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Fairmount Park

Category: Cruisy park, Cruisy park, toilet Directions: Located just off Route 60, at Market Street exit.
Submitted: Apr 25 2001 (Edited 11/27/20)
Cruised here? Rate this place:
3.21/5 based on 19 votes. The median rating is 3.
Read & Write Reviews: 23 Reviews

Address: 2901 Fairmount Boulevard
City: Riverside
State: California
ZIP/Postal Code: 92501
Country: United States of America

GPS Approximate Latitude & Longitude: 33.9957,-117.372
See larger zoomable map from Google

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Posted Jan 02 2021:
I was there a couple of days after Christmas. I went to all three of my favorite restrooms. The best one for hooking up by far is the one on where Market, Locust, and Bowling Green intersect. The Jiu Jitsu garden is near it. Guys flow in and out of here looking for cock, but it is too easy to get caught, so meet here and then take it somewhere else.

The other two locations are good too. The one by the playground is active, but mostly when there aren't any kids around of course.

The third one is on Redwood Street. Just park your car on the street and walk over to the restroom. It is much quieter and has less traffic there. I found a young guy with a big cock who fucked me in a stall. It was private enough that he was able to do me good, and cum in my ass without interruption.

Edited on 01/04/21

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Posted Nov 27 2020:
I was there on November 25, 2020. Cruised all the restrooms. The one off of Main Street on the far east side of the park is best.

I found a hung, uncut Hispanic guy wanting to play. He had a big fat cock that was at least 7" long. I got fucked in the stall until he came.

This is a busy restroom, but people are coming in and using it a lot. Not everyone is there to play. It would be better to meet in the restroom, and then go to a private place like a car or van with tinted windows.

Edited on 11/27/20


Posted Aug 18 2020:
I was there August 16, 2020 in the middle of the day. I cruised every toilet in the park. Seemed there were other guys cruising too, but being a Sunday, there were straight people and families there too.

Restrooms were a little too busy to actually play, but they are still very active!

Edited on 08/19/20


Posted Sep 03 2019:
Last Friday I got fucked in the restroom on Redwood near Dexter. It is the only restroom in that area of the park. He was in his 20's and had a big cock! I got fucked bareback an it felt so fucking good!

Edited on 09/04/19


Posted Aug 30 2019:
The restroom at Fairmount Park and Bowling Green Streets seem to be pretty active during the day.

Edited on 09/02/19


Posted Jul 01 2019:
This place is huge. Where in the park does everyone go?

Edited on 07/03/19


Posted Nov 29 2018:
I drive by this park on my way to and from school, wouldn't mind watching some guys fool around.

Usergroup: Member
Joined: Jan 19, 2011

Total Listings: 0
Total Reviews: 1


Posted Jun 24 2011:
Have been there several times in the past few months and I usually have some fun. Young to old and in between.

Edited on 06/28/11


Posted Sep 28 2010:
I come to this park at least twice a week at night to hang out with friends, and every time, I have seen cruising going on. It is still a good place to find what you are looking for.

Edited on 09/30/10


Posted Feb 19 2010:
Subject: Save your time!
Whatever used to go on here has long been extinguished. Every square inch is under surveillance, bathrooms seem permanently closed, and any and all brush has been cleared. Once in a great while it is sort of cruisy around the outskirts.

Edited on 02/20/10


Posted Feb 05 2009:
Most of the vegetation has been removed through fire or cutting. It's difficult to find a private place. There's only one good bathroom left but it's rarely frequented and always busy. Brand new lights all along the footpath around the lake make it impossible to hookup at night. Action still sometimes happens on the other side but infrequently. Cops are common!


Posted Aug 26 2007:
I visited last week and there was plenty of late night action. I got fucked on a picnic table. I like it.


Posted Apr 29 2006:
I went there today for about three hours and saw non-stop cruising. Didn't see any cops today. One hot(!) younger guy on a bicycle was cruising. Wish he wouldn't have been so shy! I had a nice time with one guy though.


Posted Apr 05 2006:
This is being patrolled too much by the police nowadays.


Posted Nov 20 2005:
Good action. I sucked off a dude in the bathroom then found another young guy with a ten-inch cock and we sucked each other off.


Posted Oct 08 2005:
Haven't been to Fairmont Park in a while until last weekend. I went there on a Saturday night and found that it was deserted.


Posted Feb 02 2004:
Heads Up!
I was busted by an undercover cop. He was in the bathroom and his partner was outside in an SUV.


Posted Nov 28 2003:
Lately, due to the cold weather, the picking of guys have been slim, but there's always the older guys that are always looking for a nice cock, which I have to feed them. It's always best after dark and into the early morning.


Posted Jan 18 2002:
This is the grande dame of cruising in The Inland Empire. There are all kinds of activity here. There are three restrooms with a lot going on but cruising activity throughout the park too.


Posted Dec 15 2001:
It was very active in the 90s but now it's almost dead. Guys still go but not like they used to.


Posted Nov 05 2001:
Heads Up!
Enforcement has been aggressive with night-time activity down to nearly nothing as a result. The brush covered area adjacent to the parking lot and park entrance near the bike path off Mission Avenue was burned out by a recent brush fire. Police action at this parking lot is heavy with frequent arrest and citations.


Posted Oct 14 2001:
Heads Up!
Police are making arrests.


Posted Sep 26 2001:
This is a great place to find action. I sucked three dicks in one night. All ages looking to get off, seven days a week, mostly after dark.

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