching a number of guys off-guard in their cars or screwing around near the lot. I had just repaired to one of the makeshift, old mattress-appointed "forts" farther down the wash, just beyond the cops' sights and lights, and abandoned my hot trick mid-plow to run deeper into brush with a few others.

The raid, or whatever it was, lasted more than forty-five minutes – with the police shouting about "needles" and possibly citing a few guys for breaking curfew and who knows what else. I hated that my vehicle was parked in the hot zone during all this, where the cops easily could have noted and/or run the plate, but also grateful that I was far enough back in the wash that they'd probably never find me and the others who scrambled back there without a helicopter assist. Made sure the cops left and were way down the road before stumbling over the rocks back to my car and driving out of there with only my parking lights on.

Not sure if this is or will become a regular thing, but I did read on another cruising site that a similar police visit with possible arrests took place here the night before Thanksgiving. Holiday weekends bring more guys out to to desert looking for action, so do be careful while having fun here, men. Also, be aware that the Skyborne housing development south of here near the Pierson Road intersection reportedly will be tripling in size over the next couple years, which will bring more regular through traffic on Worsley – and, most likely, an increase in "Mrs. Kravitz" reports and police presence.
Jan 18 2021
In recent years the cruising area in the park has been officially closed at night because of multiple incidents of robbery or violence. Dec 29 2020
Grand Mere State Park
Sounds like guys have been cruising here but there's risk. In October a nude man was seen walking the trails and police began a search.

October 13, 2020: Police searching for witnesses who saw nude man in Grand Mere State Park
Dec 26 2020
Orange County Metro
San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary
I saw a guy from vice try to bust a few guys last Tuesday 12/22/20 near the main parking area. I got outta there fast. Be aware. Be careful. Dec 24 2020
North Beach
The place is dead and the police have been patrolling quite often. I'd stay away. I went and parked in a nice dark spot and the police made me move along. So keep out if you plan to do this here. Dec 23 2020
Forsythe Park / Forsythe Point Recreation Area
A man with no pants on was masturbating in front of parked vehicle on Friday, December 4. When Ouachita Parish Sheriff's Deputies identified themselves the man fled, leading into a chase at speeds over 80 mph. After apprehension, the man was charged with several felonies including obscenity, flight from an officer, possession of a Schedule 2 controlled substance (meth), etc., as well as an additional misdemeanor. His name, age, and photo were published in local media.

Monroe News-Star, December 5 2020: Man accused of public sex act in Forsythe Park says he was looking for new dating partner
Dec 05 2020
Greater Orlando Metro
Palm Coast
Graham Swamp Conservation Area
Forewarned is forearmed: An undercover operation by the Flagler County Sheriff's Office led to the arrest of four men November 3 for "exposure of sexual organs." Their names and photos were published in local media. The Sheriff noted an "ongoing problem" with sexual activity here, stating
Let this be a fair warning to anyone seeking this kind of interaction: Future operations are already in the works as there is zero tolerance for this conduct in our public parks. It is inappropriate and unacceptable.

Palm Coast Observer, November 4 2020: Four men arrested for exposure of sexual organs at Graham Swamp
Nov 07 2020
New South Wales
Byron Bay
Tyagarah National Park - Tyagarah Nudist Beach
Police have conducted "high visibility foot patrols" here after complaints of lewd behavior. They confronted two nude men and "infringement notices for offensive behaviour."

Echo NetDaily, October 12 2020: Police report indecent and offensive behaviour
Nov 04 2020
Tampa Bay Metro
Sydney Dover Trails
The undercover "Operation Park Cleanup" at Sun City Heritage Park also targeted men here, resulting in eleven publicized arrests and provocative statements from the County Sheriff in his reelection campaign. It faces withering criticism in local media.

Tampa Bay Times, October 17 2020: Why did the Hillsborough Sheriff’s Office target gay sex? Editorial: The episode evokes 1950s and ’60s era prejudices.
Oct 19 2020
Tampa Bay Metro
Sun City Heritage Park
The recent arrests here in an undercover operation are drawing questions and criticism.
The undercover sting dubbed "Operation Park Cleanup" did not target anyone attempting to pay for sex. The men are not accused of human trafficking, or forcing themselves on anyone, or crimes involving children.

The arrests and the sheriff’s words left experts and LGBTQ advocates wondering: Would undercover deputies have arrested a man and woman for meeting in public and agreeing to have sex? Would this have happened in another public setting — in the parking lot of a nightclub, or on the beach at night?

"...People rendezvousing in public places is so common a theme that everyone knows what Lover’s Lane is, Lookout Point and similar places... If police run across a couple of spring breakers having sex in the dunes, they're more likely to tell them to go home and get a room, not arrest them and humiliate them by putting their mugshots out in the public."

It is noted that the County Sheriff is in the midst of a reelection campaign.

Tampa Bay Times, October 15 2020: Hillsborough’s sheriff publicized a sex sting. Did it target gay men?
Oct 19 2020
Chicago Metro
LaBagh Woods
Police patrols were increased after a man was attacked here, kidnapped and taken to Schiler Woods, and then robbed by two other men on a Wednesday night in August.

WMAQ, August 21 2020: Police Investigate After Man Says He Was Kidnapped at Forest Preserve, Then Robbed: Police said patrols were increased in the area and an investigation remained ongoing
Oct 18 2020
Illusions 2
Stay away from this place.

I have heard from numerous people that this guy is a CI and sets people up to do stupid shit and all of a sudden police are coincidentally right there. They already have your description and license plate. Do not go here and do not trust anything they say to you.
Oct 15 2020
Sauna Paraiso
In mid-September a police did a inspection – possibly related to pandemic requirements – and found the establishment over capacity with a hundred men without masks and no social distancing. Cocaine, ketamine, GHB and sexual stimulants were found. Eight were arrested on drug charges.

One patron interviewed noted the lack of gay social activities during the pandemic, since many bars or discos are closed. He said the sauna, although "stigmatized" by the general public, has become "an 'after' more than a place to have sex," Another patron said said "the place was 'packed to the brim' and that the sauna's security measures 'have been relaxing' in recent weeks."

NIUS Diario, September 15 2020: Vecinos de un pueblo de Ourense evitan con tractores que el fuego llegue a sus casas

El Periódico, September 16 2020: Hablan los clientes de una sauna pillados en una redada: "Hay el mismo riesgo aquí que en el metro"
Oct 11 2020
Seattle Metro
Langus Riverfront Park
Be careful here. There was a homicide August 31 after a drug deal gone bad.

KIRO, September 6 2020: 2 arrested in connection with homicide at Everett park, 1 remains at large
Oct 10 2020
Nottinghamshire - England
Thieves Wood
Police found a makeshift shelter with condoms and trash here in May. They said they were taking a "zero tolerance approach" to "anti-social behaviour" after reports from locals. Based on the previous post it has not dissuaded cruising.

Nottingham Post, May 2020: Condoms and makeshift shelter found in Mansfield woodland amid reports of 'lewd activities'
Oct 10 2020
Cincinnati Metro
Burnet Woods
Cincinnati police arrested a man here in late September for indecent exposure. 'CPD has put up barriers to prevent cars being able to drive along the park looking for hookups, but the barriers still allow people to walk and bike and enjoy nature. "All I can say is he must have been attracted to this man and doesn't know the rules of engagement," a resident said.'

WXIX, September 30 2020: Man arrested for public indecency in Burnet Woods
Oct 09 2020
El Paso Metro
El Paso
Album Park / Eastwood
Bulldozer, careful. Not much police patrolling but was told the reason why the park became dead was due to police action. Oct 08 2020
Riverfront Park
Pennsylvania State Police have seen searching for a man who recently exposed himself here to another man who was offended., July 27, 2020: Police looking for man who exposed himself at public park
Oct 04 2020
Philadelphia Metro
Hunting Park
There was recently a fatal stabbing here.

WPVI, September 1 2020: Police investigate fatal stabbing in Philadelphia's Hunting Park section
Oct 03 2020
Fort Armada
Thirteen men have been arrested here for public indecency in an operation that started in late July 2020. In the ongoing investigation, "routine drive-throughs at the park revealed a pattern of repeat visitors and that trash found in some portions of the park 'alluded to criminal sexual activities.'" Names, ages, and town of residence of those arrested were published., September 15 2020: 13 arrested for public indecency at Fort Amanda park
Sep 29 2020
New Orleans Metro
New Orleans
City Park
Careful guys. Cops are actually dressed to fuck and arresting. Sep 24 2020
Tampa Bay Metro
Sydney Dover Trails
Undercover Sheriff's deputies recently arrested eleven men here and at Sun City Heritage Park for "exhibiting or soliciting lewd acts in public parks."

Bay News 9, September 18 2020: Undercover Detectives Arrest 11 Men in "Operation Park Cleanup"

WFLA, September 18 2020: 'Operation Park Cleanup': 11 men arrested for exhibiting, soliciting lewd acts in Hillsborough Co. public parks
Sep 21 2020
Los Angeles Metro
Los Angeles
Elysian Park - Buena Vista Hill Area
Five guys were arrested at Elysian Park for having sex or cruising yesterday afternoon. Be careful guys and avoid this place. Sep 18 2020
Green Bay
Ken Euers Nature Area
This place use to be a great place to hook up and suck some dick. But now they have not only the camera in the parking lot, they have three extras out on the trails I'm sure nobody really knows about.

One is aimed at the tree area about halfway down on the tree lined trail. Another is placed on a tree behind the two benches also on that same tree lined trail. They blend in well but are still practically out in the open. Be careful.

I now go over near the Howard Dog Park or along the two frontage roads that have a boat ramp on one side and long sidewalk on the other side just north of the I-41/I-43 interchange north of Velp Ave.
Sep 11 2020
Horse Cave
DC's Video
We stopped at DC's Video on Friday September 4th, 2020 about 8 pm and upon arrival saw at least six police cars with lights flashing in the parking lot. Some of them were local county cops and some were State Police. They were questioning an M/F couple outside one of the cars.

We decided to go in and find out what was happening from the clerk and she stated that the police had been there the last five evenings checking for Illegal activity.

The M/F couple were cited tickets for indecency but returned back into the facility when the cops left to finish what they came to do.

Most of the patrons did leave when the police came into the theater and arcade with flashlights and the place was dead except for about six of us that stayed behind to check things out. About an hour after the police left, things began to pick up again mainly because the new patrons were unaware of what had happened earlier.

LOL, upon leaving, one of the police officers told the clerk, "See you tomorrow night."
Sep 07 2020
New York City Metro
Central Park
Watch out, undercover cops are back. Aug 31 2020
Chickies Rock Overlook Trail
Warning, no one goes here. Only a few queens show up. The good old days are gone! Park guards in the woods looking to bust you! It's very sad but that's the truth. Aug 26 2020
El Paso Metro
El Paso
Memorial Park
Be careful, it's the new place for gangs to meet. I live close by. Police were there all night long. Aug 11 2020
Punta Gorda
Charlotte Flatwoods Environmental Park
Additional arrests were reported here in late 2019 and early 2020.

Sun Port Charlotte, December 27 2019: 84-year-old arrested for exposing sexual organs in Punta Gorda Park

Sun Port Charlotte, February 14 2020: Cape Coral man arrested for lewd act in Charlotte County park
Aug 03 2020
New York City Metro
Prospect Park
On Thursday, July 30 around 1:30 am, a man walking with a female companion was stabbed by a knife-wielding stranger in a surprise attack. Police are actively searching for the suspect.

Expect this place to be swarming with cops, especially during the overnight curfew hours. Why were they in the park at that time to begin with?

AMNY, July 30 2020: Police seek assailant in early-morning Prospect Park stabbing that left a man injured
Jul 31 2020
Memphis Metro
Kennedy Park
Following up, arrests were made in connection with the man killed in this cruisy park and parking lot:
A couple has been arrested for the shooting death of an off-duty firefighter, Mack Bond, who was found dead in his vehicle Wednesday afternoon. According to an affidavit, Danielle Mack and Carlton Wells were both arrested Friday for their connection to the case... Mack has been charged with tampering of evidence. Wells is being charged with second-degree murder and convicted felon in possession of a handgun.

As posted earlier, a local TV station "investigated" the cruisy park:
As soon as we arrived at Kennedy park, something stuck out. There were several men by themselves driving through or parked along with various spots throughout the park. It seems like as soon as they saw our FOX13 logo, several of them immediately got out of there. SkyCop cameras are visible across Kennedy Park on Raleigh LaGrange Rd., but they seemingly don't deter the behavior the park is known for... Kennedy Park is large. There are a lot of places within the park where you find alcoves and little private roads, where anyone looking to engage in any sort of illegal activity almost completely undetected.

WMC, July 18 2020: 2 arrested in connection to shooting death of off-duty firefighter

WHBQ, July 20 2020 FOX13 investigates park where local firefighter was killed
Jul 25 2020
Devon - England
Haldon Hill
Two men with families living in "makeshift homes" in the woods drove doggers – gay cruisers – away by threatening them with axes:
Members of an off-grid community armed themselves with axes to scare off doggers who were using a car park next to their home for casual sex. Daniel Bacon and Christopher McKinlay had been asking the local council for months to take action against men who were meeting up at the isolated beauty spot in Haldon Forest, near Exeter. They took the law into their own hands when they blocked off the exit to the woodland car park and then threatened the men with axes. The incident ended with them putting away the axes, reopening the entrance to the car park, and ordering the men to leave and never come back. Both had families living in makeshift homes in the woods and were worried about the area being used by doggers. They have now set up a community group to try to protect the area. The off-grid community on Haldon Ridge is one of the longest established in the country and has its own postcode. Its residents pay council tax and some have been there for 20 years. Bacon, aged 32, and McKinlay, aged 42, both of Haldon Ridge, admitted possession of bladed articles and were each ordered to do 80 hours unpaid community work as part of an 18 month community order by Judge Timothy Rose at Exeter Crown Court
A further comment was reported by a CFS user who saw this on Squirt:
Myself and another TV from Bristol are considering coming here and staging a protest, this would be after Covid19 lockdown is eased, but we would invite the media, newspapers, TV, etc, to our protest. We would most likely chain ourselves to the trees to prevent any further clearance or destruction of this site and we would probably be stripped naked. If anyone is up for such a protest, we need to get more numbers, there are currently 12 of us willing to carry out this protest, it will depend upon when the Covid19 is lifted.Part of our protest would be that the car park is an SSSI (a Site of Special Sexual Interest) and should be designed as such, instead of being destroyed.

It's unclear whether this place is still usable.

DevonLive, July 1 2020: Doggers driven out of Devon forest by off-grid community carrying axes: "Whatever people were or were not doing in the car park, the fact of the matter is that you very significantly frightened them."

BBC, July 1 2020:Devon off-grid residents used axes to threaten 'doggers'
Jul 25 2020

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