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Park Place MTA Station

Category: Cruisy platform at the stop on the 1 and 2 lines Submitted: May 30 2002 (Edited 03/26/10)
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3.05/5 based on 22 votes. The median rating is 4.
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Address: Park Place and Broadway
City: Manhattan
State: New York
ZIP/Postal Code:
Country: United States of America

GPS Approximate Latitude & Longitude: 40.7125,-74.0077
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Train Operator 24719


Posted Nov 18 2012:
Heads Up!
Ignore the enthusiastic reviewer who says there is lots of raw fucking taking place here. I've only seen about three guys fucking here in all my years employed as a Train Operator. As the other reviewer says, it's a quick circle jerk with maybe a dick sucking here and there for a minute or two. And if you live a few blocks away, you probably have more money to go somewhere safer if you can give up the mythological thrill of train station sex.

The gloryhole days of wild sex at Jay Street, Court St, Borough Hall Municipal Building, two different Fulton St stations, Broadway/Lafayette, Bowery, Union Square, 14 St 7 Ave bathroom, 34 St, 42 St bathrooms are all gone. What is left is minimal and fleeting, unfortunately.

Conducting an inspection two weeks ago at around 1 am Friday night/Saturday morning — prime time for action — allowed for the observance of three other guys of varying degrees of attraction pulling out their pieces and beating off. One guy was hyper and seemed less discreet. And he got busted!

The menacing transit employee (a tall, slim middle-ages brother) appeared and began to tell the four of us to move down toward the middle of the platform. He then rode up the escalator and left the scene. He usually rides up and down the escalator so that he can fool the guys into thinking they are safe to play, only for him to reappear unexpectedly via the escalator, which is close to whee the action is.

His ritual of wrapping yellow tape around the columns at that end of the platform to effectively close off the section began, and the nervous guy was still there. They exchanged a few words. I couldn't hear what exactly, but it was probably something like "get out of here" versus "I'm just waiting for my train."

A few minutes later, two cops came down to the closed off area, guided by the worker, who was narrating the imagined problems he was having with the guy who was not discrete enough to leave the play spot.

Loud arguing was overheard, but not distinguishable. The victim walked away fast, visibly agitated. The cops eventually left, and were laughing about things in a way that seemed like they were not angry or even issued a ticket, I hope. The bottom line is that the worker is hostile, and likes to get the cops involved. Be very cautious.

Edited on 11/27/12
Bare Essentials


Posted Oct 12 2012:
I usually go around 11 pm and it's always a scene. Lots of raw fucking and sucking!

Edited on 10/19/12


Posted Aug 17 2012:
Is there still any action that anyone knows of that goes on here? I just moved here and I'm two stops away so I would love to catch some action. 21, slim, and big lips. If there is still action I'm down to go! So please write reviews saying that there still is, and when, because every time I'm here it's dead!

Edited on 08/23/12


Posted May 01 2012:
I've been curious about this place for years, so last night I checked it out. Just when I thought the whole thing was a bust I was approached by an MTA guy who asked me why I was just hanging around. Before I could answer he said, "I think I know what you're looking for," and grabbed his crotch. I just froze, thinking the guy was about to arrest me or something. He said nothing more, but unzipped his pants and pulled out one of the biggest cocks I've ever seen. Apparently the stories about the Park Place train station are true!

Edited on 05/02/12
Train Operator 24719


Posted Apr 22 2012:
Still a scene with possibilities. Later is better, but action starts as early as 9:30 to 10 pm. Just be sure to look over your shoulder at all times. I've not seen any cops or MTA workers lately.

Edited on 04/23/12
Denny Doyle


Posted Feb 26 2012:
Hit or miss, just like the train schedule. Mostly busy after 10 or 11 at night, with a broad assortment of brothers, some of whom are downwardly mobile in many ways. Regardless, I've had many hot times here over the years with men who are not "Black Inches" models.

For a few weeks, almost every night at about 11 pm, an MTA worker (one who has been known to speak with homophobic statements to "passengers") has been taping off the southern end of the platform with yellow plastic "CAUTION" tape so as to disrupt gatherings. Aside from this, there is plenty of privacy for sucking and even fucking. What mostly goes on are circle jerks.

Edited on 03/06/12


Posted Feb 25 2012:
Heads Up!
I saw some guys get arrested one night recently. Seems to be some undercover at this place now.

Edited on 03/06/12


Posted May 10 2009:
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A uniformed pig (cop) came over to the section of the platform where the cruising takes place and just stood there until the guys -- none of whom were doing anything sexual or illegal -- dispersed.


Posted Feb 25 2008:
My first night I blew two guys. I have gone back twice since and the guys just satnd around and stare. Be on the lookout for a pesky MTA cleaner who makes smart remarks and ask guys to move away.


Posted Jan 16 2008:
Still an active spot. Often I change trains here on the way home and there are nearly always two or three guys cruising. There are some regulars. (When you start recognizing regulars I guess that makes you a regular.) Anyway, it's a very risky spot but I have had some really hot times there, especially late at night.


Posted Dec 15 2007:
Don't be too eager here. Too many femme Village guys hang here and they're too nosy and not cruising.


Posted Aug 17 2007:
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I was there this past week and there was an undercover pig (cop) there and his fat partner harassing the guys who were there. One of the cops shoved the guys and told them to 'get the fuck out of here!' Beware...any white man at this spot who is not on his knees sucking dick is a cop! Period. White men at a cruise spot don't ever just stand around waiting. These motherfucking undercover cops were so obvious. And I guess because they couldn't catch any of the brothers doing anything illegal they decided to harass them. Fuckin' assholes! This was police bashing at its finest.


Posted Mar 04 2007:
Not worth the time anymore. This place used to be hot but now construction going on. Police are aware too.


Posted Jan 07 2007:
The best time to go is after 9:30 pm any day. Watch out for cops in uniform and undercover.


Posted Aug 22 2006:
Action takes place here after 10:30 or 11 pm once most normal folks have gone home already. Fulton Street is more popular with MTA workers than Park Place is these days. Very late at night can be desolate except for you and the four other horny guys who may come by. Stud quality runs the gamut, but is generally higher than other pedestrian venues.


Posted Jun 18 2006:
I checked out this platform on a weeknight after 11 pm. There were these really hot black guys, but they weren't interested in me (white guy).


Posted Jan 26 2006:
I checked out both Fulton and Park Place subway stations today. There was zero action going on. I was there at lunchtime.


Posted Aug 08 2005:
Booth Park Place and Fulton Street (the next downtown stop) train stations are hit-or-miss. Since Park Place is connected to fewer train lines than Fulton Street is, and because of its location, it is less pedestrian busy. This is good for cruising, since it is more isolated. It's cameras can be easily avoided. Both stations are plagued by intermittent track workers late at night and through the weekend. Uniformed police make more appearances at Fulton Street, but it is unpredictable.


Posted Jul 16 2005:
Almost exclusively black and Latino. It's located at front of downtown trains at the rear of uptown trains and behind the down escalator. There is also a staircase that is very risky. (There are cameras at every other landing, or you run the risk of someone wanting to take the stairs) Best times are after 8 pm any day! Weekends late after 12 midnight are hot too! Especially active during winter and fall months


Posted Mar 04 2004:
The cleaning guy has been locking the back gate to the stairs and chasing people out. He has been patrolling the platform lately even when he is done cleaning. I think he works during the week, so weekends should be good still.


Posted Aug 12 2003:
There's lots of action at the south end of the platform after 1 am.


Posted May 30 2002:
This is just one stop away from the infamous Fulton Street. This platform offers a bit of a drawback from the mainstream vibe of the busy Fulton Street platform with a darker lighting and color scheme and lots of conveniently located stair wells, escalators, trash receptacles and other obstructive objects makes for a great cruising platform. With minimal interruption most times of day it makes for ideal conditions. I have personally engaged in a couple hot jackoff sessions and even got sucked off here. It's great. The crowd varies and it's extra fun late at night when the station is almost deserted. Age and race varies so it?s for everyone.

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