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Park and Ride

Category: Cruisy parking lot and nearby woods Directions: Located near exit 52.
Submitted: May 01 2001 (Edited 10/25/16)
Cruised here? Rate this place:
3.06/5 based on 31 votes. The median rating is 3.
Read & Write Reviews: 21 Reviews

Address: Commack Road and Long Island Expressway
City: Brentwood
State: New York
ZIP/Postal Code:
Country: United States of America

GPS Approximate Latitude & Longitude: 40.8035,-73.2944
See larger zoomable map from Google

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Captain Chill


Posted Aug 14 2022:
I go there (too often it seems) and go through the opened fence at the Southeast corner of the Southern lot. I take off my clothes and wander the trails in the woods. I always have a folding chair with me.

Edited on 08/15/22


Posted Apr 30 2022:
I've been to the Commack park and ride and still am unclear of the protocol of how you go about hooking up there.

I did once jerk off with a guy but only because he noticed I was watching porn in my truck. I had a TV in my dash back then. I've seen others flash their lights at me or even pull up next to my car and turn on their interior light so I could see them jerking their own cocks. Some were nice and big but I still didn't know how to go about it.

It seems like everyone knows the secret lingo but me. Can anyone help me with this and is it true people are fucking in those woods?

Also anyone know about the porn shop around the block from the park and ride? Wanna know if it's true you can get laid there and which video booth has the gloryhole.

Edited on 04/30/22


Posted Oct 13 2019:
Heads Up!
Just stay away. Police are definitely putting on the pressure and the state redid all the fences and cut back vegetation along Commack Rd. Not worth it unless you like playing Russian roulette with the police, and it's only going to get worse.

Edited on 10/14/19


Posted Nov 07 2018:
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Don't, I repeat, don't go there or you probably will be arrested or have a summons and several court appearances. Cops watch in unmarked cars. I know, I was one of them. Even worse, I did not even score.

Edited on 11/08/18


Posted Mar 27 2014:
Geezerville. If you like grandpas this is the place.

Edited on 04/02/14


Posted Sep 03 2013:
This park and ride is actually in Brentwood. It is very cruisy after dark and has lots of types and ages.

Respect the woods and keep the noise level down. There are houses across the street that call the police if it gets loud or they see people smoking (lit cigarettes) in the woods along Commack Road.

Curious? More info on this place can be found through a Google search "Park and Ride. The Story of Club 52."

I've moved the Listing to Brentwood. Thanks for the info. ~ Editor

Edited on 09/12/13


Posted Nov 09 2008:
Great spot, always busy, a lot of action in the lot and woods. I fucked a hot muscular guy in his mid-twenties the other night. There's always someone looking to suck or get sucked in the wooded area.


Posted Aug 07 2007:
Heads Up!
I was gay bashed here a few years ago by a group of teenagers in a car. When I left the parking lot to get away they followed me and then proceeded to run me off the road and smash the windows of my car in with a baseball bat. I was very lucky they didn't hit me instead of the car. This is probably a very rare occurrence but everyone should be aware that this can happen to them, especially if you're not out like I wasn't. It can complicate matters even more. Be careful and keep your eyes open if you see a group of people in a single car. I highly recommend you leave immediately and don't be afraid to call the police either -- as I was.


Posted Nov 29 2006:
I used to go there years ago and had sex right there in the parking lot in the daytime. a guy driving a van parked next to me, got out naked, opened my passenger side door, and took off my clothes. It was so hot. Too many security and cops there now. I'd rather get naked around the block at the adult shop. It's a little safer.


Posted Jan 30 2006:
Heads Up!
Be very careful at this Park and Ride. On the one border of the parking lot there is a small cemetary that is on the property of the old Kings Park Psych center that is now closed. There is a break in the gate and a path in the southeast corner of the lot. While sitting in the lot, I witnessed two fully-clothed Suffolk County police emerge on quads from the break in the fence and were giving anyone and everyone a hard time in the lot. They went around to anyone in a car and were checking license and registration as well as inspection stickers. I also saw the one cop give a guy a very very hard time because he was not parked within the yellow lines of the stall. Meanwhile, the lot was half empty. There were also a group of guys going on a ski trip or outing that had coolers, while these guys were seriously there just waiting for their bus, the cops checked all their coolers for open booze. This is not a safe place anymore, usually the cops come in, drive around and do not bother anyone and leave. Now they are on quads and seem to be out on a mission. If you do go there, be sure you have ID on you, and your registration and inspection are up to code and that you have your seatbelt on, especially if you are parked there and your car is running, they will ticket you for anything they can.


Posted Jun 30 2005:
Watch out for the creep in the green Explorer. He has a video camera and is filming what goes on here. It's unfortunate because lately the place has been packed with loads of hot men every night.


Posted Jun 20 2005:
This place is very active! I saw the naked guy! He was wearing only a black baseball cap! I was able to stroke his large dick for a while, but when I tried to chat with him and he walked away. He jacked off in the middle of the parking lot and could barely stay on his feet when he blew his load! Then he walked out and down the road completely naked. Who is the hot naked dude!


Posted Jun 08 2005:
This place is hot. Guys are constantly coming and going. It's like a car wash. There's an equal number of older and younger men here.


Posted Jan 23 2005:
It seems to be pretty decent again. Check it out around 7 pm. I have seen some hot, muscular guys there. There's one hot guy in a maroon Trailblazer that is smoking hot, and loves to show it off.


Posted Sep 29 2004:
This is a very hot place. I saw a hot, muscular guy walking in naked from Commack Road. He was only wearing a black baseball cap and spent a good hour hanging out in the lot naked while lots of cars cruised around him. Later, he stood at the bus shelter and jacked off. After an awesome cum, he just walked right out and down Commack Road again. It was totally freaking hot!


Posted Apr 02 2004:
I didn't see a lot of action the other day, but I did see tons of guys cruising. It was mid-afternoon though. From what I've seen, it's even better here late at night.


Posted Mar 15 2004:
This is a very hot place! There is total nudity and action happening in the woods through the fence!


Posted Jul 09 2003:
I've seen better and worse. Plus it's right up next to a residential area, so there is always the worry you'll annoy the neighbors.


Posted Jul 06 2002:
I went here for the first time last night. It was pretty interesting even though I was really scared. After cruising both sides of the highway for a half an hour, I finally met a guy. We went into a stall, jacked each other off and came practically at the same time. He left and I went home happy. It looks like a good place except I had two guys keep calling to me when I tried to leave. I just ignored them and high tailed it back to my car just in case they were bashers.


Posted May 05 2002:
This place is always busy with lots of choices and action. The woods past the fence has trails where you can get a great blowjob or even participate in a an orgy. On nicer days guys tend to meandor throught the woods completely naked. Try this place!


Posted Apr 10 2002:
Have been here several times and not much goes on. However, in the wee hours of the morning I have seen some guy jogging through the lot completely naked! I have seen this guy in other park and rides on other occasions.
I think he could be a college student because there is a college behind the adjoining woods.

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