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Blue Hills Reservation

Category: Cruisy parking lot and nearby woods Directions: Located ten miles south of downtown Boston. Take Route 28 south to Chickataubut Road, turn left and park at the third parking area, a quarter of a mile before the reservoir.
Submitted: Apr 24 2001 (Edited 06/03/19)
Cruised here? Rate this place:
2.46/5 based on 35 votes. The median rating is 2.
Read & Write Reviews: 22 Reviews

Address: off Chickataubut Road
City: Milton
State: Massachusetts
ZIP/Postal Code: 02186
Country: United States of America

GPS Approximate Latitude & Longitude: 42.2104,-71.0962
See larger zoomable map from Google

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Joined: Apr 25, 2022

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Total Reviews: 3


Posted Apr 25 2022:
Is this still an option or has it been shut down? Drive by it all the time and always wanted to stop.

Edited on 04/26/22

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Posted May 31 2019:
This place is rocking very active. Watched a couple guys suck a big uncut cock today then went way down and sucked a uncut Latin cock and swallowed a nice load.

The crowd is older and so don't expect a unicorn but I wouldn't rule it out.

The area is huge although most guys go to the same area. But if you want privacy this place goes deep down. You could go out of sight and come back for more.

Seems to go all day, morning until sunset.

Edited on 06/03/19
Dear, My mission:


Posted Jun 26 2013:
Rest assured, that if I see you pointing a camera at me, I will make it MY MISSION to stuff it up your ass! Hey, may as well add "assault & battery" to my arrest sheet, right?

Edited on 07/01/13
Your Mission? Get a life!


Posted Nov 24 2012:
For the "safety" of families with children? Don't be a pompous ass! There's nothing dangerous about the human body. Silly thing!
My mission


0 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted Nov 12 2012:
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I am making it my mission while out enjoying the Blue Hills to snap pics of lewd behavior and report it to the State Police. I have done this once and will continue to do so for the safety of families with children who frequent this area. Activities involving private parts should happen in private. I will be seeing you!

Edited on 11/20/12


Posted Aug 14 2012:
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News reported that a guy was arrested here after someone called police when they saw him jacking off in a car. He was charged with indecent exposure, open and gross lewdness, and lewd and lascivious conduct. The report included the guy's name. Be careful who sees you and use discretion.

Edited on 08/21/12


Posted Feb 20 2011:
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Staties are harassing people simply for being at the main parking lot. An ill-tempered piggy who probably isn't getting any from his wife ran my plates the other day just because he could. Don't be intimidated! This is a state park and you pay for that park with your taxpayer dollars. You have a right to be there during the hours of operation. It's your park! If he was trying to scare me away, he completely failed.

Edited on 03/01/11


Posted Jul 04 2009:
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Be on the lookout for a 20something blond, grey-eyed cop and his dark haired buddy who are arresting guys here.


Posted Aug 12 2008:
The third parking lot has been removed and there are no parking signs. The second parking lot is cruisy up to the observation tower and the path on the left to the next hill over.


Posted Apr 23 2006:
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The rangers are on the homophobic warpath and have cut down the trees on a good several acres of paths. Some paths have been blocked off. I heard of three guys getting arrested late last summer. There's still action here but it's loaded with families. Guys have been mugged here. Life requires a little discretion.


Posted Aug 03 2005:
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The State Patrol came up into the woods by the tower. Be careful.


Posted Jun 02 2005:
No wonder the police are watching Blue Hills! Most of the boys are too lazy to climb the hills far enough to have fun in a safe place! And clean your mess, you pig fuckers!


Posted Oct 13 2004:
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In mid-September, I was stopped by a cop. He suggested I go elsewhere for my fun. He said neighbors had complained about guys having sex in the woods and that three guys had already been arrested in the previous week.


Posted Sep 19 2004:
I must be looking in the wrong area. At the Houghtons Pond area there are a few good looking guys but with lots of attitude and mostly older men in the mornings. It's very disappointing.


Posted May 21 2004:
There must have been twenty hot guys cruising this area when I hit it at 5 pm! If you go up the hill to the observation area there is action. There were also many guys cruising in the woods below the bridge.


Posted Apr 16 2004:
This place is quite hot. I nearly never see stuff like this!


Posted Apr 18 2003:
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I was here recently and was stopped by an undercover "police officer” who fondled himself only to get me to touch him back. After he threatened to arrest me, he said we could work out a deal if I paid him $300. I was panic stricken and we then drove in my car to a nearby ATM and I gave him $100 to get my license back. I drove him back to the woods and left. I wonder if it was a scam.


1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted Sep 03 2002:
I'd give this a four star rating. It's worth the drive from Boston. I've been here about five times and quickly hooked up with a handsome, friendly, horny guy every time. I've had the best luck on the trails below the parking lot. Just follow the steps down and the path.


Posted Jul 11 2002:
It is a good place to go and can be quite happening. Even if you don't get lucky it is still a nice walk and beautiful view from the hill.


Posted Mar 29 2002:
This is a nice place to be when the weather is warm. Last week I was there and had a great time deep in the woods with three very capable men. I have found several spots that are great for sunning and for hot wet fun.


Posted Mar 27 2002:
The state police have not been around lately and there is lots of fun to be had if you only follow the trails into the woods. All types of guys from bluecollar to students to older guys.


Posted Jul 21 2001:
State Police are enforcing the 8 pm closing time.

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