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Adult Emporium #3


Category: Adult store with arcade Hours / Entry Fee: Open 9 am - 1 am daily Submitted: Apr 18 2001 (Edited 11/14/16)
Cruised here? Rate this place:
2.92/5 based on 12 votes. The median rating is .
Read & Write Reviews: 31 Reviews

Address: 4094 30th Street
City: San Diego
State: California
ZIP/Postal Code: 92104
Country: United States of America
Phone Number: 619-283-3000

Formerly The Crypt and before that, North Park Video.

Due to imprecision in our software, our map is slightly off. A better map is on Google.

GPS Approximate Latitude & Longitude: 32.7519,-117.13
See larger zoomable map from Google

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Joined: Feb 08, 2022

Total Listings: 5
Total Reviews: 59


Posted May 19 2024:
One of the smallest adult bookstores I've ever visited. No arcade entry fee. Just bring cash. Upon entering today, the pleasant staff member told me which booths were available for use. The arcade hallway is brightly lit and visible from the front desk, so play between patrons may be a challenge. The booths, some of which are very large, are quite clean. This place also has a fully-functional bathroom.

Edited on 05/22/24

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Posted Jan 19 2019:
I've been in here three times in the last month after work. The arcade has about 60 movies of all types. The place is clean and lighted. Twice my door was tried but I'm not too trusting. Parking is really bad. Sometimes you have to park three to five blocks away.

Edited on 01/21/19
NP Pounder


Posted Nov 06 2016:
This spot has re-opened as an Adult Emporium. The booths are clean and large. Unfortunately the handful of times I went there I was the only one in the place.

Thanks so much for the update! I think I used to shop for leather and accessories occasionally at a store here when I lived in Golden Hill down 30th Street in the late 90s. It was mainly a leather and toy store then, but I have fond memories of the guys there. Glad the space is being put to good use. :-) ~ Editor

Edited on 11/14/16


Posted Sep 24 2015:
The Crypt on Park Boulevard has shut down due to non-payment of rent. It is not clear if the other location on 30th Street in North Park is open.

Edited on 09/29/15

Usergroup: Member
Joined: Aug 06, 2002

Total Listings: 0
Total Reviews: 1


Posted Jul 19 2014:
This used to be a good reliable place but has gone down hill since they redesigned the arcade. The new design is really not very cruise-friendly There is one buddy-booth, and very little traffic in any of the booths any more. I used to like it when the booths were all in the middle and you could walk the perimeter and see what was happening. I also knew where the gloryholes were and would leave my door unlocked if a good one came through the hole so I could get an audience. That just doesn't work anymore. :(

Edited on 07/22/14
Super Reviewer

Usergroup: Member
Joined: Jan 25, 2003

Total Listings: 1
Total Reviews: 37


Posted May 09 2010:
This can be WAY fun or deadly tired. Either way you're out $5 for tokens so you take your chances. I had the best night after this year's Super Bowl. Four or five boozed up dudes with big horny cocks came in and let me drain them. No BS, just great cocksucking.

Edited on 05/13/10


Posted Nov 08 2009:
Went there yesterday and there was 4 guys there: an old bear, an older gentleman and then 2 guys who were so strung out on meth. I gave my tokens to the older guy and got out of there.


Posted Feb 01 2009:
Not sure what happened tonight but the back was closed off early (Saturday before midnight). A nearby bar that advertised a blackout party didn't have it either. Could be a crackdown in the area.


Posted Jan 20 2009:
Actually, SDPD can and have done surveillance and issued tickets in the bookstores but I haven't heard of them hitting this one in quite a few years.


Posted Jan 16 2009:
The $5 admission provides you with $5 worth of tokens to use in the video booths and allows for admission to the arcade. Although clerks do not seem to mind what is going on, there seems to be very little going on. There are only approximately five video booths in an odd layout and cruise potential is very limited and hindered due to the layout/smallness of this place. Signs on the outside of the video booths state only one person per booth and the area may be monitored by staff and that the San Diego police can enter the facility at any time. I doubt staff or the San Diego police monitor the goings on in the arcade but nonetheless the sign was a bit daunting. If you are the in the area it may be worth checking out but I would not make a special trip to this place.


Posted Mar 14 2008:
Very hot arcade. The clerks are very cool and laid back. All you have to do is pay the $5 and you are good to go. Clerks don't care what goes on back there.


Posted Dec 31 2006:
If you're into grandpa's this is the place to go.


Posted Nov 17 2006:
This place still is very hot and convenient. I got blown this afternoon not once, but twice. Recommended!


Posted Nov 12 2006:
Staff is very cool and the DVDs for sale selection is pretty good, especially with gay titles. Video booths take coin tokens.


Posted Nov 06 2006:
I checked this place out last weekend and all of the guys there were scary or disgusting or both. The arcade is tiny and has old, broken technology from the 1980's. They still take tokens for godsakes, if you can find a booth that works! If your idea of a good time is dumpy, queenie, or homeless trolls, then this is the place for you. The only positive is that the vibe at this place is openly gay, so the clerk could care less what is going on in the back.


Posted May 30 2006:
I've been there a couple of times and it looks pretty hot. I guess I should try the arcade!


Posted Mar 15 2006:
There's so much action going on in this place from the men outside at the bus stop, guys watching from their cars, men cruising among the DVDs -- and all of that before you even get to the back! The staff is very friendly. I've had guys call me to meet them there and fuck them and stick around while they take some more. North Park Video is practically a bathhouse! Definitely worth a stop.


Posted Feb 20 2006:
Having gay owners seems to make a big difference in that an arcade feels safe from nosey clerks, officious vice officers and homophobes. Management posts an official entrance fee of a few bucks in tokens. And while a token runs a movie for one of the shortest times I've ever seen, nobody seems to mind and customers stroll in and out of the arcade all night without questions. It helps that the sidewalk outside is worth cruising also. Late last Friday there was an amazing mixture of very plain, though very cute, guys from many different races and ages. Luckily for top men with a lot of patience, one of the cutest was a totally messed up blonde bareback bottom tweaker. I'd say this place gets my vote for most consistent results in San Diego.


Posted Apr 07 2005:
Last night, the store was dead. Maybe it's because they raised the admission to the arcarde. Luckily, the sidewalk was busy outside. We went someplace else, and I got myself a sweet mouthful.


Posted Mar 29 2005:
This place is gay owned and operated I think, and the clientele is almost exclusively gay. They allow practically anything to go on in their arcade. The fact that the clerks can't see back inside the arcade from where they work contributes to an anything goes type of atmosphere.


Posted Feb 19 2005:
Very small arcade but you can hang out there for literally hours as the predominately gay staff never comes back. Can be pretty slow in the mornings and afternnon. Mostly gay clientele of all ages and ethnicities. A few tweakers and druggies.


Posted Sep 01 2003:
This place always has action going on. There are all types of guys except prissy twinks.


Posted Jun 13 2003:
Cute crowd in a good neighborhood and the staff leaves you alone. I've had some good times here.


Posted May 22 2003:
Heads Up!
Be alert to any announcement from staff saying, "Everyone needs to be in a booth and you need to insert tokens." That is their way of saying the cops are there. It is behind the crypt and is only accessible through that store. As a result, the cops must identify themselves to the clerks to cross private property in order to go to the video booths.


Posted Mar 17 2003:
This place sucks. The staff seems to allow other guys to harass people in the booths. I was there one night when some guy was bad mouthing other people in the arcade. He was also slamming the doors making it a very uncomfortable situation.


Posted Jul 27 2002:
The nice, new private booths offer privacy. On a lucky night, even the staff will join you. It is very gay friendly and there are lots of hot guys. You can get anything from head to full on raunch in the booths. The best time is around 2 am when the bars close.


Posted Jun 20 2002:
The arcade is now well lit and has fewer booths. The full doors with locks are back. The action wasn't worth writing home about, but the clerks leave you alone.


Posted Dec 24 2001:
No doors on the booths and zero privacy, but the cute crowd, the staff and the neighborhood are queer and this place is surprisingly relaxed for a San Diego arcade. Still, I'd stay alert for prude cops, especially around election time. Or meet somebody and take him someplace else.


Posted Dec 09 2001:
Staff is pretty queer friendly and leaves you alone, but there is absolutely no privacy. A decent crowd, though.


Posted Nov 05 2001:
Cute guys in and out. Hot guy working on Saturday nights. Lots of dick and cum.


Posted Jul 04 2001:
The arcade area of this bookstore has no doors on the booths, but this doesn't stop the guys from playing. If you like your sex out-in-the-open raunchy, this place is for you! All you have to do is show a hard dick and you will have lots of takers. I get sucked off virtually every time I go in there, sometimes with an audience of 3 or 4 guys.

From place description/comments:
Formerly The Crypt and before that, North Park Video.

Due to imprecision in our software, our map is slightly off. A better map is on Google.

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