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Adult Video Warehouse

Category: Adult store with arcade Hours / Entry Fee: 6 am - 2 am Daily Directions: From I-10 take the Lee Trevino exit and travel about a mile on Gateway East. The store is on the right side.
Submitted: Sep 29 2008 (Edited 01/03/17)
Cruised here? Rate this place:
2.89/5 based on 36 votes. The median rating is 3.
Read & Write Reviews: 32 Reviews

Address: 8760 Gateway Boulevard East
City: El Paso
State: Texas
ZIP/Postal Code: 79907
Country: United States of America
Phone Number: 915-592-1215

GPS Approximate Latitude & Longitude: 31.7264,-106.312
See larger zoomable map from Google

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Super Reviewer

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Joined: Oct 07, 2018

Total Listings: -1
Total Reviews: 52


Posted Jan 16 2025:
My second stop today on my tour of El Paso's cruising spots. Was there just after lunch hour on a weekday. Pretty dead while I was there. One guy went into a booth and closed the door. I looked at the racks of dildos and left. Nothing sadder than a cocksucker who failed to get one cock. On to the next stop on my tour...

Edited on 01/19/25


Posted Jul 03 2024:
Deserves deletion.

More info, please? There's a 3-star rating just last week. Many cruisers leave star ratings without writing reviews. ~ Editor

Edited on 07/04/24
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Need To Bust


1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted Sep 01 2023:
Does anyone even go here anymore? Last few times I did it was a complete joke. Empty, nobody around, and the employee guy that thinks he's a cop just kept hanging out in the video booth area. I think he does it to see some hard dick getting jacked or sucked. What a loser pendejo. This place used to be great.

Edited on 09/03/23


Posted Jul 06 2023:
Was here when they opened today for my first ever visit. Try the arcade with booths. Pay for credits, a dollar for four credits. Few people but all had locked their doors. Enough room in booths for two guys to sit next to each other on bench.

I watched videos for about twenty-five minutes with my door unlocked, hungry for cum and no one got in. Had to eat my own. Might try again in the evening to see if it's any better.

Edited on 07/07/23


Posted May 25 2023:
The attendants now are all lesbians with bigger balls than any man but they are cunts. Look like the old fags that used to make that place so special needs to get them in their place. They are true pussy cunts.

Around Midnight last night they asked all the cocksuckers to get out.

Edited on 05/26/23


Posted May 16 2023:
Employees here are a bunch of assholes that seem to want to constantly harass the customers. They create a shitty time for customers so no one can have a good time because of their freaked out behavior. 0 out of 10.

Edited on 05/18/23
Charlie Brown


Posted May 16 2023:
Friend was asked to leave the arcade this afternoon by one of the attendants. Reason: was giving head.

Big argument among friend and the attendant. Both parties are right. Men go to give or get head. The attendant is just only doing his job.

Edited on 05/18/23


Posted May 03 2023:
Relax bitches. It's your choice to spend fifty bucks in a non-gay-friendly shit hole. So if you enjoy being harassed keep sponsoring those places. The truth of the matter is Hell Paso, Mess Texas is no longer a place you can get a blow job as easy as before.

Crazy ladies taking pictures of your license plates at the Canyon, short-bald-fags calling the sheriff at Ascarate, old fart at Eros, Fiesta is now a runway for the Met Gala. What is next?

Edited on 05/03/23
Morning Wood


Posted May 01 2023:
Don't see any CFS comments that new management is catering to straights now. And it is a political issue when you discriminate against gays.

For years, this was the only place in the area that catered to gays. There's a ton of straight places catering to straight men in the area, all so much better. Oh well, hope they (you) can compete with the better options.

Edited on 05/02/23


Posted May 01 2023:
I don't see any CFS alerts about it being a "straight" place. It has always been a place to hook up with gay men. The staff now is aggressive and rude to gay men. Won't go there again till it changes.

Edited on 05/02/23
Being Alerted


Posted Apr 29 2023:
CSF did an alert, you folks. So don't complain. New management is catering to straight men. Nothing to do with politics. Go to go the gay places and invest your fifty bucks.

Edited on 05/01/23
Morning Wood


Posted Apr 27 2023:
This used to be a great place where I'd to go a few times a week. Great cock from all ages, military, men, construction, white collar, cowboys, whites and Hispanic. It was like that for years.

But a few months back a few of the male employees suddenly became aggressive toward gays, taking a very Nazi approach only with gay patrons. God knows the straight guys were jacking off to their porn at extremely loud volume.

Haven't been back since February. Used to spend at least $50 every visit jacking off on porn and getting sex from hot guys of all ages coming into my booth. No more. Haven't been back since.

The female workers all greet you with a smile as if gays are actually welcome – their behavior is a weak ruse since the male employees act so differently.

The male employees are aggressive towards gay patrons: the scrawny Hispanic guy who thinks he's a cop and the white guy who thinks he's part of the MAGA militia are the ones that give the gay patrons a hard time. Don't know if there are new owners at Adult Video Warehouse or if the owners even know what's going on, but place won't get another dollar from me until they ease up on their anti-gay behavior. The place now is clearly taking an extreme homophobic and anti-LBGT approach. If anyone notices a difference and change in behavior, make it known.

Edited on 04/29/23
Being Alerted


Posted Mar 25 2023:
Their new policy is you get caught, you get thrown.

Edited on 03/25/23


Posted Mar 23 2023:
Rude staff. If they catch you giving head they escort you out the door. Many complaints from the heteros.

Edited on 03/23/23


Posted Mar 22 2023:
Staff asking you to leave if they notice you giving head.

Edited on 03/22/23


Posted Jan 01 2023:
A 1 in a scale of 10.

Edited on 01/02/23
Tx trucker


Posted Nov 27 2021:
A 2 in a scale of 10.

Edited on 11/28/21
Senior Reviewer

Usergroup: Member
Joined: Jan 07, 2021

Total Listings: 0
Total Reviews: 8


Posted Mar 02 2021:
Gonna dress up in the booths later this week, hopefully someone will join me.

Edited on 03/03/21


Posted May 29 2020:
Booths are open.

Edited on 05/31/20
Mamo Bichos y Trago Leche


Posted May 23 2020:
Booths are not open but you can take loads in your mouth in the back. Kind of hard to get fucked.

Edited on 05/25/20

Attached Files:
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(22 KB, 921 downloads)
Anonymous Cocksucker


Posted Apr 28 2020:
Governor Greg Abbott decided to open retail stores, restaurants, movie theaters and malls Friday May 1, 2020. He also said his order overrules any local government that would impose a fine or penalty for not wearing a mask.

We are ready to serve those wonderful Mexican tasty, smelly uncut dicks or any cock available.

I'll be the first in line.

Edited on 04/28/20


Posted Mar 20 2020:
Per city ordinance and COVID-19 all arcades are closed now.

Edited on 03/23/20
I do not douche


Posted Apr 19 2019:
Must say it's not that bad. I was able to suck a nice Mexican with an amazing burrito, one of those that last for ever. His sour cream was not to say the least delicious. Last night around 9:30 pm.

Edited on 04/19/19


Posted Oct 13 2018:
Don't waste your time unless you need sex toys, best prices in town.

Edited on 10/15/18

Usergroup: Member
Joined: Jun 22, 2018

Total Listings: 0
Total Reviews: 3


Posted Oct 12 2018:
Never been lucky here. Signs say no action in the theaters, not sure how real that is. Can anyone confirm?

Edited on 10/12/18


Posted Aug 22 2018:
Always lucky at noon. Always. Just leave the door open as you JO watching the movies at the arcade. Clientele is mostly nice Mexican cocksuckers. Don't be cheap, get those dollars to work and the movies running.

Edited on 08/23/18


Posted Oct 27 2017:
Tried it three times, dead always. Nice prices for novelties but no sex.

Edited on 11/01/17


Posted Dec 30 2016:
Great tip. Met a guy in his 40's. I think he had weeks worth of load in his nuts. Never seen so much cum out of a dick. Tasty as hell and real thick. Action was in my truck.

Edited on 01/03/17


Posted Jan 29 2015:
Last time I was there dead as a desert. If you looking for novelties, great prices. To cruise, nada!

Edited on 02/03/15


Posted Dec 09 2013:
Went there two days in a row. Dead as a desert. Don't waste your time.

Edited on 12/13/13


Posted Sep 14 2009:
They harrass anyone standing around.


Posted Sep 29 2008:
Brand new, super clean, and well-stocked store with a dozen video booths requiring no entrance fee.

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