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Paramount Hotel

Category: Cruisy toilet behind the lobby Directions: Located between 7th and 8th Avenues.
Submitted: Apr 22 2001 (Edited 03/26/10)
Cruised here? Rate this place:
3.05/5 based on 19 votes. The median rating is 3.
Read & Write Reviews: 21 Reviews

Address: 235 West 46th Street
City: Manhattan
State: New York
ZIP/Postal Code:
Country: United States of America

GPS Approximate Latitude & Longitude: 40.7598,-73.9879
See larger zoomable map from Google

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Posted Jun 20 2012:
No more mirrors! No more cruising.


Posted Jul 14 2011:
This is the most horny mens room in the world. Everyone is here because they're horny. Just watch them standing in front of all the mirrors.

Edited on 07/17/11

Usergroup: Member
Joined: Oct 07, 2010

Total Listings: 0
Total Reviews: 1


Posted Oct 07 2010:
I was just in there today and I assure you the mirrors are in place, at least over the entire length of the sinks and on the side wall next to one of the urinals. Also, I had a mutual masturbation session with a guy at the urinals that was really hot. The divider didn't matter because I just stood next to him at his urinal.

Edited on 10/12/10

Usergroup: Member
Joined: Jun 08, 2001

Total Listings: 0
Total Reviews: 5


Posted May 31 2010:
The unfortunate demise of one of the best restrooms out there. Without the mirrors, this place is not an option.


Posted Nov 23 2009:
Sadly it is no longer the mirrored room of wonders. The mirrors have been replaced with non-reflective tile and there is a divider between the two urinals. I see no action here anymore.


Posted Apr 23 2009:
Yeah, this is the mirrored room of wonders. Those poor drunk guys -- even they realize how on display they are and nine times out of ten if you hold your ground at the adjacent urinal and nonchalantly stroke yourself, they catch wise and can't keep themselves from getting hard too. To say nothing of the time a pair of hot young Swedes ducked in just to strip down to their jocks and change outfits out of their luggage. I love this place!


Posted Jul 20 2008:
Isn't this the place with the floor to ceiling mirrors on every wall!? I love this place! No way for a 'straight' guy to hide anything because it's 180 degree reflections from every angle. Later at night, drunk guys from the bar stumble in and you get a great show without having to obviously stare -- thanks to all those gloriously well-placed mirrors. Cock-a-rama!


Posted Feb 13 2008:
Unless I was in the wrong john (the one at the rear of the lobby), this place is cool to look at but not great for sex. It's tiny, has only one door, two urinals and one stall that's actually a separate room. Unless you're prepared to have someone walk right in while you've got a dick in your hand or mouth, I wouldn't recommend it.


Posted Jul 31 2007:
I was just there today (Tuesday) , sucked off two hot guys and swallowed their loads. Both guys were hot construction workers.


Posted Mar 17 2007:
My boyfriend and I stayed at the Paramount this week and there was enough dick to go around. Well hung meaty dicks on hot guys were going in and out all day. We sucked off a couple guys and and jacked off a couple loads. Highly recommended!


Posted Nov 03 2006:
This place is hot. I was there during the week and hooked up with two guys -- one after another! This place is a must if you are near.


Posted Jan 21 2005:
I was leaving a show, and had to use the restroom. I had no idea about this bathroom, but it rocks! There are mirrors everywhere. Within seconds, this hot, tan guy came in and started stroking at the stalls.


Posted Sep 10 2004:
Whoever designed this space couldn't be more gay. It was made for cruising! Mirrored from floor to ceiling on every wall, it's impossible not to get a panoramic view of the cock at the pair of urinals, even from the sinks. The only problem is that it's small, but you can hear the door opening with plenty of time to duck. This is one hot little room.


Posted Feb 09 2004:
I noticed security was paying very close attention who was going in and how long they stayed.


Posted Jun 11 2003:
It's the perfect spot for everything. One stall is completely enclosed with a lock on the door and the entire place is mirrored. Very hot!


Posted Apr 15 2003:
This place rocks. The other day I met up with this cute guy in a suit with a fat dick. We jacked off by the urinals for a few minutes, before we moved it to the handicapped stall. I locked the door, and then I got on my knees and stuffed his thick cock in my mouth till he came. The management seems to know what goes on, but doesn't seem to care.


Posted Nov 02 2002:
Beware of the head custodian in this establishment. Although I think it's fairly common knowledge among the staff of what goes on and no one really seems to care, this gentleman is on the warpath. I've watched him clean the men's rest room and then watch like an eagle from across the room to see who goes in and out. Generally he'll make a b-line for hotel security to follow whomever he suspects.


Posted Jul 05 2002:
A gay man had to have designed this place. There are mirrors on all the walls and low metal urinals that jut out of the wall. You can be washing your hands on the opposite wall and see the dicks of the men peeing. Great location!


Posted Jun 26 2002:
I can't believe no one has detailed this -- a toilet with two low-slung, stainless steel filigreed urinals and all the walls are fullly mirrored! You are fully visible to anyone who wants to view you from any angle. It is one of the most amazing cruising johns in the country.


Posted Jan 14 2002:
Great looking bathroom with wall to wall mirrors. You cannot miss a thing. Very French, very nuveau and also very dead! It seems timing has to be everything here. It's a great place to sit, smoke a cigarette and watch guys who enter but also be aware that it is located in the central lobby.


Posted Nov 09 2001:
As long as you are dressed well you'll blend in and can sit in the very cool lobby and watch who goes in. I hooked up with a guy staying at the hotel and spent the weekend with him. Other times I have sucked, groped and even fucked in this very hot john. The mirrors and the low urinals are a cock (and water sports) lover's dream. Even if a guy is not there to cruise, you get a view of his cock from any angle in the floor to ceiling mirrors. You can be washing your hands, facing the opposite way from the urinals and still get a clear and large view of all cocks.

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