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New York Sports Club

Category: Cruisy healthclub Directions: Located at 125th Street.
Submitted: Apr 20 2003 (Edited 01/13/10)
Cruised here? Rate this place:
3.13/5 based on 15 votes. The median rating is 3.
Read & Write Reviews: 41 Reviews

Address: 2311 Frederick Douglas Blvd
City: Manhattan
State: New York
ZIP/Postal Code:
Country: United States of America
Phone Number: 212-316-2500

GPS Approximate Latitude & Longitude: 40.7834,-73.9662
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Posted Feb 14 2015:
This club has closed the steam room because of "gay sexual" activity. Very sadly homophobic move based on a perception of what might have gone on. Find a more customer-friendlier location that will focus on upgrading the gym and amenities not policing.

Harlem YMCA is the only gym in the neighborhood with a steam room now.

Edited on 02/19/15


Posted Aug 04 2014:
Those comments about "blacks and whites" are just disgusting.

Edited on 08/11/14
ebony man


Posted Jul 19 2014:
When the time is right Blacks will play with Blacks. You should see the Whites, Asians, and old fuckers trying to get in on what is Black on Black. We don't want to play with no other race but our own. So stop cock blocking.

Edited on 07/22/14
Dark man


Posted Jul 09 2014:
Went there the other day. Hit or miss. Lot of black guys there looking to play but get turned off by the white guys who come in looking to hook up. White boys, go back to Chelsea, OK, and let the black guys be with black guys.

Edited on 07/15/14


Posted Sep 28 2011:
Amen to the previous posts. Yes, I live around the corner and use this gym 4 times weekly. Yes, I'm feeling my most sexual after I work out and head to the steam room and get busy with the bruthas there. I'm into oral and frottage and this place has given me some great experiences with like minded bruthas.

Edited on 10/07/11


Posted Jul 09 2011:
Amen to the post on 12/22/10. So true, and what I find interesting is that many white guys have posted here complaining that they were in the mood for black or Latino dick which is why they traveled to NYSC in Harlem to begin with. So you're allowed to objectify and fetishize us and we're supposed to submit at your will? Please.

Basically, this is a great place to go for sex -- AFTER you work out. It is clear that many members actually use the gym here and cruise the sauna and steam as an after workout bonus. It is the guys who go directly to the wet area and look like they haven't worked out a day in their life who get the cold shoulder. Just look like you actually make an effort on the workout floor and don't be pushy and you should be able to get something.

Edited on 07/13/11


Posted Dec 23 2010:
A note to all the white people complaining about racism: suck it up. This is Harlem. Contrary to what your broker told you, there's plenty of black and Hispanic folks here. And, shocker, we mostly want what's familiar to us. Don't like the reception? Go back downtown (or to Jersey, as another person put it).

You ogle at us and expect us to drop the towel, where if things were reversed in another part of town, you'd dart out of the building ASAP. We don't go crying on the Internet when you give us the cold shoulder elsewhere. Don't be surprised when you meet the same fate here.

Edited on 12/24/10


Posted Jul 30 2010:
Still hot! There was a 10 man suck/fuck orgy in the steamroom last Saturday. Yes, mostly black and Latino men. I think the white guys who get rejected are the pushy ones or old and fat ones. Just be easy.

Edited on 07/31/10


Posted Dec 15 2009:
I agree about the issue being unfamiliarity and not race. It took about 2 weeks frequenting this gym to get solid action and I am black and pretty decent looking. I have noticed that it is mostly regulars here and any new person causes guys to act shy.


Posted Nov 05 2009:
Definitely not as good anymore now that everyone knows about it. All the hot guys steer clear because trolls have taken over. Plus there is one guy who rats people out to management whenever he gets turned down. Still plenty of hot guys at the gym to look at, but most do not bother with the steam anymore.


Posted Oct 03 2009:
Not as much fun as it used to be, I have worked out there for five years and there used to be more guys willing to suck, jerk off, grind and do other things. Now it seems guys only want to look.


Posted Aug 09 2009:
Your exclusion may not necessarily be racism. This happens when anyone unfamiliar enters their space. I am black, attractive and in fairly decent shape and at first I got the same reception. However, though you may sense the sting of racism for a few moments, many black or Latino men feel excluded everyday, all day at their workplace. Even at the hands of white gays. Your mere presence may be a reminder of that.


Posted Aug 06 2009:
I am half-black and of 2 other ethnic heritages and get treated the same way the few times that I have come here.


Posted Jul 29 2009:
It was not racism. It is just that when black guys in mostly black areas see white men they assume they are undercover cops.


0 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted Jul 27 2009:
This gym in no way, no shape, or form is designed to be a cruise spot for white men. Any attempts of that nature will be interpreted as intrusive and offensive.


Posted Jul 22 2009:
I'm a white guy in my late 40s who lives three blocks away from this gym. I'm in very good shape, though never confused for Marky Mark, and the guys seem fine with me. Not interested in me, granted, but not rude, and not blatantly racist in any way.


0 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted Jul 21 2009:
After reading the reviews here, I had to check out the New York Sports Club in Harlem. I was visiting NYC and very much in the mood for sex with a hot black guy. I went to the gym and, after a brief workout, hit the steamroom/shower/sauna (which was pretty disgustingly dirty and in need of renovation). To say that the reception I received was chilly would be the understatement of the year. I walked into the steamroom to find 5 or 6 guys (all black guys) of varying degrees of fitness and attractiveness. They waited the polite part of a minute and a half before every one of them, one by one, got up and went into the sauna or showers. After a minute or two, a cute (thought slightly overweight) bi-racial guy entered the sauna and stayed a few minutes before leaving. I walked out of the sauna to find one of the black guys standing by the sauna door. The minute I left, he went inside. It seemed pretty clear he was waiting for me to leave before he would go back in. So I went into the sauna. Again, the guys in the sauna, the same ones who were originally in the steamroom, waited about a minute and a half before they filed out of the sauna, leaving me alone. The sauna was not hot at all, so their leaving could not be attributed to the need to get out of the heat. This pattern continued for about 20 minutes before I simply gave up and left.

Given a previous comment that in-shape guys of all colors can find sex at this location, I think it is reasonable for me to describe what I look like. I am an attractive, in-shape white guy who appears to be in his mid-30s (I'm actually 42). I'm often told I look Mark Wahlberg. Once, a guy on the street in San Francisco confused me for a Falcon porn star. I say this to illustrate a point: I'm no slouch. And so it is difficult for me to attribute the cold reception I received last night as anything other than what it was: reverse racism.


Posted Jul 17 2009:
I am a white guy who lives in the area, and not in the best shape, but working on it. If you are respectful, you can meet some nice guys. if you are a stalking troll, you will get what you deserve.


Posted May 17 2009:
I couldn't agree more. Whities need to get back down to Chelsea or Jersey. Keep rejecting them and hopefully they will go away and stay away.


Posted Apr 13 2009:
Look, this is Harlem and brothas wanna be with brothas. The white boys can always go back to Chelsea if they don't like being rejected. But I've had the most fun when me and another brotha slip into the shower together. Sometimes the steamroom or sauna get too crowded or full of undesirables and you can't get your freak on.


Posted Mar 22 2009:
Yeah, this place is still hot. On Friday I was part of a six-man jerkoff in the sauna. On Saturday I saw two guys get fucked. But this chatty white dude almost ruined it. He kept asking about our fantasies and if we lived close. So annoying. I was like dude, just chill and be happy you're in a room with five big black dicks.


Posted Dec 20 2008:
Just like any NYSC, the people who get no action are usually the out of shape trolls. Don't whine about it, just spend some more time outside of the sauna in the actual gym and you may get to a point where people want to play with you.


Posted Dec 03 2008:
White guys are welcome in Harlem to work out, especially if they live there. However, the problem and feeling of disrespect comes when white men come into the neighborhood and gym to cruise and stare at black men in the sauna and steamroom. It is truly resented and comes off as especially slimy.


Posted Nov 30 2008:
Really, it's only the white guys that stalk us that we really have a problem with. Personally I'd prefer most go back to Chelsea


Posted Nov 17 2008:
I went on a Sunday evening and it was hopping with on-the-DL guys. Yes, it was 98% black, 1% Hispanic, 1% white. Some of the guys were totally open to having a whitey for some fun, and others were not. At one point there were twelve guys going at it, but only jacking off. I did not see any oral since it was so busy, people would come in and out so often you wouldn't have been able to get/give a good blowjob. Enjoy!


Posted Nov 16 2008:
Yet a different observation: I'm an average looking Asian man who always scores well with the hot black, Latin and even white guys in the sauna or the steamroom. And I do see all of them having fun with one another, too. So I think a complaint about white guys being 'rejected' because of race has less to do with race and more to do with whether you're hot or not. You will have the same luck, if not worse, if you were in Chelsea!


Posted Nov 05 2008:
Still cruisy and hot. I think the only white guys who are made to feel unwelcome are the trollish old white men who stare at all the big black dicks. That's annoying. If you're a hot white guy with a big dick, you'll get along fine.


Posted Oct 20 2008:
True that it's very over-crowded. But the black and Latin guys are hot. As for the white guys, it is Harlem. As a black man I felt ignored when I went to NYSC in Chelsea. I don't see the difference.


Posted Mar 23 2008:
Too many people know about this place and it is often either too crowded, loaded with trolls or just not jumping. White guys are also made to feel unwelcome there by the mostly black and Latin crowd.


Posted Oct 14 2007:
Heads Up!
I went there expecting to have a little fun but the staff was constantly going into the steamroom. Eventually a guest was escorted out by the police. I'm never going there again.


Posted Aug 26 2007:
The Harlem NYSC is majority black and Latino men. Everyone scatters when a white guy enters. Don't waste your time. You get disgusted looks and you'll stick out like a sore thumb.


Posted Jul 24 2006:
I have to agree with the guy who got thrown out. I have found that the black and Latin guys there are looking for each other, not for white guys and the staff (who are all in on it) discourage white guys from cruising. You'll have better luck downtown.


Posted Jan 16 2006:
Yes, it's mostly Black guys, but there's also a good mix of Hispanic, White, and Asian men as well. And despite what is written above, everyone seems to get along well. Cruising is mostly done in the sauna and occasinally in the way too hot steamroom. Lots of crotch rubbing and showing off of big black dicks, but the guys were surprisingly shy when it came to getting the action started. Definitely had to get things started a few times, but once it does, it can be very hot. Lots of hots guys and none of the attitude mentioned in previous posts (from what I've observed).


Posted Sep 30 2005:
I was thrown out just for rubbing my hard dick through my towel in the sauna. The guy who was rubbing his cock was ethnic, but they only took me and shamed me right out of the door!


Posted Mar 09 2005:
This place is great but a member complained to management about people stroking their dicks under their towels in the steam room. He wouldn't let it go so be careful they may be checking the steam room and sauna more frequently for a while because of him


Posted Feb 20 2005:
I've been coming here for awhile now and it's my opinion that black and hispanic guys go there only to meet each other. White guys there can get a cold shoulder and dirty looks for walking in on the middle of the steam or sauna room action. You'll have better luck at other NYSC's downtown.


Posted Jun 10 2004:
Damn this is a hot place! I just joined and right after orientation on my first visit, I got my cock sucked in the steamroom! On my second visit, I saw two hot black guys fuck a white guy. I can't wait for the next visit!


Posted Apr 20 2004:
This is definitely the place in the city for the hottest black and Latino men. I joined recently and during my first shower here, I got my dick sucked in front of three guys.


Posted Aug 05 2003:
I go there weekly and the action is amazing! I have seen sucking, fucking and jacking galore. I sucked off two black guys with nine and eleven inch dicks! If you like big black and Latino dick, this is the place for you.


Posted Jun 27 2003:
Comments about this being an inhospitable place for White guys are true. You will stick out if you are there to cruise, and most of the black and Latin guys aren't there looking for White guys anyway. But there is action late at night and some weekends for the brothas and papis. And from what I can tell, most of the staff is gay and willing to look the other way if you keep your business discreet.


Posted Jun 01 2003:
I've been going regularly for the past month. I see lots of admiring looks, both on the exercise floor and in the locker room, but haven't seen any real action. Some regulars take really long showers and linger in and out of the sauna and steamroom. Most of the staff even looks like they're cruising. There are lots of hot black and Latin guys passing for macho, but close examination reveals the real deal. They probably don't want to spoil the illusion, so it's more a place to meet and hook up elsewhere.

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