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Radisson Hotel Valley Forge

Category: Cruisy healthclub on the lower level Directions: Part of the Valley Forge Casino Resort, US Hwy. 422 at 1st Ave.
Submitted: Jan 03 2004 (Edited 08/23/16)
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3.08/5 based on 13 votes. The median rating is 3.
Read & Write Reviews: 9 Reviews

Address: 1160 1st Avenue
City: King of Prussia
State: Pennsylvania
ZIP/Postal Code: 19406
Country: United States of America

GPS Approximate Latitude & Longitude: 40.0965,-75.4151
See larger zoomable map from Google

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Posted Aug 19 2016:
Tons of cute men, all shapes and sizes at Valley Forge Casino. Especially Thursday through Saturday.

Since the gym in the Hotel is now a healthclub, should this page be changed to be for the Valley Forge Casino Resort? If so, what category, i.e., "cruisy healthclub," "cruisy toilet," and so on.

If you can say what part of the casino seems cruisiest — on the casino floor? at a specific toilet? — it would help.

We do have "guesthouse/inn/hotel" but that is more often for gay or gay-friendly accommodations that might be cruisy, in many cases explicitly so. ~ Editor

Edited on 08/23/16
Super Reviewer

Usergroup: Member
Joined: Sep 18, 2000

Total Listings: 0
Total Reviews: 13


Posted Aug 13 2013:
Gym has been renovated and there is no locker room anymore.

Edited on 08/22/13
Super Reviewer

Usergroup: Member
Joined: Sep 18, 2000

Total Listings: 0
Total Reviews: 13


Posted Jul 15 2012:
The gym is now closed. Renovated to it being only a fitness center, no showers or sauna or steam room anymore.
Super Reviewer

Usergroup: Member
Joined: Sep 18, 2000

Total Listings: 0
Total Reviews: 13


Posted Nov 21 2010:
A room key or membership is required for access to this place. Action happens in the evening right up until 10 pm (closing time). I've been there with guys after 9 pm until 11 pm in their sauna, steamroom, and gang shower and have had some hot times. Great setup for action, but a terrible gym facility. You can hear the locker room door slam shut when someone enters, allowing good cover up time.

Edited on 11/21/10


1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted Oct 20 2009:
Was able to sneak in this week (room key is usually required) and was having my cock sucked in no time. I am pretty much a straight guy, but I just love getting blown, and hey, a mouth is a mouth. Anyway, I went right into the locker room. No one was in the sauna, but when I opened the steamroom door, I could barely see through the dark steam that someone was sitting there. Started to rub my cock, and soon I could see him doing the same thing. Moved next to him, he immediately started stroking mine for me, then shortly after began sucking me off. I got comfortable and let him go at it. The steam was so hot we were both unable to stay in long, so we moved to the sauna where he went right back to work until I blew my load down his throat.


Posted Oct 03 2008:
Still cruisy; also a few staff there are great to hook up with.


Posted Nov 11 2005:
It appeared that their security was on patrol during a recent stay. Their gayest-looking security guard is checking and constantly looking into the dark sauna and steamroom multiple times and cruising hot guys working out. He's probably a closeted homo with issues about certain types of guys.


Posted Apr 20 2005:
The hotel is actually located in King of Prussia and is part of the Valley Forge Convention Plaza. It's also attached to the Scantilon hotel. It's a dumpy and neglected gym but a great men's locker room setup with a warm steamroom, sauna and gang shower. Nice layout offers some privacy and the locker room door slams shut -- that's how you know someone is coming. Hit or miss but worth checking out if you are a hotel guest. Action on weekdays from 6 to 10:30 pm. Access is limited to hotel guests and the adjacent office building employees. I've had many hot jackoff sessions and blowjob sessions with hot guys including those who are bi and straight.


Posted Jan 03 2004:
The main door to locker room slams shut which makes you aware when someone is entering. Access is for membership and hotel guests only. Sometimes you can just walk in because it's largely unattended. It's a crappy gym to begin with and it's a bit old, but stuff does happen on occasion in the locker room.

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