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Adult Shop

Category: Adult store with arcade Hours / Entry Fee: Open 7 days 10 am - 10 pm Directions: Located south of State Street, on the right side if heading south.
Submitted: Apr 06 2007 (Edited 11/23/22)
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3.5/5 based on 20 votes. The median rating is 3.
Read & Write Reviews: 12 Reviews

Address: 155 Lancaster Drive SE
City: Salem
State: Oregon
ZIP/Postal Code: 97317
Country: United States of America
Phone Number: 503-585-8288

GPS Approximate Latitude & Longitude: 44.9271,-122.984
See larger zoomable map from Google

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Posted Jun 29 2024:
I came here today for the first time. The female attendant behind the counter was very nice. So you pay either five dollars for twelve mins, ten dollars for thirty-two mins or twenty dollars for seventy-five minutes – you do not need to feed the machine in the arcade. There is a code on the receipt that you enter on the touch screen next to the machine. You can hit stop and move to another booth and start again. The receipt is good for thirty days which means you can come back as often as you want within thirty days just as long as there are still credits on your receipt. The attendant does not enforce putting your code in the machine so some people were just occupying the booths without using their credits which they're supposed to do.

Most booths have gloryholes with a few private booths. It was Saturday at 10:45 am, the arcade was dimly lit but not dark. I sucked a fat cock right away but he did not come and a cocksucker sucked me but I did not come. Then a few people entered and just stood around and played with their phones. Two white and two Latino of various ages. One Latino was very aggressive, rushing in to a newcomer whenever they arrive. I got bored and left for Bob's which is right around the corner. Bob's was a lot more fun.

Edited on 06/30/24
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Posted Jan 02 2024:
The arcade is definitely improved since they remodeled it. With the new system, the staff know that everyone inside has money or has paid so they don't have to invasively monitor and bother cruisers.

There's a medium size theater behind the arcade, hit or miss when I was there a couple months ago. Still a lot nicer than Bob's around the corner, and I'll definitely go back again.

Having said all that, Salem (and the surrounding area) might have a few too many of this kind of business. Not that having options is bad, but there are only so many horny people cruising at any one time, so having them spread out makes it harder to find what you're looking for during slower times. During busy times, you're almost guaranteed to find someone to hookup with at any of these places.

Edited on 01/05/24
More than curious


Posted Dec 16 2023:
The new arcade is great. No staff bothering you and always mouths to fill and fuck. Best place in Salem for action. Some older trollers but never left with a full sack.

Edited on 12/20/23


Posted Nov 22 2022:
They just updated the arcade. The new ticket system allows you to press stop and change booths. They now have 600+ movies. They have Live Cams in the booth. They added a theater. Come check it out!

Edited on 11/23/22
Straight curious


1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted May 22 2021:
Got excited about a man taking my fat cock. Went to the arcade and ended up in a viewing booth with an amazing 100# hottie with incredible tits. She took my cock balls deep and things were hot and heavy but I backed off. Would love to hook up again but it was so random. It was a Saturday.

Edited on 05/23/21
Super Reviewer

Usergroup: Member
Joined: Nov 08, 2009

Total Listings: 0
Total Reviews: 28


Posted Oct 04 2013:
Currently there are two gloryholes. The arcade is supposedly being remodeled, but it seems to just have a construction zone in the corner that doesn't change, at least not over the past couple months. There are several very large booths; they seem to have previously been preview booths but not have regular arcade video machines. There are often pretty hot guys there but many seem to be str8 just shopping for videos or toys. Later at night, it's usually older guys.

Edited on 10/10/13


Posted Sep 16 2013:
Correction on the address: It is on Lancaster Drive just south of State Street.

Edited on 09/23/13


1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted Apr 18 2012:
This place has alot of sexy straight men who like to get sucked off and lot's of gloryholes that help. The staff are friendly and don't bother anyone.

Edited on 04/22/12

Usergroup: Member
Joined: Jul 10, 2001

Total Listings: 0
Total Reviews: 3


Posted Jun 20 2010:
Not bad. Can almost always get a blowjob here when I stop by.

Edited on 06/24/10


Posted Aug 04 2008:
There are now a couple gloryholes. The staff doesn't bother you. I have only been right after work a few times but it is easy to get a blowjob there.


Posted Apr 06 2007:
Nice clean book store/movie arcade. Good clientele. Sometimes it's quiet but other times busy. Lunch times, afternoons, and early evenings are good. Discretion is required but it's very nice time.


Posted Mar 13 2007:
Newer, clean bookstore with arcade. It's clean and much nicer than the nearby Bob's bookstore. Staff is friendly, the guys who go there are a mixture. Lunchtime and after work on weekdays are busy and hot.

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