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Theatair X Closed

Category: Adult store with arcade, theatre Hours / Entry Fee: Open 7 days 6 am - Midnight Directions: Located 4 miles from downtown Louisville, Kentucky. From Louisville take I-65 north to exit 4. At the end of the exit make a right and then follow the signs for Highway 31.
Submitted: May 22 2001 (Edited 09/26/23)
Cruised here? Rate this place:
3.64/5 based on 39 votes. The median rating is .
Read & Write Reviews: 85 Reviews

Address: 4505 Highway 31
City: Clarksville
State: Indiana
ZIP/Postal Code: 47129
Country: United States of America
Phone Number: 812-282-6976

Closed, deletion pending

GPS Approximate Latitude & Longitude: 38.3289,-85.7507
See larger zoomable map from Google

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Posted Sep 25 2023:
According to Google, this place is permanently closed.

Edited on 09/26/23


Posted Oct 27 2022:
A local article examines the history of the business which originally moved from showing mainsteam Hollywood movies to X-rated movies in late 1970. There is copious detail of attempts by local authorities to shut it down.

The place is currently operating without a license. The peepholes are therefore closed but it is still able to sell adult merchandise.

LEO Weekly, September 28 2022: "The Pride Of Clarksville" – Theatair X And Its 50-Year Fight To Stay Open

Edited on 10/29/22

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Posted Nov 11 2021:
After a Federal court ruling this business was allowed to re-open. A temporary license was issued for Theatair X to stay open at least through December 31 while the city appeals.

If you plan to visit you may wish to call ahead to check on the current status and whether the theater is actually open.

WRDB, September 1 2021: New Theatair X owner suing to reopen as similar adult business

News and Tribune, September 7 2021: Judge: Town must issue temporary license to new Theatair X owner: New ownership took over in August

LEO Weekly, September 8 2021: Updated: Theatair X Survives Another Day (Or Does It?) As Judge Orders Clarksville To Issue Business License

News and Tribune, September 14 2021: Federal judge rules temporary license still in effect for Theatair X

WRDB, September 14, 2021: Theatair X allowed to reopen after federal court ruling

News and Triibune, September 23 2021: Clarksville approves annual license for Theatair X through end of year: Federal litigation ongoing

Edited on 11/12/21

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Posted Aug 20 2021:
Their business license was revoked in the latest turn of the legal dispute with the town. It appears that the venue may be changing names and attempting to come back, possibly using the name of a church. "Now, the property appears to be turning into another adult entertainment business, the slyly named Clarksville Ministries LLC, according to an attorney representing the town... The town is currently reviewing Clarksville Ministries’ application for a license."

News and Tribune, August 16 2021: Judge affirm's Clarksville's decision to revoke Theatair X license

LEO Weekly, August 19 2021: Clarksville’s Theatair X Adult Superstore Might Be Dunzo After Judge Rules In Favor Of License Revocation

Edited on 08/21/21

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Posted Nov 07 2020:
Under an appeals court ruling, "The shop cannot operate between midnight and 6 a.m. and must ensure that all parts of its interior space, except restrooms, are directly visible from a manager's station."

Louisville Courier Journal, October 23 2020: Theatair X adult bookstore loses appeal on restricted hours, customer monitoring

Edited on 11/10/20

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Posted Mar 15 2020:
A judge ruled that she is without authority to enforce over $270,000 issued by Clarksville against the theater. However, a later set of fines were ruled valid. The cases turn on regulations for adult businesses adopted by Clarksville last summer and the appeal by the theater's attorneys related to a business license revocation.

News and Tribune February 27 2020: Judge issues orders in Theatair X case

Herald Bulletin February 21 202: Attorneys for Theatair X, Clarksville submit proposed orders

Edited on 03/18/20

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Posted Nov 26 2019:
A judge granted a preliminary injunction in the long-running legal battle between Clarksville and Theatair X, stating "the business must immediately get into compliance with aspects of two Clarksville ordinances — specifically by limiting hours to be closed between midnight and 6 a.m, and reconfiguring the building interior so that a manager can view all areas of the business except restrooms. The business is restricted from operating its theaters and peep show booths until the space is reconfigured. Civil penalties of up to $7,500 per day can be imposed if they don't comply." Theatair X has thirty days to appeal but must comply in the meantime.

News and Tribune, Nov 23 2019: Judge: Theatair X must limit hours during civil case: Preliminary injunction approved Thursday in Clark County

Edited on 11/27/19

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Posted Nov 18 2019:
Proposed orders have been entered in the court case under which "Theatair X would have to close between midnight and 6 a.m., and the interior would have to be reconfigured so that a manager could see all areas where patrons are allowed except restrooms."

News And Tribune, Oct 28 2018: Proposed orders filed in Theatair X civil case:
Judge has yet to rule on the matter

Louisville Courier-Journal, May 2019 Theatair X, the porn store that has persisted, faces town's kiss of death

Edited on 11/19/19


Posted Jul 14 2019:
I loved coming here when I was in town. Is this place still good now with all the law issues?

Edited on 07/16/19


Posted Jun 20 2019:
A new ordinance adopted in Clarksville prohibits "sexually oriented" businesses from operating between Midnight and 6 am.

The new ordinance will also require renovations at Theatair X to provide a "direct line of sight" to all areas where customers may be, except restrooms, but affecting video booths or other private or semi-private areas in the store. This would also require Theatair X to get blueprints, new building permits, construction permits, etc. providing the city another way to present obstacles to the store's business.

The separate legal case between the city and Theatair X remains ongoing.

WDRB, June 19 2019: Clarksville adopts ordinance with new regulations for adult businesses

WAVE, June 19 2019: Clarksville bolsters adult business regulations: There are currently two adult businesses in town

Edited on 06/21/19


Posted May 11 2019:
Attorneys for Theatair X have appealed the Town Council's decision to revoke the business license. This means Theatair X remains open under a "provisional license" for now.

WHAS, May 7 2019: Clarksville adult bookstore appeals ruling

Louisville Courier-Journal, May 7 2019: Attorneys for Clarksville's embattled adult bookstore Theatair X file appeal

Edited on 05/14/19


Posted May 03 2019:
The town council did in fact vote unanimously to revoke Theatair X's business license. The decision is expected to be appealed. One of the lawyers for the business says it will remain open, although it isn't clear from the news if it will be open now pending appeal.

Louisville Courier-Journal, May 2 2019: Council votes to revoke decades-old porn store's business license

Edited on 05/06/19


Posted Apr 30 2019:
The town council heard witness testimony Monday night.
A Clarksville detective also testified he saw two men earlier this year performing sex acts on themselves inside of a theater, and another couple was having sex inside another theater. That kind of activity is why one man said the business should close. "This is just a gateway to other things. It oughta stop. It oughta stop... But it shouldn't be shut down through a technicality. It oughta be shut down in Jesus' name."
The council is set to vote at a Thursday meeting. If Theatair X closes, it would end a nearly fifty year run as a porn theater.

WRDB, April 29 2019: Witnesses testify in front of Clarksville Town Council as Theatair X faces closure

Louisville Courier-Journal, May 1 2019: Theatair X, the porn store that has persisted, faces town's kiss of death

Edited on 05/02/19


Posted Apr 27 2019:
Clarksville is moving to close this place basing on zoning violations. This comes after the February arrest here of four men, named in the media, on public nudity and public indecency. After that the city's lawyer sent notice of intent to revoke the business license.

For now, Theatair X remains open for now and has made their case to the town council. A decision by the council will come soon.

WAVE, April 23 2019: Clarksville moves to revoke Theatair X’s adult business license

WAVE, April 29 2019: Clarksville adult bookstore and theater fighting to keep business license

Edited on 04/30/19


Posted Mar 17 2019:
Was there this evening. All of the gloryholes have been permanently boarded over. There were only a couple of people in the booths. Pretty dead.

Edited on 03/19/19


Posted Jan 01 2019:
Do they really do all this stuff? I've been there once with one of my girlfriends and heard about the rumors of the gloryholes. I was going to ask the guy at the front desk about it but was too nervous.

Edited on 01/03/19

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Posted May 21 2018:
Been here many times, love gloryholes, can't get enough good action. Is there a good time to go?

Edited on 05/23/18


Posted May 22 2017:
Yes the holes are back, not as busy as in the past but that maybe a good thing.

Edited on 05/26/17


Posted Aug 30 2016:
So are the gloryholes back?

Edited on 09/12/16
Trying for fun


Posted Aug 12 2016:
It was bad if you are a straight guy. It is really bad you go into a booth and then a old guy will watch you or want you to put your cock in the hole to suck you off.

I found three booths that didn't have the gloryholes but the the older men keep trying to get in there to watch. So very very bad if you are a straight guy.

Was it the same guys? Or different ones? If you're one who keeps trying, remember manners and respect: No meaans no. ~ Editor

Edited on 08/17/16
Southeast Christian Hater


Posted Nov 07 2015:
Thanks to the fine haters at Southeast Christian Church, their auxiliary church is hellbent on saving/hating souls frequenting this location. They are putting substantial pressure on the mayor and police to shut this "evil den of sin" down.

I removed the 'Heads Up' you put on your review. I think everyone who reads this page knows about the repeated incidents and risks you have as customers when you go to this location. I am certain that Theatair X appreciates your support and continued patronage.

If members of that church engage in activities specifically at Theatair X, such as protesting or picketing outside, harassing patroms, or taking down license place numbers, that would be a new 'Heads Up' beyond the ones already reported. The background info you've provided is helpful. Thanks! ~ Editor

Edited on 11/12/15


Posted Sep 28 2015:
Heads Up!
The store was raided again by Clarksville Police in mid-September accompanied by a local TV news crew filming. It isn't clear if any store patrons were arrested. The store itself was issued citations. Police say that raids will continue.The news story goes into some detail about the booths, the button that the clerk pushed allegedly to warn patrons of the raid, and among other statements, a police office saying, "There's people in there, you know, committing crimes, you know, indecent exposure and public nudity and things like that inside the open theater area..." including what the officer called "fantasy booths" with holes drilled in the walls: "They have holes and other means of access for one booth to contact another booth."See: Clarksville Police raid Theatair X, issue more than a dozen citations

Edited on 10/06/15


Posted Apr 05 2015:
They are no longer open 24 hours. Their ad in a local paper states they are open 7 days a week 9 am to 1 am.

Edited on 04/09/15


Posted Feb 20 2015:
Heads Up!
Police arrested two more guys here last week for playing in the theatre. Be careful. It's a hot target.

Edited on 02/25/15


Posted Nov 14 2014:
Was there last night around 7:30 pm. About a half a dozen guys wandering around in the back, then an M/F couple came in and went to a booth. I slipped into the booth beside them, then heard her say, "Let's give him a show".

They started to go at it, and I stuck my dick through, felt a hand right away, then a mouth. Got sucked for a good few minutes, tapped on the wall when I was ready to pop and she kept sucking. Blew my load and slipped out the booth, another guy went right in. Looked like everyone was lining up to get a turn.

Edited on 11/19/14


Posted Jun 18 2014:
Heads Up!
Stay away. You'll get arrested. Believe me.

Edited on 06/24/14


Posted Feb 20 2014:
Stopped here on 2-17-14 and all the gloryholes are boarded up again.

Edited on 02/26/14


Posted Nov 17 2013:
Heads Up!
More arrests here. Names were published in the media.

Edited on 11/21/13


Posted Jul 17 2013:
Subject: all is well at Theater X
The latest news is that the city and police have backed off of this place. The court said that they went too far trying to close the place down. Gloryholes are open again and theatres are hopping. Still use caution. Let's face it. Some people are just stupid.

Edited on 07/25/13
glory hole


Posted Mar 29 2013:
I went there yesterday 3-28-13 and all the gloryholes are boarded up and it was dead. Don't know about the theatres. I didn't go in there, but there weren't very many cars in the parking lot. Shame, this place used to be so much fun.

Edited on 04/03/13


Posted Dec 29 2012:
Heads Up!
More arrests made last night in theatre. Sad, the hot spot is for real hot now.

Edited on 01/04/13


Posted Nov 26 2012:
Heads Up!
Police made several arrests outisde this store last week. An undercover agent (female) was solicited for sexual acts, and cops arrested patrons for soliciting. Also arrested a guy for sexual activity in the theater. Be careful.

Edited on 12/03/12


Posted Sep 09 2012:
Just visited this old classic yesterday (5 loads) and today (6 loads). The place was hopping at times, all kinds, plenty of good (and bad) stuff to be had. Worth traveling a couple of hours.

Edited on 09/17/12


Posted Jun 12 2012:
Was there on Friday night. It was slow at first in both the video area and the theatres. Several older and very pushy individuals were ruining it for everyone else. I then saw a 20something in a theatre. He made it clear he just wanted to watch, but several regulars kept after him. He and I shared some brief moments when alone for about 3 minutes but then were interrupted and he left. Later in the evening 2 couples came into the gay theatre. It amazed me at how rude the other guys were once the couples started playing together. Everyone seemed to think this was an open invitation to do whatever they wanted to the women. I have to admit I've been to my share of adult establishments across the country but have never experienced men as rude as I saw here. Get some class guys, and learn some respect.

Edited on 06/14/12

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Posted Mar 02 2012:
This place holds memories for me. Years ago when I moved to Indiana and was away from family, this is where I experimented for the first time. I will admit I didn't realize when people talk about pushy what they meant, but I didn't mind it all that much. They wanted to suck cock just like I did. I got my dick sucked and I also sucked my first cock to completion. I stayed overnight in Clarksville and returned the next night, and sucked off 2 guys at once and then another by himself. This was a great place, but local groups are doing all they can to shut it down so I advise everyone to be smart.

Edited on 03/12/12

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Posted Jan 29 2012:
Went over a couple weeks ago. There is a lot of traffic in the hallways which can be bothersome if you're trying to hook up. Had two awesome encounters. For one, I piled 3 other guys in the booth with me and got my cock worshipped. A couple of the guys put out a piece of ass. The other fun was with an older guy (probably early 40s) who blew off me and my boyfriend. We had a gloryhole in our booth and had him feed his load to the mouth on the other side. Almost always a hot time here!

Edited on 02/05/12


Posted Jan 22 2012:
Have been coming to this place for 30 years and it now is taken over by the regulars in the halls tracking down anyone that comes in for a good time, like flys on paper. They loiter in the halls protecting what they feel is theirs, scaring off anyone new or anyone just wanting to see what it is all about. In the theatres the movies are the same as they have been for years, nothing new! Not worth the money it cost to get in for a 1960 porno! So sad to see this once great place turned into this.

Edited on 01/25/12


Posted Jul 19 2011:
This place used to be good, but use condoms because STDs are up around here. Several of the old clerks are now there all the time, thinking they own the place and should get whatever they want. They are generally very agressive and treat everyone like shit. Also, they have new cameras all over the place, too. Bring plenty of sanitizer because the place is just not clean.

Edited on 07/22/11


Posted Jun 20 2011:
Be prepared to get very aggressive at this place. Those straight guys, wanting to get their dicks sucked, would do themselves and everybody else a favor by 'choosing' their cocksucker, rather than letting all the horrible, aggressive trolls and queens just fight over who's to suck their dick. Often, the straight guys just get freaked out and leave, without ever getting off.

Edited on 06/26/11


Posted Apr 14 2011:
I am 25 years old and I love to suck cock here. Usually I end up sucking off 4 to 8 cocks during a single visit.

Edited on 04/17/11


Posted Oct 20 2010:
The bookstore is bouncing.

Edited on 10/21/10


Posted May 20 2010:
The bookstore is still open guys! Where y'all at? Please come visit! Lots of talk about how business has gone down with that church thing going on but it has blown over (for now). This has been a 40 year long war between them and them. Indiana law says (for now) it's OK for whatever between two rooms with a hole between them to be whatever it is -- no one's business. We miss you truckers and travelers!

Edited on 05/20/10


Posted Jan 22 2010:
I stopped by and spent a long afternoon. Not a peak time, but I was looking to play, willing to wait, and looking for playmates. I am picky and there are too many older guys that don't get the hint. It was like next to impossible to get close to a decent guy because of the older or fat guys. They are so pushy. You might need to be more aggressive to hook up with the right guy here.

Edited on 01/22/10
Senior Reviewer

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Posted Jan 17 2010:
I was there on Friday night from about 10 pm until 2 am and only actually sucked off one guy. Like some of the other reviews have said, the suckers out number the dick by 10 to 1. Some of the guys are extremely pushy which can be a big turn off. About the only positive thing I have to say is that the place is now smoke free so you won't walk out smelling like an ash tray.

Edited on 01/18/10


Posted Nov 27 2009:
I got myself 10 loads in 2 recent visits. This place rocks like the old days. If you can bypass the old truckers -- they do themselves -- the hot Louisville meat is there for the taking. Worth the travel.


Posted Jul 13 2009:
Plenty of action going on here these days. There are 10 gloryholes, all not covered, and of course lots of rooms to go in together. There are no police patrols and the city does not seem interested in the undercover news stories. Lots of hot truckers and some cute Hispanic guys patronize the place. It's a very good place if you want to get your cock sucked, but also good for the guys wanting to suck. I just find you'll have better odds if you're looking to be sucked: like 10 to 1.


Posted Jun 02 2009:
Action is still going on, but men just have to be more creative to hook up as the holes are covered.


Posted May 29 2009:
This place is a bust now with lights on in the peep area and holes covered up. They've got security patrolling the theatre to make sure no action goes on.


Posted May 23 2009:
Was there on last Sunday, and the holes were covered by a board screwed to the wall. Was there again yesterday and there was a guy going around and unscrewing the board and swinging it down to open the holes. Had some fun!


Posted May 12 2009:
Heads Up!
This place was just on the local news tonight. Undercover cameras showed the holes in the booths. The local mega churches are on a crusade to close this place down, so expect even more media attention.


Posted Apr 05 2009:
This place is getting bad. The staff is friendly. The decor and cleanliness are Ok. The loitering regulars are getting to be a pain in the ass. I stop by on my way through town every couple months and I'll spend ninety minutes or so naked in a booth sucking as much cock as I can get. I think I must be the only one spending money because Saturday I counted fourteen (yes, fourteen) guys just standing in the halls smoking and chatting. When I walked through the arcade I had three trolls follow me the whole way. If you want to get sucked off this place is probably great. If you want to suck more than one cock in ninety minutes, good luck.


Posted Mar 18 2009:
I went for the first time while visiting Louisville. The store is perfect for cruising with plenty of booths and plenty of people. I just have a few complaints. First, the place is to full of what I call regulars and they were easy to spot. They just walk around pulling on doors and when fresh meat comes in, they try to pounce as a herd. Second, most I would say were waiting on new meat to come in because they sure weren't messing around with each other. This waiting around can scare off the straight and bi guys who come in and are scared away by all the attention. Because of this I would say unless you like fem guys, I would stay away from here.


Posted Feb 25 2009:
What an unusual day! The arcade was busy as always and I got to suck off several nice cocks there. In the theatre there was an older couple, and by older I mean in their seventies. She was stroking him. He was fingering her. It was quite a scene. In the back row was a crossdresser in heels, black leather skirt, stockings and garter. From the time I walked in I was second in line to fuck her. It was great. Can't wait to go again!


Posted Jan 25 2009:
I love this place and always have luck in the booths and theater. I don't know if anything ever actually happens in the gay theatre though. I always go to the straight theater and get plenty of sex.


Posted Jan 14 2009:
Smoking is allowed in the peeps here. It's hard to explain how I smell like smoke to my partner. After going I smell yucky. But always suck a dick and get some cum on my face. Mmm. Wish they had couches. That would be more comfortable to me. Love this place. Lots of hookups.


Posted Oct 12 2008:
Just came home from a Saturday night at the bookstore. This place is usually a great time. This time there were too many females in the booths and the theater. It was couples night and I thought that they had their own theater so why are they where the guys are? The place was dirty and there are more broken seats than not in the theater that you pay $10 to be in. This place needs repaired and cleaned up before it is closed down.


Posted Sep 19 2008:
A hot, hot time today! I had a six-some in the theater. One massively hung middle-aged black man was in the middle of it. One was sucking his cock. I was playing with his ass while another was sucking me. We had a chain of cocksucking and assplay going on. Hottest time I've ever had there!


Posted Sep 13 2008:
It was kind of slow on a recent Saturday afternoon. But there wasn't the usual troll crowd though, much younger guys in the theatre and the arcade. Maybe things are picking back up here.


Posted Jul 29 2008:
It's too liberal anymore. Way too many regulars going there makes it hard to pick up. They should up the cost of entry and enforce it with the people they have been letting in for free!


Posted Jun 19 2008:
There are gloryholes in the peep booths and open masturbation in theatre.


Posted May 27 2008:
I was here recently, late on a weeknight. The arcade was busy as usual but the theater was slow. Nonetheless, I got the best blowjob ever in the back row of the theater. I went on to suck off several others and got sucked off again. All in all it was a great visit.


Posted May 20 2008:
Adult bookstore and novelities with a very large arcade and two small theaters. The arcade costs $5 to get in. Anything goes. There are gloryholes in many of the booths but two or more to a booth is fine. Stays pretty crowded all of the time though like any other place can be hit-or-miss. Some straight guys go there to get their cock sucked too. If it's slow just wait a little bit and there's always some action to be had.


Posted May 07 2008:
I've been going to this bookstore for years, usually get naked in a booth and suck all the cock I can with an occasional fuck. I have been gang-banged in the theater by many (usually) older guys with big cocks. Was there this past Monday night, all night, and gave several blowjobs and was fucked by four different guys, then went to the theater and jacked off with a group of guys. Never had any trouble with the attendants. The place isn't as clean as I would wish it to be. Great fun!


Posted Apr 12 2008:
There are bigger gloryholes here now -- nearly the size of someone's face rather than just a fist-sized hole. I got my ass eaten through the gloryhole. It was amazing. And after the dude finished he handed me all his unused tokens so I got to stay and suck cock for even longer.


Posted Dec 09 2007:
I truly love this place. As I told a friend of mine, it always seems to be a big dick convention here! One young black guy had a dick that filled one of the regular gloryholes. I roadtrip it down here, stay for a few hours and always go home with a sore throat. Weekday nights are the best. There are fewer queens who chase and more straight guys.


Posted Nov 23 2007:
The gloryholes are open and working!


Posted Oct 21 2007:
I was there for an hour and got sucked by a young hottie. I left my door unlocked and another guy came in and fucked the guy who was sucking my cock. After I came I licked the second guy's balls as he fucked the other guy. This is a hot, hot spot.


Posted Sep 16 2007:
Was there a few nights ago when the man with the young buddies arrived. He had a very sexy, straight-acting young man along who seemed to be about twenty-one. He would suck off anyone he told him to. I personally saw the young hottie suck off three guys in the theatre and a few others through the gloryholes in the arcade, including myself. It doesn't seem to matter how old or fat or ugly you are. Everybody got lucky with the hot young dude.


Posted Jul 03 2007:
The arcade is pretty hot. Lots of booths and the end pair of booths on each row have gloryholes. I sucked a bunch of cocks there. In the theater, it was mostly older guys but lots of sucking going on. A younger guy came in and started sucking them at a time, which everyone enjoyed. This place is a must-stop!


Posted Jun 20 2007:
Still possible to have fun here, however, the crowd seems to be the same overweight big-bellied regulars every time I stop (not that often). A few hotties show up but often takes a little wait. Last time I was there I traded blowjobs with a couple of guys but had to wait about an hour for them to show up. Still the best game in the Louisville area, fun in the theater and in the booths. But the cackling queens need to give it a break.


Posted Apr 14 2007:
Seems to be slowing down. Not as many men as their used to be. Hardly any young studs anymore, mostly an over-forties crowd and many of them are way over. Still no hassle from the employees or cops.


Posted Jan 19 2007:
Hot action all the time here, especially when one particular guy brings along his young buddies who suck cock like whores.


Posted Dec 13 2006:
I just got back from there. Wasn't there very long but got me a hot married daddy. Met him in the peeps and he had me completely naked in a booth with his bare dick in my ass. Shot his load right in me. I fucking love this place!


Posted Dec 10 2006:
This place is starting to get seedy. Too many chatty queens in the hallways ruining everybody's fun and some even have the nerve to talk on cell phones. I recommend the bookstore on Preston Highway in Louisville.


Posted Sep 17 2006:
Went here on a Saturday night and decided to check out the theaters. They have two. Friday and Saturday nights are couples nights and you have to be a couple to go into theater number two. Theater number one was showing straight films (when the guys at the front remembered to hit the play button). There were maybe a half dozen guys in the theater, and though I saw one guy make moves on several of the guys, several left when he did. There was another guy who kept talking, especially between the gaps in films and complained that the theater showed gay films during the week. That seemed to put somewhat of a damper on the night.


Posted Sep 05 2006:
This place is still open and very cool. I have been there three times this summer and each time I got sucked to completion through one of the many gloryholes in the peep booths. I also sucked a load in one of the two sit-down theaters. Best of all, the staff doesn't bother anybody. The crowd varies by the time of day and week -- weekday afternoons sometimes have more than their share of older guys but Friday and Saturday nights the crowd is usually younger. My only complaint is the booths could be a little cleaner. But still, it's definitely worth a visit.


Posted Jun 28 2006:
I was there last week and had loads of fun! I swapped blowjobs with several guys in the theater and about five more in the booths over the course of four hours or so. Management is very user friendly. Go there and get bare!


Posted Jan 02 2006:
I was here New Year's Day from 4 pm to 8 pm. Great way to start 2006! Switched back and forth between Theater X and Peeps. In the theater, I kicked back naked, stroked and played with whoever came along. It was a mixed crowd, late twenties and up, sometimes way up. Between Theater and Peeps, I hooked up with nine guys and took several loads, including the dude who fucked me in the theater with five or six guys watching and stroking. I hope the rest of 2006 goes so well!


Posted Dec 20 2005:
I'm a crossdresser and love to work the parking lot and find guys and I have a lot of luck there.


Posted Nov 28 2005:
This place is absolutely amazing! If you're in the area and need to get your rocks off, this is definitely the place! Anytime is good. Although it has it's share of the scruff, you won't wait long for a hottie. And the staff don't give a damn what you do or how long! For the price or a booth or the price of the theater, it's well worth it! I totally recommend this place and give it two thumbs up.


Posted Nov 14 2005:
I visit here on my trips to southern Indiana and have always gotten great cock sucking and the opportunity to suck many cocks here. This trip was no different. I hooked-up with one guy that had a nice long cock that he allowed me to deepthroat and then drink his hot cum. I was also able to have some good deepthroat action done on my cock until I emptied my balls into the eager throat.
I will definately go back on my next trip.


Posted Sep 06 2001:
This place constantly amazes me. It seems to always be active. You get all types gay, bi, no clue, straight. Probably fifty booths many with gloryholes. Most seem to end up in the same booth. Management has always been passive. $5 tokens required for peeps but there are also two theatres as well. Try it if you are in the Louisville area.


Posted Aug 28 2001:
I got there about five pm and the arcade was so so. I left and went and checked into the Crest Inn just above the Theater x. I went back to theater x and went into the theater part this time. Was it ever a geat time, these guys know how to have a good time. Lots of fucking and sucking. Had a great time with a guy that was there and a couple other guys from Ohio. I went back to my motel about 2 am and it started all over again. Guys looking coming right up to the door looking for action.
The restroom walls at the theater indicate that the Colonial Motel has the same action going on. I will be back and stay the weekend again.


Posted Jul 07 2001:
Huge arcade costing $5 in tokens to enter. Lots of gloryholes and lots of dick. Old, young, trolls, studs. Also, the parking lot is very cruisy especially when the big rigs pull in for the night. It can be very hot!


Posted Dec 01 2000:
Lots of changes. Two theaters: 1 for "singles ONLY" and the other for "couples ONLY" and you cannot go into both. Saw lots of guys unhappy with the new arrangement. I hope they reconsider and allow you to go into either theater and at least show some gay/bi porn in one of them.

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