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Ascarate Park

Category: Cruisy toilet, Cruisy park, Cruisy park, toilet, Mostly straight/bi Hours / Entry Fee: Free (Mo-Th) $2.00 Fri-Sun Submitted: Jan 29 2015 (Edited 07/04/24)
Cruised here? Rate this place:
3.25/5 based on 36 votes. The median rating is 3.
Read & Write Reviews: 445 Reviews

Address: 6900 Delta Drive
City: El Paso
State: Texas
ZIP/Postal Code: 79905
Country: United States of America

Currently no longer cruisy, considering deletion unless this changes

Excellent for day cruising. Quiet, safe, and busy. My favorite spots: John at the baseball field, John at the soccer field, and John at the golf course.

GPS Approximate Latitude & Longitude: 31.754,-106.407
See larger zoomable map from Google

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Posted May 02 2019:
I think I had the same black guy. Tall like 6'3", multiple tattoos, and was at the fishing ramp? He made me the happiest lady in El Paso.

Edited on 05/03/19
I do not douche


Posted Apr 30 2019:
Monday feast! Gorgeous black soldier with a true 9-inch cock. Hooked using Grindr. I think I won't be able to walk for days.

While getting fucked a cute guy with a long thin dick masturbated and unloaded in my face.

Had no idea Ascarate was so busy after 6 pm.

Edited on 05/01/19
Raúl P.


Posted Apr 27 2019:
Some of the park keepers play. I was lucky last week with three. Better morning hours. One at the men's room, another in the south part. Plenty of time to spot cars coming and yesterday one came to checked me out as I was doing JO in my car with the door open. Just pulled his dick and let me suck on it.

Edited on 04/29/19


Posted Apr 16 2019:
Bro, Univision was there not because of the cocksuckers. They were covering the inauguration of the El Chuco Fair. So did Telemundo, channel 44 from Juarez, and all local stations. I love your paranoia.

Edited on 04/17/19


Posted Apr 15 2019:
The Fair is at Ascarate. Check the parking where the employees are staying. Plenty of open doors with all kind of dicks.

Edited on 04/17/19

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Posted Apr 15 2019:
Would love to check those guys with the dry orgasms. Be precise when they go.

Edited on 04/17/19


Posted Apr 14 2019:
Heads Up!
Friday around 12:30 pm a Univision reporter was checking the rest room close to the handball courts. Along with him was a cameramen.

Just in case. Be careful.

Let the place cool down.

Edited on 04/16/19
Average Soldier


Posted Apr 12 2019:
Looking to give some head but interested in those guys with dry orgasms. Always get those big milky loads that I do not like to swallow. I'd rather suck the meat without swallowing the milk.

Edited on 04/12/19
I do not douche


1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted Apr 09 2019:
Every day I learn something new. Yesterday I went to check Ascarate after a refinery employee keep texting me and we were supposed to meet at Ascarate. Amazing body, shaven head, chest to die for, and a terrific fat uncut dick with a PA. I gave him a fabulous head and he had what I noticed was a great orgasm. But no cum. Not a drop of semen.

Of course I asked if he unloaded.

The guy told me he had a prostatectomy for prostate cancer so they removed his seminal vesicles and the vas — I already checked on Internet — so he will never produce semen again.

Sucking him was a total new experience and that terrific explosion he felt is called a dry orgasm.

I be happy to be the cocksucker of all prostatectomy gentlemen.

Edited on 04/11/19
Pest Control


Posted Apr 03 2019:
Having better luck if I park my van around a picnic table and leave the door open. The crowd that is willing to suck you or want a blow job usually park next to you.

Edited on 04/03/19


Posted Mar 30 2019:
Great tip, the club house golf course locker room. The entrance is to the left as you use the ramp towards the Pro Shop. Always wanted to suck dick at a locker room. Some fabulous older white fat cut meat.

After dark at the other rest rooms the basic rules of follow if the guy goes in. Menu changes to brown uncut Mexican meat. Stand at the next urinal and see what happens.

Edited on 04/01/19


Posted Mar 29 2019:
I'm being very lucky. Noon time at the restroom close to the handball court, the restroom in front of the baseball field, and extremely lucky with anal at the club house golf course.

I love to get naked in my truck at the far end facing the fence to the border highway and men jump in to give me head or fuck me.

Just use common sense, dude. Always watch for the body language when guys go to the rest rooms. Good luck. No pain no gain.

Most Mexicans are uncut, smelly, and pissy — for me it's a plus.

Lastly do not keep insisting when they say no is no. If guys are having fun do not interrupt. Way too many weirdos stay all day long doing shit.

Edited on 03/29/19
La Jota Metiche


Posted Mar 28 2019:
If you're one of the divas that cruise with tinted windows, baseball caps, and dark glasses it's not the place for you. I go two or three tines a week and almost always give head.

Of course I am a slut. I am a rest room t-party slut. I don't park. I go straight to the johns. All three and to the point to suck cock or get my lubed ass fucked.

Edited on 03/29/19
Curiosity Here


Posted Mar 27 2019:
Once again, I have been going and where is the action at? No one is around or else I am looking in the wrong areas. Any pointers or tips? Or what's the best time to really get on in action and all.

Edited on 03/28/19
Utep alltheway


Posted Mar 21 2019:
Monday through Friday, 10 am to 2 pm is best. There is a regular crowd that goes at lunch time.

Today I met the guy into watersports. If you pee in his mouth he will drain your nuts. First time I urinated on a guy. Was fun.

The sad part is all those cruisers do nothing, just park in front of the johns and never get out of their cars. Sad, sad, sad...

Edited on 03/22/19
Curiosity Here


Posted Mar 20 2019:
So I just was wondering when is the best time and days to go and well to look and find action here. I usually go at times and there is no action at all. Where are the best places to look at around here?

Edited on 03/21/19
JJ PRican Soldier


Posted Mar 19 2019:
I go to Ascarate three or four times a week usually for the lunch buffet. Never seen a tranny. Only place I see them is at Fiesta.

In the good old times of Eros Montana close to Chelmont there were plenty of them, but since the place changed locations to where Venus used to be no mas vestidas.

Edited on 03/20/19
Senior Reviewer

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Joined: Mar 14, 2019

Total Listings: 0
Total Reviews: 7


Posted Mar 17 2019:
Subject: Tranny
Are there any trannys here? 'Cause I live by here.

Edited on 03/19/19


Posted Mar 15 2019:
There is a new group of young guys into watersports. They love when you pee on their dicks, ass, or face. That makes them so wild they will suck you like a vacuum cleaner. The timing is noon to 1 pm. The restroom is the one in the entrance to your left.

I love that shit so I try to go with a full bladder when I want to pee on them.

Edited on 03/18/19
Utep alltheway


Posted Mar 05 2019:
Just sucked four guys from 10 am - 12 noon. Got fucked by a nice guy.

Edited on 03/06/19

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1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted Mar 05 2019:
This place is just so confusing. The cruisers mislead you. Yesterday so many parked close to the hand ball court but no one got inside the rest room.

I was lucky at the portable johns at the center lake, where the ducks are, following a nice pool cleaner. Damn, his mouth was better than his vacuum pool cleaner.

Sometimes you just park and the entire crew follows you to the restroom. The easiest guys are the young college students from EPCC, those always into getting head, give you head, cum in your face, or just bareback fuck any ass.

Edited on 03/06/19


1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted Mar 04 2019:
I want to share. Saturday a Black guy with a beard, kind of stocky, asked me if I will let him suck me off. This dude sucks better than a vacuum cleaner! He sucked me and a couple of other dudes. We creamed his face and left him there.

Don't let his beard fool you. He's a lot younger than he appears. If you have poppers, make him sniff them. I poured some of it on my dick and dude...! Just try it, you'll find out what I mean.

Edited on 03/05/19
Black Sausage


Posted Mar 03 2019:
Thought I'd share my experience here. Yesterday was first driving around. Then I parked. I saw two guys just hanging out, an older chubby guy and a kinda fit guy by the lake talking.

Walked over to them. I was in sweats, no underwear. Noticed they both checked out my dick bouncing. So I kept walking around them. Went up to them and started talking. I flashed my dick at them after I noticed they were looking a lot. They were only down to suck and touch. But it was hot.

Edited on 03/04/19
Sgt Z


Posted Feb 13 2019:
So far the best time is 11:00 am - 1 pm. Monday a group of men were feeding a nice guy at the latrine in front of the park. Guys kept coming and the guy kept sucking.

I am more of a hand job giver so I also helped the cocksucker. Almost fisted an older guy in scrubs. Four fingers in until he came! Had a blast.

I like middle age men so for me it's a perfect place to play with a married cock.

Edited on 02/14/19


Posted Feb 08 2019:
Few comments. The after dark crowd is so different from the all day cruising. It's mostly very masculine Mexican blue collars in need of sex before going home. Some cruise the restroom but not all. Some park facing the lake since there is no fishing these days. Some will flash lights. Other go to the far end and park in dark spots.

Last night I was lucky with one parked close to the end of the park facing the fence to the Border Highway. Nice Mexican with a fat uncut dick. Smelly but so thick I had to try it. Gave him a blow job.

When he was ready to cum he asked me if I would fuck him. Condom on I fucked his ass. He unloaded as I pumped.

Please check El Paso Community College Americana Village and Tony Lama if you're still horny both are just few minutes drive.

Edited on 02/08/19
Nice cocksucker


1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted Feb 06 2019:
Just did a nice cadet from the Firefighter Academy. Nice load.

Edited on 02/07/19

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Posted Jan 31 2019:
No action from 10 am - 1 pm. Not a single person got inside the johns.

Edited on 01/31/19


Posted Jan 08 2019:
Way too quiet. In theory the soldiers are back. Yesterday was a waste of time. A few guys wandering around but none got inside the restrooms.

Edited on 01/09/19
Frank P


Posted Dec 30 2018:
This morning there was intense cruising at the fishing platform. Very discreet but you could feel the hormones of the fishermen. A friendly guy from Washington State began some conversation that ended in me sucking his dick at the nearby john. Few interruptions by two guys that ended joining in a JO circle. I must say I hope to see if the luck lasts for at least few hours.

Edited on 01/01/19

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Posted Dec 18 2018:
Cruise the bathrooms by the wall ball courts. It's usually where the action is typically in the day time around lunch. Be sure not to be too obvious. Or you can hang in your car. Some guys do walk around the park along the lake. Best car sex I ever had. Young cocksuckers and lots of bareback sex.

All types of men go, from military to gorgeous fags. Weekdays during the daytime only, weekends get too busy with family activities and baseball/football soccer games.

Be aware this is a public park so don't be too obvious. Also keep an eye out for El Paso Sheriff officers. They cruise the park sometimes as well as the Border Patrol agents.

Be discreet and use your judgement. Seen so many guys staying hours in the restrooms doing nothing and bothering the straight guys that really need to use the johns to urinate or defecate. Or the opposite is true too — the ones are in and out every time a person goes inside them.

Edited on 12/19/18

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Posted Dec 16 2018:
Way back "Carlos B" wrote this, May 16 2018:

"In my humble opinion the problem is this young man who drives a white car and parks exactly in front of the johns and is there from the time they open the park to late afternoon. All day long." Don't ask me how but in this cold weather he always wears shorts and t-shirts.

"You get into the latrine and he follows you. He pulls his pants down and shows his butt." No undergarments.

"The cocksuckers leave as soon as he gets in. This is every day.

Yesterday around noon I was trying to suck a nice Black soldier. He spoiled the scene. We moved to the other latrine and there he was following us."

The reason why I left Ascarate was because of him. Well he is back. Just saw him today! Parked at the front john. I tried to suck a dick and she interrupted.

We moved to the john across the softball field. There she was following us.

Finally after we both told her what is your problem the bitch left to park at the front john again.

Fellows, imagine with schools in Xmas holidays we won't be able to do shit at Ascarate with her at Ascarate all day long!

Edited on 12/18/18


Posted Dec 14 2018:
Today I scored with a CD. Action was slow but steady, 10 - 11:30 am. The CD was gorgeous.

Edited on 12/17/18
Small Dick Here


Posted Dec 14 2018:
There are good days and there are bad days. Monday for me was nice but at the restroom in front. Tuesday there was a lot of cruising at noon but honestly, all had tiny little dicks so I passed on them. For small dick I JO my own.

What I had noted is that if they have New Mexico license plates you have a better chance to score a big one!

Edited on 12/14/18

Usergroup: Member
Joined: Dec 12, 2018

Total Listings: 0
Total Reviews: 1


Posted Dec 12 2018:
Went on Wednesday the 12th at exactly noon. Saw a couple cars there and figured it was going to be good. I was wrong. There was an older heavier guy who seemed to be scaring away all the guys. Sucks 'cause I had a load that needed to be released.

Edited on 12/13/18


Posted Dec 10 2018:
Around 12 noon a guy with fucking ultra fat dick was getting head from two guys at the same time. I tried to join but the cocksuckers told me to go away! Hello, what an attitude.

Edited on 12/11/18

Usergroup: Member
Joined: Dec 03, 2018

Total Listings: 0
Total Reviews: 1


1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted Dec 03 2018:
Today was my first time doing something like this. It happened at the restroom furthest away from the park, closer to the homes. A guy and I jacked each other off. This happened around 5 to 6 pm.

Edited on 12/04/18


1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted Nov 20 2018:
Yesterday action was to the max at the restroom located in front of the softball field. In a period of three hours I sucked a college boy with at least nine inches, an older gentlemen in a suit and tie, a biker, a nice shaven head cholillo type Mexican, and a guy that made me show him my crack as he jacked off. I was lucky and took his cum in my mouth when he unloaded.

I was suprised how many guys showed up at noon. Better how many go to get fucked.

So hot when four guys in their 40's were jacking off together as I was sucking the biker. The place rocks! The best big dicks!

After 1 pm it was dead. So time for me to J/O by myself.

Edited on 11/20/18


Posted Oct 30 2018:
Monday was quite busy at Ascarate but the best was at the restroom in front of the lake. Just park and wait for the in and out. I love magnum dick and it was real easy to find a couple of them.

Edited on 10/31/18

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Mr I Swallow Cum


Posted Oct 24 2018:
Try the first men's room as you enter the park to your left.

Edited on 10/25/18

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Good Samaritan


Posted Oct 23 2018:
My warm mouth gave oral to all.

Edited on 10/24/18

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Med Student


Posted Oct 15 2018:
Nice place to find dick. 3 pm - 5 pm.

Edited on 10/17/18

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Posted Oct 08 2018:
Very busy this AM.

Edited on 10/09/18
El Verga Rika


Posted Oct 04 2018:
Yesterday was quite busy and steady. Out of town license plates is a good sign, especially New Mexico ones. Gave head to four guys from the extreme fat black uncut one and a great blonde New Mexican fat cut with a PA to probably the smallest dick I ever sucked in a tall football type Mexican. All that began around 10 AM.

Around noon the fun was over for me. A very aggressive cocksucker took over doing all comers. Interesting morning. This guy really knew how to beat those meats.

Edited on 10/04/18
I lov Dck


Posted Sep 27 2018:
Just few words for the morning men. The park opens at 5:30 am. There are few guys that I think live/sleep in their cars. Around 5:30 to 6:00 am they go to the middle john to freshen up, clean their teeth, etc. Yesterday I read about it on another publication.

It may be just luck but around 5:45 this morning I was there and indeed two young men, college type students, arrived and as they were inside I followed them. I was standing at the urinal beating my meat off and one came and pulled his dick. Amazing long skinny uncut cock. As I was giving head the other guy joined so I ended serving both.

Must say it was hot.

After I unloaded I left but cruisers began to get in the park. Roughly 6:15 am.

Enjoy guys.

Edited on 09/27/18
La Wera


1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted Sep 20 2018:
Monday and Tuesday I was lucky around 1 pm at the middle john. Monday with a nice Mexican dude that literally fucked the shit out of me.

Tuesday a group of guys made me do all oral, rimming, hand, and be their anal slut. One was totally naked with an impressive metallic cock ring. Two guys kept texting their Grindr pals to make me their sluts. Final count, seven guys! I love it but too much for this girl!

Edited on 09/21/18
Horny For Dick


Posted Sep 12 2018:
Yesterday was a great day with plenty of dick to suck between 11 am to 3 pm. A plus about Ascarate, men are very friendly especially the Mexican guys.

If you're into raw sex it's the place to go.

¡Ay qué bueno! :)

Edited on 09/13/18
Oral Soldier El Paso


Posted Sep 06 2018:
Milton, some of the cocksuckers of the lunch scene are now taking care of the military cocks at McKelligon. Take care.

Edited on 09/06/18


Posted Aug 31 2018:
Only time I was lucky this week was this morning around 8 am. The noon crew is now gone!

Edited on 08/31/18
PVT Nice Dick


Posted Aug 23 2018:
Slow not to say the least Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. A few guys got in the restrooms but just to show their dicks. No action. Don't waste your time.

Also a few guys go every day to disturb you when trying to suck a dick. Just tell them to please let you alone.

Edited on 08/23/18
Sgt Horny


Posted Aug 19 2018:
If you're into giving your piss or letting guys swallow your cum... Best time is 12:45 pm at the john located by the middle of the lake. Trust me, it's worth the trip but only around that time.

Edited on 08/20/18


Posted Aug 14 2018:
Last week was too slow. Not a single cock to suck on daily visits. Yesterday a few guys cruised but none stopped for a blow job and the only two that did stop at lunch time just wanted to see my dick. Both refused to let me suck them or even let me give them a hand job. Time to move to another park.

Edited on 08/15/18
El Pito Loco


Posted Aug 07 2018:
Yesterday and today the place was dead. Not a single dick available.

It's probably the heat.

Edited on 08/09/18


Posted Jul 31 2018:
First visit to Ascarate yesterday exactly at noon. Plenty of dick to suck at the john as you enter the park to the left. The other john in the back guys cruise and cruise and do shit. Mostly elderly gentlemen.

Real hot watching a guy taking it bareback at the front john.

Same like other dudes. After 1 pm not a single dick.

Edited on 08/01/18
Frank P


Posted Jul 27 2018:
Anonymous you are to the second. Exactly at 12 noon I got there. A nice guy who looked like pool cleaner was standing at the urinal. Terrific fat uncut Mexican dick. After him a terrific young skinny young man gave me head and I gave him a nice load of my golden fluid.

Next two chubby Black men both with fat dicks. The came in the same car. One fucked my ass, the other almost choked me with his dick. Five to 1 pm the place became empty, not a single soul until 4 pm when I left. So it looks like action is 12 noon - 1 pm.

I am so horny.

Edited on 07/30/18


Posted Jul 07 2018:
Action is picking up from 12 Noon to 1 pm. After that is a waste of time.

A few nice dicks, mostly men in their 40' to 60's sharing their fat thick uncut Mexican dicks.

Edited on 07/09/18
Frank P


Posted Jun 16 2018:
Friday around noontime there was some limited action at the john located in the entrance. A guy gave me a hand job and ask me to give him a facial. Cute guy but very feminine.

Hope as the summer advances so will the nice dicks used to characterize Ascarate.

I'll remove the "closed" and "deletion" notice on this page since at least some cruising is happening again. ~ Editor

Edited on 06/18/18


Posted Jun 03 2018:
Only one john was covered with plywood panels, the one at the back of the lake facing Loop 375/Mexico. Yesterday the two at the front plus the one at the lake and the one at the golf course were open. No action but promising.

If y'all start reporting action here I'll consider removing the warning and deletion notice. ~ Editor

Edited on 06/04/18


Posted May 27 2018:
Yesterday noted some of the toilets' entrances were covered with plywood panels. Wasted two dollars on entrance fee.

Edited on 05/29/18


Posted May 22 2018:
The park and lake are open; the johns are closed. Limited to no sex. The gold course is also open but again no sex.

Summer hours: 5:30 am - 9:00 pm.

Entrance Fee: Mon - Thu: Free; Fri - Sun: $2.00.

Handicap license places: Always free.

Edited on 05/23/18
Frank P


Posted May 20 2018:

Friday the sheriff and the park guards closed the johns with padlocks and "Do Not Cross" yellow tape.

R.I.P. Ascarate Lake.

I'm marking this place "closed" and adding it to my list. There's a backlog, so I'll double-check if y'all report any change before I actually delete it. ~ Editor

Edited on 05/22/18
Carlos B


Posted May 16 2018:
In my humble opinion the problem is this young man who drives a white car and parks exactly in front of the johns and is there from the time they open the park to late afternoon. All day long.

You get into the latrine and he follows you. He pulls his pants down and shows his butt. The cocksuckers leave as soon as he gets in. This is every day.

Yesterday around noon I was trying to suck a nice Black soldier. He spoiled the scene. We moved to the other latrine and there he was following us.

Maybe like the Editor says, let's try another park.

Edited on 05/16/18
Married Cocksucker


Posted May 07 2018:
Friday made a mandatory stop. Wasted my time, one hour waiting and nada.

Seeing the recent Reviews, it's time to give Ascarate Park a rest for awhile longer after the recent patrols, maybe try again in a few months. Try some of the other parks in El Paso. ~ Editor

Edited on 05/08/18
Frank P


Posted Apr 29 2018:
What the hell happened at Ascarate? Not a single car Thursday or Friday.

There was a guy in his late teens that parks in front of the john and stays there for ever. Them he moves john to john and so on. I believe he has some degree of mental retardation and is also contributing to the empty dick syndrome occurring at Ascarate.

One of the park attendants told me about the sheriff patrolling and now also the Border Patrol, I guess looking for illegals.

This place was so busy. Let's move on and spread the news. I sucked so many dicks here.

Edited on 04/30/18


Posted Apr 12 2018:
No action at all.

Edited on 04/12/18
fuck my mexican ass


Posted Apr 01 2018:
Let's move on. After Craigslist stopped the ads all those gorgeous fat dicks that used to post are no longer the source of meat of the park. Sad sad sad.

Maybe check back — carefully — at the park in a month or so. The patrols started before the Craigslist Personals shut down. Given some time, the Sheriff's patrols may move on. ~ Editor

Edited on 04/02/18
Frank P


Posted Mar 24 2018:
Heads Up!
Almost no action those days at the Ascarate Lake. Actually nada this past week. Agree, too many sheriffs patrolling and some even get into the johns to check them out.

Too bad. Too bad. Too bad. Options are limited.

Edited on 03/26/18
Dominican Dick


Posted Mar 12 2018:
Heads Up!
Today around 10 am a guy I been chatting through a sex dating app asked me to meet him in front of the rest room across the baseball field. A sheriff patrol was parked and randomly stopping the guys going to the john.

Came back around 2 pm and two patrols were parked in front of that john as well as the johns in the front.

One of the park attendants told me beside the new sheriff patrolling cameras are being installed.

Another sex paradise going to waste.

Edited on 03/16/18

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Mr Bareback


Posted Jan 12 2018:
Plenty of action between 1 pm and 4 pm. Highly recommended if you're into bareback action.

Edited on 01/17/18
Frank P


1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted Dec 10 2017:
Looks like now Wednesday is baseball practice for the firefighter academy, Thursday for the senior citizens, and Saturday for local teams. So forget about any action those days in the afternoon. May be seasonal. I hope.

Best action is in the mornings especially Monday. I had the great pleasure of doing nine great dicks this past Monday.

Edited on 12/11/17
Sexy Pony


1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted Nov 27 2017:
Best times are usually around 4 pm. I love the latrine at the entrance to your left. Perfect score last week.

Edited on 11/29/17
Lalito S.


1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted Nov 03 2017:
Avoid the baseball fields Thursdays afternoon. Baseball teams do practice just in front of the mens room previously mentioned so that many cars will mislead you have a cock paradiso.

Instead of going to baseball field, go to the lake. Park and men will park next to you. Action in your car or at the portable johns! I always suck one or two guys. My day off is Thursday. Thanks for posting my comment.

Edited on 11/06/17


1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted Oct 27 2017:
Action is pretty much all day with peak at lunch time and at 5 pm when firefighter cadets get out school. Great place to fuck ass.

Edited on 11/01/17
El pito loco


1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted Jul 20 2017:
Great action at the john in the entrance. Correct is to the left as you go in and is in front of a baseball field. A red little casita.

I got there around 3 pm. Two cars were parked at that john so I went to check the one in the middle of the park. Few cars were there. Got in all standing in the urinals and no one made a move. I am not shy so I showed my meat. All did same. All bulls apparently so I left.

Back to the john at the entrance. Same two cars. Inside, one at the toilet playing with his cell and one at the urinal standing like a statue. As I pulled my meat the one standing went into his knees. The other guy joined but showed me his ass. Gave me a rubber and after the rubber was covering my dick, he lubed it with some oil he took in a small tube out of his pocket. I fucked that hole like no tomorrow. Nice ass he had. He was Oriental and around 50 or so. The cocksucker was a nice man in his 60's.

Edited on 07/21/17
Frank P


1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted Jun 21 2017:
Big Black Cock, I think you mean to say as you enter to the left. That is the restroom close to baseball field. It's to the left; the one to the right is the lake one.

I agree 100% with you. Tuesday I got fucked by a guy with a thick uncut dick around 4:30 pm at that one.

Take care.

Said it before, I'll say it again. You El Paso guys are the greatest! I need to cum over and visit from Houston sometime. ~ Editor

Edited on 06/23/17
Big Black Cock


1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted Jun 17 2017:
If you're into military dick, I recommend lunch time. From guys just going to J/O while you watch to active cocksuckers or ass pumping experts. Plenty of big white, brown, and black military dick.

Best action I've seen, the front restroom to the right close to the baseball field. Avoid the rest room at the lake.

Second best, the restroom on Joe Yarbrough Drive is in front of another baseball field.

And the third great one is at the Golf Club House. Plenty of action all over the picnic tables and car sex.

Edited on 06/20/17
military dude


1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted Jun 15 2017:
Best action after 4 pm till close.

Edited on 06/16/17
Frank P


1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted May 08 2017:
Lots of action between 3:30 pm and 5:00 pm, especially group J/O's and anal pumping. For me the picnic tables are the best.

Edited on 05/12/17
Frank P


1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Posted Mar 24 2017:
I was off work this week. Every day between 10 am to 2 pm there is lot of action at the three men's rooms. I never visited the golf course restroom.

From guys that just go to J/O or watch to fabulous three-ways or four-ways like one today.

Hours of operation had changed and was I scared one day. Around 7:45 pm after I finished giving head to a Black guy, I was washing my face and a Sheriff's officer got in the men's room. Very polite, he told me, "Sir, we are ready to close the park."

I did smile and left. Must say he gently rubbed his dick several times but it was too much for me. A cute toned Mexican with tight black pants. Eventually I will have that dick.

Edited on 03/30/17


Posted Mar 20 2017:
Last week was extremely busy at all tea rooms. Better between 12 noon to 4 pm.

Edited on 03/27/17


Posted Nov 06 2016:
Heads Up!
Be careful. I was here around 2 pm yesterday, Saturday Nov 5th. As I cruised around a car was following me.

I did stop at one of the men's rooms where a nice sporty car was parked. A cute very masculine muscle guy was standing at the urinals. I did stand and position myself next to him. I had that gut feeling he was not looking for action.

I finished my business taking a piss and left. Outside an undercover cop was asking for ID from the guy was cruising around and following me.

I think it's time to let the Lake to cool off.

Thanks! I don't see any stories of arrests yet in a Google News Search, but cruisers should always use discretion, go with your gut feeling, and exercise good judgment. ~ Editor

Edited on 11/16/16
Soy Puto


Posted Oct 25 2016:
Waste of time. Two days in a row.

Went believing some ads at Craigslist. All fake. No action as so advertised. Few guys go and drive around the rest rooms over and over and over but they do not do any attempt to get fucked so it's a waste of time.

Move on, Ascarate is history.

Assignations made through Craigslist are known to be unreliable, or at least as reliable as the anonymous unseen stranger out there in the Internet somewhere.

Better to try to hook-up in person with a real person you can see. Your experience and Fred's (Oct 20) were negative. El Taco Tote (Oct 23) had more positive things to say, including best times.

I'm in the Houston area, not El Paso, but as anywhere, cruising comes down to who you are, what you expect, when you're there, what you bring to it, and what you offer and are willing to accept. Add to that a huge amount a chance and circumstance and patience, too. It all depends. ~ Editor

Edited on 11/02/16
El Taco Tote


Posted Oct 23 2016:
Four major areas of cruising: 1) the rest room at the club house; 2) the rest room at the lake; 3) baseball field in the front; and 4) baseball field at the back.

Seen plenty of action at the portable johns.

Best action all morning long. Peak action at lunch. Then after dark. Good luck.

Edited on 10/27/16


Posted Oct 20 2016:
This place is not what used to be. The cruisers decided not to come anymore so you may encounter two or three tops jacking off at the men rooms but that's it. An old crowd gets there around 4 pm to play baseball, so occasionally a cocksucker will show up to do them.

The refinery crowd is gone. The Mexican cocksuckers also gone, and in top the sheriff officers are constantly patrolling.

Used to be so nice.

Edited on 10/25/16


Posted Oct 16 2016:
How do guys stay safe here? How do you tell the cruisers? Lately all the bathrooms seem locked up.

Edited on 10/20/16


Posted Jun 29 2015:
Heads Up!
Be aware of undercover patrols. Let this place cool off. Last week very nice long haired gym body guys were cruising in plain cars taking cell pictures of license plates all over the park!

I think park attendants are aware of what is going on. Be safe, not sorry.

Edited on 07/02/15

From place description/comments:
Currently no longer cruisy, considering deletion unless this changes

Excellent for day cruising. Quiet, safe, and busy. My favorite spots: John at the baseball field, John at the soccer field, and John at the golf course.

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